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Training program for 3 days a week: tips and tricks

Sports trainers are often asked the question of how to build muscle mass in general and a thin person in particular. For this purpose, special training complexes of exercises are developed. If you have a lean physique, it will be even easier to achieve the desired result, because you do not need to work on fat burning. This article discusses an approximate training program for 3 days.

Memo for beginners

In order to obtain the most effective and, no less important, safe result of the exercises, the correct organization of the training process is essential. Very often beginners can not wait to see themselves in an updated body, so they begin to conduct training 3 times a day, neglect the safety rules and over-zealous with the lessons. As a result, instead of pleasure and the desired effect, injuries, stretching and disappointment are obtained.


Human nature is created in such a way that people need motivation to carry out a task that requires a long-term effort. Otherwise, the heat quickly cools. The training program for 3 days a week is also included in the list of such tasks. With regard to sports activities, you can recommend the following. It is necessary to create a table, in which you weekly will record the results of measurements of body parameters. The starting point will be the dimensions taken before the start of training. It should be remembered that any significant changes will be visible only after classes for about three months.

How to Exercise

For the correct pace of training beginners are recommended a classic combination - 3 days of hard training a week with the involvement of all muscle groups. With this intensity, the body will be able to puff up and recover. A bunch is called the term "split" - a training plan for 3 days. Split involves performing exercises in three sets of eight to ten repetitions with three-minute pauses between approaches. Before the start of the training, a fifteen-minute warm-up is mandatory, followed by a pumping-the first exercise from the complex is repeated twenty times with a small weight for warming up and influx of blood to the muscles. The following elements are already executed with working weights. The duration of training should not be more than an hour and a half.

Duration of the program

As a rule, to obtain maximum effect, the training program for 3 days is developed with progressive forward movement. This means that a certain set of exercises is performed for two months, and then the program needs to be changed. This is necessary in order to avoid getting used to the muscles to the constant kind of loads, which will lead to slowing or stopping the development of muscle mass.

Muscle recovery

In the notion of muscle recovery is not only the renewal of energy reserves, but also the re-creation of its cells. To conduct effective training for athletes, two rules are used:

  • One muscle group is trained one day a week;
  • The pause between training is 48 to 96 hours.

Such a break enables the body to develop glycogen to replenish the spent reserves. Cell regeneration occurs within about two weeks - it depends on the characteristics of the body. The training program for 3 days a week provides not only intensive training, but also a full rest.

Proper nutrition

The main factor, without which it is impossible to obtain even small noticeable results, is a properly organized diet. The training program for 3 days provides for accurate adherence to nutrition recommendations, which ensures the success of the classes by about 70 percent. General requirements - to eliminate from consumption fatty, sweet, fried, floury and drink more liquid.

Thin Menu

An approximate diet for lean people can be suggested as follows:

  1. For breakfast, use a couple of boiled eggs, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, whole-grain bread and juice.
  2. The second breakfast can consist of fruits or vegetables and a protein cocktail.
  3. Lunch should consist of a meat or fish dish with rice or potato garnish.
  4. For lunch, you can repeat the second breakfast.
  5. For dinner, you need to eat a meat dish with rice or potatoes and juice.
  6. Half an hour before bedtime, you need to eat cottage cheese and drink a glass of protein cocktail.

Apparently, the menu for lean people is hard to call a diet, rather, it is a kind of diet to achieve the result of sports training. Nutrition tips, like the training program for 3 days a week, must be strictly observed.

What will we train

The main muscular groups participating in the three-day classic split are:

  • Deltoid muscles,
  • Caviar,
  • Triceps,
  • Muscles of the chest,
  • Forearm,
  • Muscles of the back,
  • press,
  • Thighs (quadriceps),
  • Biceps.

Training for lean people to build muscle - this is the so-called "program for mass", 3 days a week are divided into classes with different muscle groups.

Basic exercises used in training

To train the muscles of the breast, you can recommend the following:

  1. A good basic exercise is the dumbbell bench presses. They evenly load the pectoral muscles and are well suited for beginners.
  2. To work on the upper pectoral muscles, the press on the inclined plane is ideally suited. When it is done, you can alternate the barbell and dumbbells.
  3. One of the optimal exercises for pumping the lower thoracic region is back pressure on an inclined bench.
  4. For a good drawing and giving the volume of the lower part of the chest, pressing on the uneven bars is suitable.
  5. A good stretching muscles are simple push-ups.

For training with muscles of the back, such trainings are suitable:

  1. One of the most effective for the widest muscles is rod pull in the tilted position of the body.
  2. For the development of the same muscles, it is also worthwhile to include a wide grip in the training program. For those who are able to perform more than a dozen repetitions, you can add additional burdens.
  3. Also, the back of traction of the vertical block to the chest will work perfectly.

