HealthAlternative Medicine

Treatment of myoma by folk remedies

A muscular layer of the uterus is often formed benign tumor - myoma. Sometimes it can germinate with a connective tissue and transform into fibroids. To prevent this process, you need to get rid of the tumor in a timely manner. How to treat myoma of the uterus with folk remedies? Is operation necessary?

Do not rush. It is possible at an early stage to avoid conservative methods and to treat myoma with folk remedies. Alternative medicine knows many plants that help in this case. For example, an effective agent from the crushed nettle dioecious and yarrow ordinary. Of these herbs you need to prepare an infusion, combining them in equal proportions and pouring a spoonful of a mixture of 0.2 liters of boiling water. Capacity to wrap, the composition to insist a couple of hours. Ready to filter and you can drink an hour before each meal for a hundred milliliters.

It will not be worse if the treatment of myoma with folk remedies is carried out with a medicine from the yarrow alone. Grass it needs to be grinded and two spoons to brew 0.2 liters of boiling water. To heat minutes ten on a water bath, hour-two to insist, then add the strained broth with boiled water up to that volume which was in the beginning. Three times to drink half an hour before meals, and the fourth - before bed.

There is another rather exotic in our time, but well-known to the ancestors, a remedy that helps with many women's problems, including with such as myoma. Treatment with folk remedies was not previously without the use of cannabis seeds. Water tincture on them perfectly resolves the nodes and small tumors in the uterus. Seeds need to be ground and one spoon to pour boiling water (two glasses), an hour to insist. Drink all the medicine sweetened with fruit juice or honey, for four meals before eating.

Tumors can be accompanied by bleeding. A good remedy for stopping blood is considered phyto-therapeutics extract from mistletoe. The plant is best harvested from acacia or apple trees. The hood is done on cold water: pour a spoonful of a drug with a glass of water and leave for four to five hours. Drink a gram of 60-80 a day. With the same purpose, you can take and tincture mistletoe on alcohol, taking it three times for 25 drops.

Of course, the treatment of myoma with folk remedies does not do without honey. A mixture of three components is prepared: 1.5 kg of crushed three-year or five-year aloe (it should be left without watering at least five days before cutting, or better - two weeks), 2.5 liters of cahors, whose strength varies from 10 degrees to 18, And 2.5 kg of honey collected in May.

Everything is mixed in a jar of dark glass (if any, you can and in the usual) and left in a cool, sheltered from the sunlight for five days. The present mixture is filtered and poured into bottles of dark glass. The first week it is drunk two hours before each of the three meals with one teaspoonful; Further - already one hour before a meal and a tablespoon. To be treated in this way should be at least two to five weeks, but it is still desirable to extend the course of such treatment to 6-8 weeks. A mandatory condition for successful treatment is the regular use of the mixture. This tool was tested, approved and recommended for use in Moscow, the Institute of Oncology.

With tumors of the uterus, sedentary baths with a decoction of sacred sultry are useful , for the preparation of which three spoons of fruits, seeds and leaves of the plant are boiled for five minutes in 200 milliliters of water, the hour is infused and filtered.

Effective treatment of myoma by folk remedies and with the intake of decoctions of plants such as lily flowers, ordinary lacqui.

Timely diagnosis and a serious approach to treatment, no doubt, will help to cope with diseases in the first or second stage of leakage.

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