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Maria Korpan: bodyflex. How to lose weight with breathing exercises?

When you really want to lose weight, there are no known false ways. Any idea seems like a new chance. Therefore, there are so many rigid mono-exercises, exercises with the promise of a momentary result. There are even adepts supplying air and solar energy. Against the background of others stands out Maria Korpan. Bodyflex introduced exactly it. For several years, this breathing gymnastics has become an independent brand and has gained a great many admirers. Does this technique work? Let us turn to the statistics for information.

Technology is a dream

It seems that it's easy to breathe - it's easy, and if it really does lose weight, it seems that it's called a spittle. This technique, however, is time-tested. And Maria Korpan bodyflex developed herself on the basis of the technique of Greer Childers. In fact, the five-step breath of bodyflex is a modified uddiyanu-pranayama.

In Hatha Yoga this type of breathing has been used for more than two thousand years, and it gives excellent results. In particular, practitioners can improve health and get rid of a layer of fat through a massage of internal organs. Also in the process, the blood is saturated with oxygen. Marina Corpin bodyflex made the most safe and effective system of weight loss, as she did not ignore yoga and her postulates.

We dig into the base

How did Maria Corpanda open the bodyflex? She was an ordinary fitness lover, correcting her own figure, interested in proper breathing. As a child, Maria was pretty plump and passed a long, debilitating path, including strict diets, eating disorders, and many hours of training. She came to yoga when she reached certain results, and then she found her vocation.

Bodyflex is close to pranayama yoga. To learn it you need to remember some basic concepts. The first is mula-bandha, or the so-called root lock. This is the retraction of the muscles of the perineum, anus and vagina. By the way, such exercises are useful for recovery after childbirth. "Root lock" allows you to stabilize the flow of energy.

The second basic concept is the uddiyana-bandha, or the middle castle. In this exercise, the stomach is drawn in, with the feeling that you are pressing the tennis ball against the spine with your navel. Uddiyana actively kneads the stomach, intestines and liver. With its help, the body is purified and metabolism is restored.

Finally, jalanhara-bandha is a throat lock. In such a process, drag the root of the tongue to the upper sky. Imagine yourself that you want to swallow and simultaneously lower your chin to your chest. The voice gap should be kept closed. Such a lock preserves the vocal cords, massages the thyroid gland, and starts metabolic processes.

For beginners

So, you have chosen a bodyflex. Maria Korpan for beginners offers a very short, simple and effective training.

For the first exercise stand straight, feet at the width of the shoulders, relaxed knees. Unfold your entire shoulders and breathe deeply through your mouth. Imagine blowing out candles on a cake or chilling a hot soup. Lips stretch the tube and take vigorous breaths. At this time, pull the abdominal wall to the spine, and pull the belly in exhalation. After exhalation, pause and inhale with a nostril. Try to get air into the stomach, not just into the lungs. This movement Corpin calls "the effect of a sinking person" and is considered a panacea for relieving tension from the spine.

Then exhale the "groin". During this exercise, squeeze your lips and, on exhalation, literally push air out of your lungs. The head can be slightly thrown back. The next exercise involves performing all three locks with a breath delay for 10 seconds. In the final exercise, relax the locks before inhaling and just push the stomach away from the spine. Further lift the chin and, opening the voice gap, let air into the lungs.

What can I say about nutrition?

Patience, tranquility and restraint teaches Maria Corpan. Bodyflex (3 main lessons) is a base that can be performed anywhere and anytime. Even if no one notices your workout, the results will not slow down. All performed locks will keep the body toned. But for noticeable results in losing weight, you need to correct the food.

Corpain recommends to abandon strict restrictions, but eat with a teaspoon. You need to eat slowly and do not plan another diet.

Find for pregnant women

In the classical version, the lessons of Maria Korpan are very effective. Bodyflex, however, is strictly forbidden to pregnant women. But they also need to stabilize their breathing and keep themselves in shape. Should I give up my favorite workout during pregnancy? By no means, after all, in such a period it is possible to practice using the Oxisayz technique, which does not involve breath holding. Pregnant women can perform light stretching exercises without a strong load on the small pelvis.

There are also disadvantages

Not only laudatory reviews are received by Maria Korpan. Bodyflex reviews neutral and negative can get in cases where women do not pay attention to contraindications. However, breathing exercises do not suit everyone. In the risk zone, people with pressure surges, hypertension, pregnant women, visually impaired. It is also worthwhile to refrain from gymnastics for people suffering from heart diseases, having a hernia, visual system defects, chest injuries and chronic diseases in acute stage. If after a session your head hurts, bad dreams disturb, then you need to pause. By the way, there may be dizziness, but this is normal, because the body receives more oxygen. This can be used in a quarter of an hour of training.

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