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Vasily Shukshin's story "Rural inhabitant": summary, characteristics of heroes and reviews

Vasily Shukshin is one of the most famous Russian writers, actors and directors of the 20th century. Everyone who has read his stories finds in them something of his own, close and understandable only to him. One of the most famous works of Shukshin is the story "Villagers".

Childhood of the Future Writer

Vasily Shukshin was born in a small Altai village. His parents were simple peasants. With the beginning of collectivization, the family of the future writer joined the collective farm. Shukshin's father worked honestly, but this did not save him from repression. After graduating from school, the young man entered a technical school. However, I could not finish my studies, because I had to make a living. Next was the service in the Navy.

Life of an adult Shukshin

After returning home after the service, Shukshin tried himself in several areas, but without success. Then the young man decided to go to VGIK. Even becoming a famous actor and director, Shukshin never forgot his origins. Most of his stories and films were devoted to the village and the life of the common man. Shukshin's story "Villagers" is a striking example of this.


A year after his arrival in Moscow and admission to the VGIK, Shukshin made his debut in the cinema. He starred in an episodic role in the second part of the "Quiet Don". In 1959, the movie "Two Fyodor" was released. After the release of this tape Shukshin became a demanded actor. Films shot by Shukshin-director, also enjoyed the love of the audience.

One of his most famous paintings is "Red Kalina". This film was different from all those that Shukshin shot earlier. Prior to her, Shukshin was perceived as a master of rural prose. It was believed that the protagonist of his works is always a villager who inevitably changes under the influence of his surrounding reality.

Vasily Shukshin died on the set of the film "They fought for their Motherland". Created by him works and films - the memory of this great man: a writer, an actor, a director. One of them is the story "Villagers".


The action takes place in the Russian outback. Grandma Malanya received a letter from her son-pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, in which he called her to stay in Moscow. The son advised his mother to fly on an airplane, as this will come out cheaper. After reading the letter, the grandmother recognized Shurka's grandson who lived with her when he began his next vacation, and left the hut. The boy listened with excitement as Grandma Malanya talked to her neighbors, told them about her son's invitation, and asked how best to do it. All neighbors unanimously urged Malanya to accept the invitation. After returning she began to dictate to her grandson the text of the telegram for her son, then to send her to Moscow. During the work the boy unsuccessfully tried to explain to his grandmother that he should write briefly. Otherwise, you have to pay a lot of money. Grandma Malanya did not listen to her grandson, scornfully called him "literacy." As a result, the telegram was written in the way that the grandmother wanted, and was carried to the post office. According to Shurki, for her it is necessary to give about twenty-two rubles.

An elderly woman is a typical villager who is afraid of everything new. City life frightens her. So she invited her neighbor with the intention of asking for advice. Yegor Lizunov worked as a school clerk and flew several times on an airplane. Babka asked him to tell "everything in order." As a reward, she poured home beer for the man. During the conversation, Yegor drank enough of this alcoholic beverage and so got drunk. At first his story was perceived by an elderly woman as normal, she even asked her grandson to write everything down. Then drunk Egor began to frighten Malanya with his advice. He spoke about candy, which is distributed to all passengers after take-off. He told about how he once saw the burning wing of an airplane with his own eyes.

Conducting Egor, the woman invited Shura to go by train, to which the grandson reasonably remarked that it would cost more, and even more time will pass. Then Malanya decided not to go anywhere at all and planted her grandson to write to her uncle's letter for her dictation. In it, she told that she changed her mind about flying on an airplane when she "consulted with knowledgeable people".

In the process of writing the letter Shurka added a few lines from himself. He asked his uncle to write a letter to Malanya and explain that it's not so dangerous to fly on an airplane as Yegor's manager said. Shurke really wanted to see Moscow with his own eyes, and not content with information from history and geography textbooks. Therefore, he asked his uncle to change the old woman. The letter was written, signed personally by Malanya and sent.

This is what the work (the author of which is Shukshin) "Rural inhabitants" tells about. It is not difficult to briefly recount the story described in the story. It is much harder to convey the talent of the author, who, through simple and understandable to all readers, showed the inner world of his characters, their fears and dreams.

Main characters

Shukshin's story "Villagers" is dedicated to an elderly woman and her grandson. The old woman took care of her grandson, as his mother tried unsuccessfully to establish a personal life. Her two previous marriages broke up, the third was also tested for strength. An elderly woman took her grandson to her, so that he could grow up in a normal environment. Grandma Malanya is a villager. The city and everything connected with it, caused her fears. Therefore, for her so important are the advice of fellow villagers. The author gave her a description - "energetic, wiry, screaming, very inquisitive." Shurka was like her outwardly, but had the opposite character. The boy, like the author himself in his childhood, was curious, but at the same time shy, modest and resentful.

Readers' Opinions

Shukshin's works leave no one indifferent. All the readers note that small stories, whose main character is a villager, are imbued with love for the village and those who live in it. People in their reviews note that Shukshin's books want to be re-read again and again, because in small volumes such important topics as dreams, morality, morality, the meaning of life are raised. Many readers write that Shukshin's hero is a villager-they are attracted to them, because they live in the village and understand perfectly what the author wanted to say.

Vasily Shukshin is a master of the Russian word. Out of his pen came out wonderful stories about ordinary people living in the countryside. One of his stories is "Villagers". The summary gives an overview of Shukshin 's work and his talent.

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