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The name of the Old Slavonic months of the year

It is very interesting to compare the names of the modern and Old Slavonic months. Latin names do not tell us anything, but in Slavic you can see the features that were sign for our ancestors. July is a pity, a time of hard work in the field, October is a wedding, the most suitable time for a gulp, and December is a fierce, a time of cold. Folk names help to learn about the life of the villagers, their observations, signs. The traditional calendar was called the Monthly.


It was from this spring month that the year usually began, not only among the Slavs, but also among Jews, Egyptians, Romans, ancient Greeks and Persians. Traditionally, the beginning of the new year the peasants linked either with the beginning of spring work, that is, preparation for sowing, or with the end of harvesting. Time was calculated according to the European pattern by Peter the Great.

The first month of the year was called birch - in the south, dry - in the north of Russia, as well as a thawing, wintering, Beloyar. The explanation of the names of the months in the Old Slavic calendar is simple and understandable intuitively. Dry, that is dry, drying the spring moisture. Sokovik, birch - at this time the birch began to give juice, the kidneys swelled. Winterbore is the first warm month after a frosty winter, defeating the winter. Protalnik - the snow begins to melt. It was also called March as a flying month, since spring was called a "proletarian". Known, and such options as the Capella, the morning of the year, the spring, the spring, the rook.


The name of the Old Slavonic months is often associated with observations of nature. April was called the primrose and blooming because at that time nature begins to blossom, the first flowers and trees bloom. Snowball, because the last snow melted, caddisfly - due to a drop and numerous streams, birch and berezozol - due to the awakening from the sleep of white birches. There are also known names of the cunning and capricious, because the weather in this month is very variable, thaws are replaced by frosts. As the month brought the first warmth, it was also called the steam room. As you can see, because of the difference in the climate in one locality, April was associated with the flowering of grasses, and in the other - only with the descent of snow.


The Old Slavonic names of the months of the year tell us about what processes were taking place at that time. The most common name for May is herbal, herbal, since this is the month when the vegetative growth begins. This is the third flying month. In May, there are many national names: the blossom (the beginning of the flowering of many plants), the yarets (in honor of the god Yarila), leaf leaf (the appearance of bundles of grass and leaves), mur (appears grass-ant), rosenik (due to abundant morning dew) .


The Old Slavonic names of the months of the year may surprise, as many of the words of the language used were forgotten. For example, most often the month of June was called the isok. So called the common insect - an ordinary grasshopper. It is in June that their singing can be heard most often. Another common name is the worm, because of the appearance of dye worms. You can hear and crocheted (from the fire, the armchair), skopid, bread (it saves bread for the whole year). For the abundance of colors, light: multicolored, light, rose-colored, blooming, blush of the year.


The Old Slavonic months corresponded to one of the four seasons. The middle of the summer was July, because it was called the top of the summer. Most often you can hear the name of the chervens because of the numerous berries and fruits that have a red color. There comes a full flowering of linden, it releases sweet sticky juice, so the second common name is lipen or lime. Stradnik - from heavy suffering in the fields, thunderstorm - from numerous thunderstorms.


The name of the months in the Old Slavonic language can reflect the occupation of the peasants at this time. In August, harvesting begins, so most often it was called stubble or sickle. Known names of hospitable people, grain, skits, raznosol. Gustar, gustoyed - this month is abundant, densely eaten. The meadow is like a boundary, between summer and autumn. In the north, thanks to the bright glow of the lightning, there were in the course of the name zarev and zurniknik.


Old-Slavonic names of the months of the year and modern ones can be quite different. So, the ancient Russian name of September was ryuin or howler, ruen - from the autumn roar of deer and other animals, possibly, winds. Mood hints at changing weather conditions, cloudy, gloomy sky, frequent rains. The name has a crest, a variety of versions of origin. On Polesie grows a low evergreen shrub, a heath-bearing heather. In August-September begins its flowering. Another version says that a similar name could have come from the Ukrainian word "wraith", which denotes frost, which can already appear in the morning. Another name for September is the mountain ashberries.


The name of the Old Slavonic months often very vividly characterizes the weather conditions. You can easily guess that under the name of leaf fall is hidden precisely October, the month in which the abundant falloff of leaves begins. A villager can recognize him under a different name - padzerk, because it is at this time begin to tear, crumple flax and hemp. Due to frequent rains and damp weather you can hear one more name - the mud. The main agricultural work was coming to an end, the bins were full, it's time to marry, so because of the numerous weddings - a wedding. October in Russia was called a leaflet, yellow due to the golden autumn. He smelled of cabbage, that's why he was a cabbage soup. And a breadbaker and a wood-drunker.


There is in the Old Russian language such a word - "piles". It is a frozen land with snow, even a frozen winter road was called a breastfeed. Here, and gave the first frosts, November is most often called a chest, breast or breast month. November is rich in names: leafy, leaf fall (the last leaves fall off, October gold begins to turn into humus), moccas (plentiful rain), snow and half-winter (from the first snow in the beginning of the month passes to real snowdrifts and frosts), off-road car, summer offender, Winter's mantra, winter's eve, the gates of winter, the twilight of the year (early darkens), the sunshine (the day quickly decreases), the hard-core, the seven of the year, the sledge of the first morning (start to go on sleigh).


In the cold season, such simple and speaking names as the Old Slavonic months were called to the tongue. Our ancestors called December a student, a jelly, a cold, frosty, frosty cold, ordinary at that time. Winter is the mother, hence the name fierce, fierce, lute. Snowdrifts are already deep - snow. Cold strong winds and blizzards prevail, such as windstorm, wind, wind, chill, pulling, frost.


The name of the Old Slavonic months is not always obvious. It can help a modern person to look a little differently at familiar things. January is associated with the very height of winter, its middle. But in the old days it was called a blueprint. At this time the weather more often becomes clear, the blue sky begins to appear, there is more sunlight, the day increases. Folk names: a fracture of winter, sechen (winter is dissected into two halves), a basilus month, a wintry end. Frosts are still strong and do not weaken - fierce, crackling.


The name of the Old Slavonic months can be the same for different periods of time. A good example is the winter months, especially February. The widespread Slavic-Russian name is sechen. But often there was also snow, fierce, vyugovei, that is, names that are characteristic for other winter months. One of the interesting names - boogogrey. In the warm days the cattle left the stable, to warm the sides under the sun. Vral - on the one hand the barrel heats, and on the other - studs. Another popular name is wide roads. It was believed that it was in February that forest animals created pairs, so a month could be called an animal wedding.

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