
Tests for ovulation and pregnancy "Evistus": reviews, description, prices, instructions for use

Today in pharmacies are presented many different tests for pregnancy and ovulation. The most popular of them are express analyzes "Eviplan", "Frautest", "Claire Plan" and "Evistist". Feedback from customers about the latter is the most controversial, so we'll dwell on it in more detail.

The method of express analysis

Express analysis can be called one of the greatest achievements of the pharmacological industry. They are used not only by ordinary consumers, but also by medical institutions, and much more often than we think. Today, it is possible to determine the presence of a particular disease in a person using tests based on the principle of litmus paper, which is very convenient. But there are some disadvantages. Express tests are not always reliable, and an error of even 1% leaves reason for doubt. Therefore, specialists apply this principle: a negative result means "no", a positive one - "maybe yes, it needs to be confirmed".

The second drawback is that rapid tests do not show the presence of a disease or pregnancy as such, but only that there is some enzyme or protein in the body, the presence of which implies a certain disease or pregnancy with a high probability. For example, when the egg is fertilized, the woman starts to increase the hormone of hCG, which fixes the pregnancy tests. However, such a jump can be provoked by other causes, which must also be taken into account.

Types of pregnancy tests "Evist"

Buyers' comments on the "Evistist" pregnancy test may differ due to the fact that not only one but a whole series of rapid tests is being produced under this brand:

1. EVITEST One - very simple, convenient and inexpensive test. It is a strip, which should be lowered into a container with morning urine for three seconds to the specified level. After three minutes, you can evaluate the result: one red line - the result is negative, two features - positive. This principle is valid for all types of express analyzes "Evistist."

2. EVITEST Plus - the same test as EVITEST One, however, the package contains two strips. One of them is used immediately, and the second as a control analysis in a few days to confirm the result. The recommended break for a repeat of the test is at least two days, as in pregnant women hCG is doubled every 48 hours.

3. EVITEST Proof - Tablet analysis. It is a set of a tablet and a pipette. Using a pipette, four drops of morning urine are applied to the cassette window and after a few minutes you can see the result in the second window. This test is highly accurate.

4. EVITEST Prefect - the most convenient inkjet express analysis. It is carried out without preliminary collection of morning urine. One end of the stick is placed directly under the jet for a few seconds, and after 5 minutes you can evaluate the result.

Early pregnancy test

Very often women have a question about whether it is possible to use "Evist" before the delay. Feedback on the application of this rapid analysis in the early stages of the following: two strips in the presence of pregnancy can appear even 5-6 days before the day of "X", but one of them will be very pale. With such a result, there are always doubts: to consider this dash to be manifested or not to pay attention to it. In fact, even a pale line means a high probability of pregnancy, exceptions are only cases when the test is spoiled, expired, or the body increases hormones for some other reason, which happens very rarely.

The negative result with the use of rapid tests before the delay is not indicative. Even if a woman is pregnant, she might not have a hCG hormone level so high that it can be detected with such a test. Therefore, the analysis must be repeated after the onset of the delay.

Pregnancy test "Evistist": reviews of women

As mentioned above, reviews of customers about this product of German, it should be noted, are very different. Some women used it and received a 100% reliable result, sometimes even before the delay, but others were disappointed. For example, there were cases when the test turned out to be false positive, and the situation when "Evistist" showed one strip during pregnancy in 5-7 weeks, confirmed by examination at the gynecologist and ultrasound results. Some customers believe that the products of this brand have deteriorated somewhat in recent years, to which there are two explanations: either the manufacturers began to juggle, or "simulators" appeared in the popular and inexpensive test, the quality of which is significantly inferior to the original.

If we consider each express analysis from this series, then most of all customers like "Evistist" inkjet. Reviews about it are better than about all other similar products of this manufacturer. In second place - the tablet test "Evistist." Producers say that it is more sensitive, and therefore more accurate, and practice shows that such an analysis is trusted more. Why did women put in the first place the inkjet, and not the cassette "Evist"? Customer reviews give an answer to this question: it is very convenient, so much that they can be used not only at home, but also at work or right in the hospital before a visit to the doctor.

Accuracy of express pregnancy analysis "Evist"

So, can you trust the tests "Evistist"? Reviews are so different that it makes you think. Moreover, manufacturers took a risky step - they said that their products have a sensitivity of 20 mIU / ml to chronic human gonadotropin (hCG). And these same producers later in their publication announced that absolutely all pregnancy tests have a sensitivity of 25 mIU / ml, and the claimed 20, 15 and 10 mIU / ml are nothing more than a marketing move. So, they deceive us?

In fact, not everything is so scary. The sensitivity below 25 mIU / ml is really nothing more than an advertising move, however it does not do any harm to buyers. The fact is that on the tests for the definition of pregnancy "Evist" there is information that they can be used from the first day of the delay. In fact, this means that the period of pregnancy (if any) at the time of day "X" is two weeks. And this, in turn, implies an increase in the hormone hCG to 100 mIU / ml. So the real sensitivity of the test is enough to establish a pregnancy.


Ovulation is the period of maturation of the egg. This time is most favorable for conception, therefore women who want to become pregnant try to catch this moment. This is difficult to do, since ovulation lasts only 1-1.5 days, and 100% of reliable methods for determining it do not exist.

To determine the ovulation use the calendar method (calculate the middle of the cycle), measure the basal temperature daily or undergo ultrasound, which can accurately confirm ovulation or its absence. But today most women prefer to use express tests.

Tests for ovulation: the pros and cons

Express tests for the definition of ovulation can be of different types: the definition of maturation of the egg is produced by saliva, blood or urine. The latter received the most widespread.

The advantage of express tests over other ways of determining ovulation is obvious: you can catch floating ovulation, you do not need to undergo ultrasound, use strips is much more convenient than measuring basal temperature daily.

However, there are also shortcomings in such tests: a high price (and buy them every month before the onset of conception), the possibility of a false negative result, a high error.

Express test "Evistist" for ovulation: customer reviews

The test for ovulation "Evistyst" is a set of five inkjet or conventional (it is necessary to immerse in the urine) strips of the test for ovulation and one additional pregnancy test. The price of such a set fluctuates between 350-700 rubles. The buyers had a pretty good opinion about the tests for ovulation "Evistist": they are simple and fairly reliable. They have all the disadvantages that are characteristic for tests for ovulation, but there is one advantage that distinguishes them from similar products. Tests for ovulation "Evistist" is much cheaper.

So, is it worth to use the tests for pregnancy and ovulation "Evist"? Reviews about the products of this brand are different, but the positive still outweigh. In addition, it must be understood that a person whose result was reliable, is unlikely to report this to everyone. But those who have express analysis turned out to be false, will certainly try to somehow indicate their opinion. Therefore, it turns out that the tests "Evistist" quite an absolute majority of buyers, and this plays a significant role in price. The cost of express analysis "Evistist" is less than that of analogues from other manufacturers, and the reliability is quite high, which means that it will be bought.

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