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The proverb about knowledge is the great wisdom of the people

Knowledge from ancient times was a great value. Scientists, cultural and art figures have always sought answers to questions of common interest to humanity. People with knowledge were respected in every nation. In many cultures, proverbs have persisted, which encourage learning, being inquisitive and active. Wise sayings of different countries often resonate with each other, they have one and the same meaning.

What is knowledge for?

They are the basis for reflection. They help in everyday life, at work and during rest. As Leo Tolstoy said, "knowledge is a tool, not a goal." Man learns the world around not only through experience, but also through books, information obtained from other people. After the advent of the Internet, it became easier than ever to get knowledge. The main thing is to choose the right information. The proverb about knowledge is one of the main learning tools.

Maxim Gorky argued that to prove to a person the necessity of knowledge is like convincing him of the usefulness of vision. The famous Russian proverb about knowledge says: "He who does not know the small, does not know the great." It is important to be able to find benefit in any event, constantly increasing its erudition.

Proverbs about knowledge

In Russian culture, a special attitude to knowledge has developed. Folk art constantly urged people to accumulate useful experience and its transfer to future generations. As they say, "who has little knowledge, can not teach much". However, a variety of information is needed not only for mentors. Any person is able to benefit from their actions, if they are based on knowledge.

Proverbs about knowledge (Russian):

  • "What is reason, such are the speeches."
  • "Action is always the result of thinking."
  • "Knowledge - not voditsa, by itself will not pour into the mouth."
  • "You do business without knowledge - do not wait for the fruits."
  • "The book is a bridge to the world of knowledge."
  • "The world illuminates the sun, and the head is the mind."
  • "Who does not know the road, he stumbles constantly."
  • "It's easy to forget what you do not know."
  • "Where there is no knowledge, there is no place for courage."
  • "You can beat one with your hand, but with knowledge - one thousand."
  • "From knowledge and life is more beautiful."
  • "There is no knowledge without diligence."
  • "Knowledge on the shoulders do not press."
  • "Who wants to learn much, he will have to sleep a little."

The proverb for knowledge is an inalienable element of not only Russian creativity, but also the culture of other peoples.

Proverbs of different countries

As the English say, "live and learn." Also in the culture of Great Britain there are similar expressions of knowledge about Russians:

  • "There is no more dangerous knowledge than half knowledge."
  • "No man was born to the trained."
  • "There is no Royal path to teaching."
  • "It's never too late to learn."

Japanese wisdom says: "Ask - a minute's shame, and not ask - a shame for life." Also in the Land of the Rising Sun know that "the science of easy ways does not exist." The Persian proverb about knowledge says that "with the mind one can get a thousand swords, and a sword can get a little."

Knowledge (the availability of knowledge from different areas) helps to develop the mind.

Proverbs about clever

The clever man loves to learn, and the fool to teach. Every Russian child knows this from childhood. The portrait of an intelligent person is characterized by the following proverbs:

  • "A smart head has a hundred hands."
  • "Smart is rich without money."
  • "Sharp sees far away, but smart - next."
  • "Do not leave the son of gold, leave the mind."
  • "A neighbor does not have a mind".

Any proverb about knowledge encourages people to develop curiosity, increase their enthusiasm for life. Without such qualities it is impossible to become happy. Knowledge is the key that can open any door to a person.

Folk wisdom has collected a lot of sayings that help people navigate in everyday situations and improve the quality of their lives. To become happy simply is to use the mind given to everyone by nature.

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