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The meaning of the name Tamerlane: the best source for this information is the history books

There is no more interesting story related to how parents call their children than the one that reveals the meaning of the name Tamerlane. The fact is that its origin is unusual. This name was not received by the child from birth, it appeared later, when an adult male survived certain circumstances. But there is another theory that tells about its origin. We will now consider both options.

The meaning of the name Tamerlane, like all the rest of the peoples of Asia, was composed of two words. At first the little child was called Timur. Then he began to take an active part in hostilities, which were particularly cruel, like all the wars in the 14th century. In one of the battles, the commander who had already become famous throughout the district received an arrow in the leg, as a result of which he began to limp. And then it began to be called "Timur-leng". If you translate literally, you get a combination of "lame iron". But the Europeans found it difficult to pronounce this combination of words, so they began to call the governor Tamerlane. As you know, parents give Asian names to their children, based on their special differences in appearance or character traits. And the word "leng" - "lame" - just characterized the great commander. He reached considerable heights in politics and strategy, and the meaning of the name Tamerlane can not even be described. After all, he is a famous person. And you can read about the character of a person with that name in any book on history.

It is worth returning to the beginning of the story, when Tamerlane was still called Timur. You can say that it corresponds to similar character traits. This is a purposeful man who will never sit still. He has innate leadership qualities and will not give up the post of leader without a fight. In addition, he never stops at what he has already achieved, setting new heights and constantly storming them. This description completely corresponds to the stories about the commander, therefore, the meaning of the name Tamerlane can be learned from the description of how it was originally called by the parents. The only difference is that the commander and strategist, unlike the child named Timur, never lost his temper, he always took only weighted decisions.

Talking about what Tamerlane's name means, one can not ignore the theory of its Kazakh origin. In history there is serious evidence that it came to us from the Turkic language. But in spite of this, one should not lose the option that the name was invented by the Kazakhs. In fact, there is not much difference. The first part of the name is also translated as "iron". And the second, that is, "lan" - "lion". Thus, the literal translation of the name will be: "Iron Lion". Of course, in this case, it sounds much nicer than the "iron lame".

The name Tamerlane, despite its serious historical significance, can not be called popular. Many believe that this is due to the cruelty and bloodthirstiness of the first person, who was so called. But then it was a completely different time, and Tamerlane did what was necessary. In modern times, he would behave differently. But one thing is for sure: a person with that name will be a bright person at all times.

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