
Estrogens - what is it? Female hormone estrogen. Estrogens in men

Often, doctors prescribe patients for estrogen tests. What it is? What are the main functions of these hormones? How dangerous are hormonal failures? These questions are of interest to many people.

Estrogens - what is it?

Of course, almost every person in life has ever heard this term. Estrogens - what is it? These are biologically active substances, steroid hormones, which ensure the normal functioning of the body, in particular the reproductive system, as well as the normal course of pregnancy.

To date, there are more than thirty varieties of these hormonal substances. But the most important are the following three:

  • The most active hormone of this group is estradiol - it is the amount that is determined during the tests. The same substance is a part of many medications, including contraceptive pills.
  • Estrone is the second most important hormone in this group.
  • Estiol is a substance that is synthesized from the first two types. The greatest number is observed in women during pregnancy.

It is generally accepted that estrogens are female hormones. And indeed, their level in the female representatives is much higher. Nevertheless, these substances are synthesized in the body of men, however, in much smaller quantities.

Where are the estrogens produced?

Estrogen in women is produced in the ovaries. In men, this substance is synthesized in testicles. In addition, a small amount of it is formed in the adrenal glands. Oestrogens are synthesized by complex enzymatic reactions from androgens. For example, the starting product for the formation of estradiol is testosterone.

It is worth noting that the female hormone estrogen can be formed in different cells of the ovaries. For example, in the first half of the menstrual cycle, its main mass is synthesized by follicles, and in the second half - by a yellow body. During pregnancy, the function of producing estrogens is taken over by the placenta.

Where is estrogen contained? Hormones are biologically active substances that can be carried along with blood flow to virtually any part of the body. The main target organs are the uterus, the vagina, the liver, the mammary glands, the parts of the urinary system, the pituitary gland, etc. By the way, the synthesis of estrogens is controlled by the follicle-stimulating hormone produced in the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Functions of hormones in the body of a woman

In fact, the role of estrogens in the female body is difficult to overestimate. First of all, it is worth noting that these substances ensure the normal functioning of the reproductive system, and also support the mother and child during pregnancy. For example, they regulate the processes of growth, development and rejection of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle.

During puberty, the amount of estrogen in the body increases dramatically. After all, these substances are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, including the type of hair growth, as well as breast augmentation. These same hormones affect the metabolism of fats, stimulating their deposition, thereby creating a soft, namely female outlines of the figure. Under their influence, the corresponding form of the pelvis is formed. Also hormonal substances provide growth of cells of the vaginal epithelium, stimulate the release of vaginal mucus and create the optimal environment for the survival of spermatozoa and fertilization.

In addition, estrogens affect the work of the cardiovascular system, affect blood pressure, maintain the body's level of cholesterol, thereby inhibiting the development of atherosclerosis. These same hormones are responsible for the exchange of calcium and the assimilation of this mineral by bone tissue. On the other hand, they affect the functioning of the nervous system, improving brain activity. In the liver, estrogens regulate the synthesis of certain factors of blood clotting.

Estrogens and their role in the functioning of the male body

As already mentioned above, the "female" hormone estrogen is produced in the male body. And, despite the relatively small amounts of this substance, its role is extremely important. For example, in the stronger sex, he is responsible for the normal operation of the cardiovascular system, provides some functions of the brain, improves memory, and forms libido.

Immediately it is worth saying that estrogen in men also maintain a normal level of cholesterol and, in conjunction with testosterone, provide muscle growth.

An increase in the number of these hormones affects the work of the whole organism, contributes to the deposition of subcutaneous fat by the female type, causing gynecomastia, i.e., impairment of the sexual system, decreased libido, sudden mood swings and depression.

The norm of estrogens in the blood

As already mentioned, the level of these hormonal substances in the female body depends primarily on the phase of the menstrual cycle - only on certain days the patients are given an analysis. Estrogens, or rather, their number, determined by the study of blood samples.

During the first, the so-called follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the amount of estrogen is not too large. But as the dominant follicle grows and develops, their level gradually increases. During this period, the amount of the hormone ranges from 5 to 50 pg / ml. But at the time of rupture of the follicle and the release of the oocyte, the estrogen level is maximal - during ovulation the norm is considered to be 90-300 pg / ml. After this phase, under the influence of luteinizing hormone, the level of estrogens decreases and ranges from 11 to 116 pg / ml. Then the cycle is repeated again.

Separately, it should be noted that the level of estrogen in children under 11 years of age is 5-20 pg / ml. The amount of it decreases in women during menopause - it is equal to 5-46 pg / ml.

