
The original part of the word. Spelling of significant parts of the word

Morphemic analysis of the word is one of the most difficult, and after all, from how correctly the most significant part of the word is determined, its correct spelling depends. Morphemes participate in the formation of new words: their names denote the ways of word formation. He studies the parts of the word 5 class, then, in the seventh, they are repeated when studying the topic "Word formation". As you can see, the knowledge of morphomics is one of the building blocks on which the language is built. Spelling is determined by the position relative to other morphemes, stress, lexical meaning and phonemes that make up the composition. About what meaningful parts of the word mean, what they are, how they are written, we will tell in this article.

Morphemica - the science of parts of the word

Morphemica is a part of the science of language as a discipline that studies the significant parts of the word individually, as well as the composition of the lexeme. Morpheme is an important part of the word, which determines its meaning. The root and the suffix, the ending and the prefix, the base are all morphemes.

The parts of the word are divided according to the role played in the word, and also by position relative to each other. The root is the most important part of the word. Without it, a lexeme can not exist. He is always. Other parts of the word are called affixes. Depending on the situation, they are subdivided into prefixes (standing in front of the root) and suffixes (located after the root) and flexion. They differ in the role they play.

Some morphemes participate in the formation of new words: suffix, prefix. Others (flexions) form grammatical forms.

What do you mean by significant parts of the word? The answer is simple - they affect its meaning, grammatical or lexical. You can divide the word into parts, syllables or groups of syllables. But they will not have a relationship to the notion of significance.


Let's start with the most important part, without which the word is not thought of, its root. It contains the main lexical meaning.

The notion of this morpheme is closely related to another - the root words. These are such lexemes, which have the same roots. From single-root words are formed nests, large and small. So, the word yeast has only one root word - yeast. And the word star nest is much more: an asterisk, star, interstellar, constellation and many others.

To extract a root, you need to determine the lexical meaning of the word. So, similar in sounding words can have different roots: frost in the meaning of light frost and drizzle in the meaning of drizzle. In the first case, the root is frost-free, in the second, -morosome. As you can see, spelling of significant parts of the word, and first of all roots, largely depends on their definition and lexical meaning.

There are also many-valued roots. So, at the root-water-at least two values. If we are talking about the words led, the conclusion, the conductor, lead , this root denotes an action. In words, water, water, the submariner, the meaning of the root-water-signifies belonging to water.

Orthograms of the root

The root is the most significant part of the word, the spelling of which must be treated with attention. After all, it contains the main lexical meaning. There are several orthograms of this morpheme. They are associated with the alternation of sounds, vowels and consonants, as well as with those graphemes that are checked by a strong position.

The roots with the alternation of vowels must be remembered. The rule can be conditionally divided into several points:

  1. They are checked by the position of the stress. Thus, in the roots -gar-I-the letter a is stressed and under stress, in all other cases- o : burn, sunburn. The same roots are - p - / - zor; -clan - / - clone; -tour - / - creative-.
  2. Checked by a subsequent letter. These roots are -lag- (a) / - false; -kas (a) / -cos-; -rest - / - pasch - / - ros-, as well as numerous roots with alternation e / u: -ber-f-bir; -der - / - dir-; -per - / - pir-and others. Examples: believe / put; Touch / touch; Plant / grow / thickets; I take / take.
  3. They are checked by accentuation. The word is chosen so that the sound is stressed: victory is victory. The last is a test word, in which the letter e stands in the shock position.

As for unpronounceable consonants, then to check the necessary letter, you need to find the word, so that the necessary group is heard well: honest - honor. The second word is a test word.


The ending is the formative part of the word. It expresses its grammatical meaning (gender, number, case). It can be zero.

Since some parts of speech do not assume a change in the grammatical form - they do not have an ending. Put a zero ending in such parts of speech - a gross error. It shows that a person does not understand what this significant part of the word expresses. These are parts of speech, like:

  • Adverb.
  • The gerund.
  • A small group of immutable adjectives (beige).
  • Comparative degree of adjectives.
  • A small group of possessive pronouns (her, them).

So, in the word "home" - zero ending, but in the word "backwards" there is no ending, because this adverb is an invariable part of speech.

To properly select the ending, you need to change the word by case, person or number. That part of the word, which at the same time varies and will be the end: sang - pel-a, sang-e, sing-o or mountain, mountains, mountains.