For the training of the muscles of the thigh, the following activities are recommended:

  1. The best for this purpose is squatting with the barbell. If this exercise is carried out correctly in the extreme position, the hips should be parallel to the floor. It perfectly works quadriceps and increases the mass of legs.
  2. For the development of the hamstrings and quadriceps, deep attacks with burdening are performed.
  3. For deep work of the hind muscles, the hips are made to flex the legs on the simulator.

Performing exercises on the biceps:

  1. A general development exercise for this group of muscles is the lifting of the bar to the biceps. For proper execution, the legs are placed at the width of the shoulders, the same distance is taken for the grip of the bar. The projectile should be lowered gently so that there is no pain. At first, there will be tension in the forearms.
  2. "Peak" muscles are created by lifting dumbbells to the biceps on an inclined bench. This exercise is considered the most effective when it is regularly performed.
  3. For a variety of training, you can apply pull-back grip.

To shape the deltoid muscles, the following activities are recommended:

  1. The best in this form is the bench press behind the head.
  2. To give the muscles different loads, you can use the barbells in standing position.
  3. For deeper elaboration of the deltoid muscles of the shoulder, the dumbbell presses in the sitting position will perfectly suit.
  4. The final exercise in the series for the shoulders can be lifted widely through the hand with dumbbells.

To train the muscles of the abdominal press, the following complex should be performed:

  1. The main exercise is twisting lying. It can be performed both on a flat and inclined surface.
  2. In order not to spoil the waist, oblique twists are recommended.
  3. To stimulate the lower press, foot lifts will be effective.

To give shape to the forearms will help these exercises:

  1. For a good giving of volume to this group of muscles, hand flexes with a barbell at the wrists will do.
  2. The reverse side of the forearm will work when the wrists are bent at the wrists with the bar taken with the back grip.

To develop the calf muscles, it is enough to climb on the toes sitting or standing, using weights.

To pump the trapezius muscles is an exercise such as shags - lifting the shoulders with the presence of weights in the hands. It can be performed both with dumbbells and with a barbell. The projectiles can be held in both the front and back. When the shoulders are in the highest position, it is necessary to sustain a pause before lowering. Exercise should be performed without the shoulders of circular motions.

Program for beginners

The training program for 3 days a week consists of two split, which must be alternated weekly.

Split # 1

Monday - training of the chest, triceps, press:

  • Bench press bars (on the bench);
  • French press;
  • Barbells with a narrow grip;
  • Dumbbell bench presses or sitting on an incline bench;
  • Twisting the body, lying on the bench.

Wednesday - the work of the back, biceps, forearms, press:

  • Traction of the horizontal block;
  • Rod rod in the tilted position of the body;
  • Pulling up the body, arms wide apart;
  • Lifting the bar to the biceps;
  • Wrist flexion with the bar;
  • Ascending straight legs in prone position.

Friday - exercises for the legs and deltoid muscles:

  • squats;
  • Extension of legs lying on the simulator;
  • Lifting on socks with a barbell;
  • Dumbbell presses in a sitting position;
  • The barbell presses behind the head are sitting;
  • Lifts widely across the hand with dumbbells;
  • Twisting in the block.

Split № 2

Monday - training of the chest, triceps, press:

  • Presses of dumbbells lying on the bench;
  • Rod presses on an inclined plane;
  • Reduction of hands on the simulator;
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars (elbows along the body);
  • Triceps press in a vertical block;
  • Ascending straight legs in prone position.

Wednesday - back, biceps, forearms, press:

  • Thrust to the chest of the vertical block in the position of "wide grip";
  • Drafts of one dumbbell by hand;
  • Lifting dumbbells to the biceps sitting;
  • Bending arms with a barbell in the wrists, reverse grip;
  • Twisting in the block.

Friday - feet and deltas:

  • Press your feet;
  • Deadlift;
  • Bending legs in the simulator;
  • Lifting the legs to the toes while sitting;
  • Bench presses standing;
  • Dumbbell bench presses sitting;
  • Styling of dumbbells;
  • Straight leg straightening.

In exercises where heavy shells are used, it is advisable to have an insurance partner.

For those who want to lose weight and girls

This complex is universal and can be used as a training program for 3 days a week for weight loss. In this case, the exercises are performed with small scales and short breaks between the approaches. In the diet should include more protein food, drink up to three liters of fluid per day, the last evening meal - no later than three hours before bedtime. A sleep for recuperation must have a duration of at least seven hours.

The training program for 3 days for the girl is somewhat different in connection with the characteristics of the female body. Exercises remain the same, but the number of approaches is increased to 5, and the number of approaches is increased to 15, the break between approaches is within 30 seconds. In the first half of the female cycle, the maximum loads are used, in the second they are slightly reduced.

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