As for men, then the amount of this hormone, as a rule, does not exceed 50-130 pg / ml.

The causes of increased levels of estrogens

Sometimes during research, doctors detect elevated levels of estrogens in the blood. What are the causes of such disruptions? In most cases, this indicates a disruption in the endocrine, in particular, the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Often, such a disorder is associated with taking unsuitable hormonal medications, for example, contraceptives.

In some cases, excess estrogen is observed with malnutrition, namely when eating a large amount of fatty meat, beans, beer and other foods rich in hormones. In addition, such a disorder may indicate the presence of tumors of different origin in the tissues of the reproductive system, less often in the brain.

Symptoms of increasing estrogen

Undoubtedly, an increased level of estrogen affects the work of the whole organism. And there are a number of symptoms, the occurrence of which is possible if the hormonal background is disturbed . In the first place there are malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. In addition, women with this diagnosis have an increase in blood pressure. Also increases the risk of blood clots.

Excess estrogens are often accompanied by an increase in body weight, obesity, a violation of metabolism. Symptoms include chest pain, persistent swelling, and recurring headaches. Sometimes hair loss can occur, as well as the appearance of skin rashes. An increase in the level of estrogen may be accompanied by increased irritability, insomnia, nausea and vomiting. The absence of timely medical intervention is fraught with the emergence of tumors and malignant degeneration of tissues.

Why does the level of estrogen decrease?

Of course, there are some factors that can inhibit the synthesis of substances called estrogens. What is it? What is the reason for the decrease in the level of hormones? There are some congenital malformations of the reproductive system that cause hormonal failure. As a rule, they are diagnosed in childhood or adolescence.

In addition, a decrease in the amount of estrogen can be associated with malnutrition. Sometimes hormone deficiency leads to a deficiency of vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid, tocopherol and B vitamins. Risk factors include sharp weight loss. On the other hand, a decrease in estrogen levels in women is observed during menopause.

Symptoms of lowering hormone levels

Reduced levels of estrogen are often accompanied by headaches, and heart palpitations. Often, patients complain of excessive sweating and so-called "hot flashes" at night, which have nothing to do with the climacteric period. In addition, such a disorder can be accompanied by dizziness, constant weakness, or some other sleep disorder. Sometimes there is enuresis. Some women complain of a decrease in appetite.

The decrease in the amount of estrogens also affects the work of the reproductive system, which is manifested by a decrease in sexual desire and increased dryness of the vagina.

The lack of proper treatment can lead to serious consequences. For example, a deficiency of hormones in adult women often leads to a decrease in the uterus and mammary glands, as well as to infertility. In addition, this condition contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, digestive disorders, as well as the disruption or disappearance of the menstrual cycle, memory problems, and decreased mental activity. There is also the possibility of developing osteoporosis. Hormonal failures are also accompanied by increased irritability and frequent changes in mood.

How to increase the level of estrogen?

In the presence of disturbing symptoms you need to urgently consult a doctor and take tests for the level of hormones. With severe hormonal disorders, patients are usually prescribed hormonal medication.

The level of estrogen can be increased independently, but only if the changes are insignificant and do not pose a serious threat to health. For example, doctors often recommend patients to take vitamin complexes, in particular, vitamin E. In addition, important is the nutrition scheme. For example, it is not a secret for anyone that the so-called phytoestrogens, which are stored in large quantities in legumes (beans, peas, beans), as well as in eggplant, pumpkin, red grapes, tomatoes, colored and Brussels sprouts .

An additional dose of hormones can be obtained from products of animal origin, including milk, butter, yogurt, cheeses. Meat and fish are also rich in useful substances.

How to reduce the level of estrogen?

Of course, raising the level of these hormones in the body of a woman is no less dangerous than their deficiency. And with such disorders, the help of a qualified specialist is simply necessary. In most cases, after a complete diagnosis, doctors prescribe a course of hormone therapy. But many women are wondering whether it is possible to do something at home.

Naturally, even during medical treatment, you need to follow certain medical recommendations. In particular, it is best to correct the diet, excluding fatty meat from it, limiting the amount of legumes and some other products. But the food containing a large amount of fiber (fresh fruit, vegetables), on the contrary, will positively affect the condition of the body.

Another way to quickly reduce the level of estrogen is physical activity, but, of course, within reasonable limits. Experts recommend regular aerobics or running in the morning. Suit dancing or swimming. In addition, it is necessary to abandon bad habits, including smoking, abuse of caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

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