Spiritual developmentAstrology

Lessons of practical astrology: the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, compatibility with other signs

Sagittarius people are very interesting specimens of mankind. Cheerful, temperamental, energetic, cheerful. Incorrigible romantics and dreamers, fighters for justice and freedom, and not only personally for themselves. Their ideas and ideals are often utopian to skeptics and pragmatists. But in vain. It's just that Sagittarius is ahead of its time. Someday humanity will necessarily become more humane, the world is purer and more beautiful. First of all, it was thanks to them, these troubled descendants of the centaurs.

With whom are you lucky

Suppose you are Sagittarius. Compatibility with other signs is determined in this case by such nuances: how much they will try to limit your freedom, how much you are willing to sacrifice personal principles and rules, and, naturally, how will look at your union of the stars.

  • To start a partner from his own constellation. Such a union is "very much nothing." He and she fit temperament, character traits and psychological type. Marriage will be fun, alive, of course, not without underwater reefs. But in love with each other, Sagittarius and Sagittarius compatibility with other signs in this regard will show less. And then they will even turn their disputes into explicit bonuses.
  • If Capricorn is one of the partners, the stars will also give "good", but with some reservations. Exactly: there must be strong physical attraction between them, sexual harmony. And although it is customary to say that on one sex in the family life you will not go far, however, without it the "Sagittarius-Capricorn" family will disintegrate in a very short time.
  • Another promising option is the commonwealth with Aquarius. It is especially good when the partner is Sagittarius. Compatibility with other signs in this version is less advantageous. But Aquarius, a man, Sagittarius-lady very easily and successfully convinces that only she is the love of his life. And even she will believe it. Especially, the couple looks almost the same for many phenomena of life, and their goals, by and large, coincide. Therefore, if Aquarius does not suddenly break off any dubious thing, which he will later regret tearfully, then for a long time the faithful and reliable companion will be the woman Sagittarius. Compatibility with other signs is worth trying out in the scenario, when Aquarius is a lady. In this case, it is not necessary to test fate, it is better to immediately turn to other shores.
  • And, finally, the Lions. Also very very successful option, first of all for Strelchy. In general, such a man for them - a true gift of fate. He will be able to satisfy his lady of the heart in all respects, and she will extol him to heaven. Of course, both will have to work on themselves. But such a cut will benefit both in pairs. In general, astrologers believe that the combination of "Lion-Man and Woman-Sagittarius" compatibility is almost ideal.
  • And with whom our star archer finds a common language, it is with the Virgin. Influence and education here is joint. Careful rationalist Virgo will receive important lessons for him, confidence, openness, cheerfulness and friendliness. And Sagittarius will learn to restrain the flow of emotions, will become more reasonable, even smarter. They can educate each other all their lives and become, in the end, a harmonious pair.

Grandmother guessing in two

What else does the Zodiac offer? Sagittarius can come together with Taurus and Aries, and, if lucky, be happy with them for a long time. No luck (as the card will lie down) - then expect the archer severe disillusionment. For the same reason, he should not be associated with Pisces, Scorpions, Cancers, etc. It can end badly for him and for partners.

However, the optimist and lover of Sagittarius has a remarkable quality. Failures only harden it, make it stronger. He always believes in success and goes to him - in spite of everything!

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