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The works of F. Tyutchev. Analysis: "It's not that you wriggle, nature ..."

Fedor Ivanovich is one of the most famous poets in Russian literature, his name is closely connected with political and philosophical lyrics and vital whirlpools.

Fyodor Tyutchev is a thinker

In it, the thinker was guessed. He was remembered, despite the fact that he left behind a little: several articles, translated and original poems, not all of which are successful. But among other things there are pearls of thought, deep and subtle observations, immortal expressions, traces of a grandiose mind and inspiration. All his life he wrote poetry to find himself, better understand his inner world, so that his reader is also a witness of the spiritual work of the poet in self-knowledge. Fedor Tyutchev wrote, feeling the need to express himself. He is very sensitive to nature. His dexterity in handling images of the elements is a gift that can be seen with the naked eye. It is pleasant to peer into the poems of the poet, they are interesting to study, to disassemble - images contain a lot of secret meaning, that's why their analysis is so fascinating. "Not that you think, nature ..." - a poem written by Tyutchev in 1836, bears in itself the important Thought of the poet. But which one? This we will try to find out.

Geniuses of thought converge

Before starting the analysis of Tyutchev's verse, one should get acquainted with the events that influenced his appearance and served as an inspiration for the poet. Most of all the similarities his thought has with the natural philosophy of Friedrich Schelling, the German thinker. Creative interrelations between them were traced repeatedly, interest in his work was born even in those times when the poet joined the future Slavophiles, who shared the aesthetics and romantic metaphysics of German literature, in particular Schelling. Tyutchev was not a plagiarist, he did not borrow the ideas themselves, only paid attention to the statement of the relationship between man and nature, man and the universe, on the spiritualization of the cosmos and the notion of the world soul. The Russian poet was one of the most loyal followers of the ideas of the German and for a long time adhered to the concepts of Schelling. Also this poem FI Tyutchev - a protest against the essay Heine, who published in France and criticized the position of Frederick, Hoffmann and Novalis and their natural philosophy.

The role of circulation in the poem

If you pay attention, then the entire poem is built as an appeal to the reader - that's where the analysis begins. "It's not that you wriggle, nature ..." is the poet's message to us. If the phenomenon is globalized, then all literature can be called a dialogue between the creator and his reader. If in some works this is not evident, here Fedor Tyutchev asks us questions, offering to find answers to them and to think over questions that may seem eternal. Conversion makes us feel the presence of the poet, as if he is our interlocutor, and at the same time allows himself to retire with himself, look deep into his inner world and reflect on the proposed topic. We do not see a lyrical subject, but a lyrical hero, in which Tyutchev's features are present, because he himself was similar to this kind of reasoning. Due to the appeal, a lyrical hero-reader is building a dialogue, which makes the poem more accessible, enlivens it.

Ottochia and the main meaning

Analysis of Tyutchev's verse will not be complete, if we ignore the presence of sharpened eyes. They were replaced by stanzas, but they were seized by censorship for one reason or another. After such a procedure, they are usually lost and rarely found. So it happened with this poem. However, despite the fact that some pieces are missing, the poem has not lost its meaning. His main idea is the relationship between man and nature. The importance of a person's ability to feel is emphasized, because if a person is deaf, then he does not live at all. If for such people nature has no sense, no person, then for Tyutchev it is important and is "the voice of the mother herself". It is by the images of nature that the poet expresses secret emotions, asks questions that stir him, and seeks answers in something primordial. Tyutchev not only views nature, admiring it, it pushes him to philosophical reflections, in it the poet sees a living organism with his feelings, with his soul and life, whose laws are not always able to comprehend a person.

The image of nature in Tyutchev's lyrics

Nature - one of the main characters in Tyutchev's poems. And she is often present not as a background for reflection, but as an actor, in his poetry nature has a face, she speaks, thinks, feels. Everything in it seems to Feodor Ivanovich full of special meaning, which she seeks to bring to the person. But a person does not always hear nature. To understand what she is saying, he needs to listen not with his ears, but with the heart, letting everything through his soul. The poetic analysis ("Not that you wriggle, nature ...") can not be built without reference to this image, which plays a key role here. The personification of nature makes it even more like a large living organism, with which each of us is intimately connected, but everyone can speak to him in one language, this requires appropriate spiritual education, the softness of the heart and soul. Nature is diverse: it is capable of being powerful, dangerous, not knowing compromises, or it may be like a beautiful and bright child.

Easy verses Tyutchev: what's the secret?

After some poems, there is a strange sediment, some kind of heaviness, when thoughts start to unpleasantly swarm in the head. But after Tyutchev's lyrics, this is not observed - there is some kind of vague ease in it. This does not mean that after it a person does not become absorbed in meditation, one and only poetic analysis ("Not that you wriggle, nature ...") is already a confirmation of this, because this is a synthesis of thought, reasoning, and the study of the subtleties of the poem. Just Feodor Tyutchev suggests us to think with all understandable images that do not require preparation, they are extremely clear and simple, like all ingenious. Nature is both a mystery and something that surrounds us since our birth, what can be closer to us? The spiritual closeness of man and nature is the key that the poet so skilfully operated on. The theme of this relationship is familiar to each of us, it is built on feelings and emotions, and not on something scientific and difficult to access. Each new analysis of Tyutchev's verse brings us closer to the nature that the poet loved so much, respected and spiritualized.

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