
The preparation "Biovital Gel"

The main pharmacological effect of the drug is that it has an extremely beneficial effect on the development of a growing organism. "Biovital Gel" is able to meet the patient's need for vitamins. It relieves the symptoms of increased fatigue, raises the level of concentration of attention, provides immunity to colds, increases appetite. Vitamins contribute to the normalization of oxygen consumption processes and, as a consequence, stimulate the production of energy.

The composition of the drug "Kinder Biovital Gel" includes the following substances:

- palmitate retinol has functions that enhance the nervous system, reduces the severity of the transfer of infectious diseases, improves the skin, synthesizes the visual pigment;

- Tocopherol acetate acts as an active antioxidant, excludes the possibility of cell damage by free radicals and the formation of toxic oxidation products in the body, participates in protein synthesis, fat metabolism, tissue respiration and many metabolic processes. The lack of this vitamin can provoke a disruption in the functioning of the muscular, cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems;

- Thiamine hydrochloride promotes the normal functioning of the heart and the nervous system;

- Riboflavin helps to assimilate energy from food, and also takes part in the process of tissue regeneration;

- pyridoxine hydrochloride participates in the process of amino acid metabolism, promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin;

- Cyanocobalamin allows the nervous system to function properly;

- nicotinamide provides transportation of phosphorus and hydrogen;

- calcium pantothenate participates in the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, it affects the growth of the organism;

- ascorbic acid promotes the flow of oxidation-reduction processes and regulates carbohydrate metabolism;

- kolokaltsiferol performs the regulatory function of the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body, ensures the functioning of parathyroid glands ;

- calcium phosphinate promotes optimal flow of muscle stimulation processes and promotes blood clotting;

- molybdate sodium prevents the possible development of pathology of the brain;

- lecithin lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and promotes fat metabolism.

The drug "Biovital", the instruction for the use of which contains a significant amount of indications, is good because:

- allows to prevent and treat hypo-and avitaminosis caused by unbalanced nutrition;

- performs the functions of an additional therapeutic agent in the appointment of antibiotics, correction of the syndrome of maladaptation;

- used for the prevention of rickets;

- topical use is indicated for manifestations of stomatitis.

Recommendations for use:

- infants - taking half a teaspoon is done 1 time per day;

- Children between the ages of three months to one year - half the teaspoon should be consumed 2-3 times per day;

- Children between the ages of one to six take one teaspoon at a frequency of once every 24 hours;

- Children from six years of age and adults should take one teaspoon 2 times during the day;

- with stomatitis, the gel is applied to the surface of mucous membranes 3-5 times throughout the day.

"Biovital Gel" is contraindicated in:

- diseases associated with increased levels of urine protein and calcium;

- symptoms of idiopathic hypercalcemia;

- manifestations of systemic sarcoidosis;

- manifestations of multiple myeloma ;

- Symtoms of Itenko-Cushing's disease;

- pronounced acromegaly;

- manifestations of hypothyroidism;

- signs of hyperparathyroidism;

- hypervitaminosis D.

With the correct dosed application of the drug "Biovital gel", there is no chance of side effects. Allergic reactions can occur in isolated cases.

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