Spelling of endings

The correctness of writing the ending is checked with the nouns as follows: you need to determine the declination correctly. The first declension in the dative and prepositional cases assumes the writing of the ending -e: to the walls-e, to the walls-e. This does not apply to nouns that end in -i.

The second declension requires the end -e only in the prepositional: o house-e, o clouds-e. The exception is words ending in -y / -y: about the planetarium, about the heritage.

The third declension requires the end, and in the cases of dative, genitive and prepositional: about the daughter, about the mother.

As for the personal endings of the verb, it is required to correctly identify the conjugation: in I the ending contains the letter e or y (w) (-yesh / -et / -out, etc.). Examples: pash-eat, pash-e-te, pash-ut.

In the second conjugation, the letters u , a (i) (-is / -it / -at, etc.). Examples: rast-ish, rast-ite, rast-yat.

Prefix and suffix

What significant parts of the word are involved in the formation of new ones? This prefix and suffix. The prefix is a significant part of the word that stands before the root. The suffix is behind it. So, from the word friend with the help of the prefix we do not form the word foe , but if we use the suffix -ok, we get the word buddy . You can use both morphemes, then you get the word commonwealth . The word-formation methods used are called appropriately prefix, suffix and prefix-suffix.

In addition to the word-formation function, suffixes can also have a form-forming function. So, for the formation of the verb of the past tense, the suffix -l- (sing, calculated) is used.

Spelling of suffixes of verbs

Orthograms in the suffix are almost in every part of speech. We will analyze the most popular ones.

Verbs need to know the following rules:

  1. The suffixes -ova - / - eva -; -waita / -yva-. Spelling is checked by the word in the first person present, standing in the singular. If in this form the -th j-th is used, then the suffix -ova-/ -eva- is written. In the opposite case, you will see.
  2. The suffixes of verb forms - participles - are determined by the conjugation of the verb from which this participle is formed. The first conjugation assumes -you - / - yushch, the second -and - / - yasch.

Spelling of suffixes of adjectives

Adjective suffixes obey the rules:

  1. Suffixes -ev - / - uv must be checked with accent. In a strong position, a letter is written and, in a weak letter, a letter e. For example, a beautiful, combat one . The suffixes -pow-/ -live must be written both in the shock and in the unstressed position.
  2. Spelling n and n in the suffixes of adjectives depends on the structure of the word and on the suffix used. So, the word misty is formed with the help of the suffix n from the word fog . Wrote nn , because nn is at the junction of two morphemes. Suffixes of adjectives -one - / - enn - are always written with nn : revolutionary, vital .

Spelling of noun suffixes

The record holder for the presence of orthograms in the suffix is a noun. The rules are as follows:

  1. If it is a question of suffixes denoting professions, then before,,,,, write, -char-. For example, a pilot, a defector, an asphalt paver , but a lantern, a ferryman . It should also be remembered that the suffix-is written exclusively with e: teacher, educator .
  2. A large group of diminutive-suffixes also requires the application of rules. They are connected both with accentuation, and with change of the form of a word. The suffixes -ok - (- ek-), onok (-enok-) depend on the stress. In a strong position is always written about : galchonok, kushachok , but kitten .
  3. Change and look at the form of the word is necessary in the following cases: -e- or -and- we check as follows: put the word in the genitive case. When a letter is written, write -ek-, otherwise - -or-. For example: a pocket (no pocket), a key (there is no key) . In the second case, the letter is left, so it remains in the suffix. The suffix -etz - / - is checked by determining the genus. In masculine there will be -et-, feminine and middle--Is-: brother , but Voditsa, dress .

Spelling of consoles

Unlike suffixes, the orthograms in consoles are the same for all parts of speech.

  1. Some of the consoles should be remembered, there are no variations in their writing in Russian. The most common are: c-; about-; from-; before; Under . Examples: do, go around, fight off, crawl, creep.
  2. Variational prefixes that end in s / s must be checked with the sound from which the root begins. If from a voiced consonant or a vowel - it is required to write s , otherwise - c . Call (3, from which the root begins, sonorous) or vospranut (root begins with n , a deaf sound).
  3. If the root begins with u , then it should be replaced by s , in the case where the prefix ends in a consonant. Prehistory, a rally, an artless one .
  4. A special group of prefixes / pref. Their writing depends on the lexical meaning that the given morpheme expresses. So, if we are talking about incompleteness, proximity and approximation - will be written at. For example, the seaside (near the sea), slightly open (not fully open), come (approaching).

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