
Determining the sex of the child by heartbeat and urine

After learning about pregnancy, future moms and dads immediately begin to wonder who will be born - a boy or a girl? Before the USR for a long time, and so you want to now try on the role of the parent of his son or daughter! Well, others at the same time inform: and to show off, and to stop finally asking the same question. And now they begin, to a greater extent, of course, women, to look for all sorts of methods that can tell without a device who is sitting in the tummy. Determining the sex of the child by heartbeat, by the mother's urine, by updating the blood of the parents, according to the Chinese table of conception, along the trajectory of the wedding ring - as soon as women contrive to get an answer! None of these methods are recognized by medicine, but experienced moms claim that they are quite reliable. But after all, ultrasound is mistaken, and this is not uncommon. So let's look at the most interesting of them.

Determining the sex of the baby by heartbeat

Probably, this method can be considered as close to scientific. It is based on the character of the heart tones of the fetus, and the research is carried out using a medical device - a stethoscope. This is a tube with a wide funnel at the end, which is attached to the naked belly of a pregnant woman in order to listen to the rhythm of the baby's heart beat. The procedure is carried out in the LCD at each visit, starting from 18-20 weeks. It is called "auscultation" - diagnosis by the nature of sounds. So, what does the definition of a child's sex on heartbeat? They say that doctors, when there were no devices, it was with the help of this tube that the sex of the child was determined.

Sounds of the heart

Doctors have identified some relationship between the nature of the heartbeat and the sex of the fetus. It turned out that the blows of the hearts of the boys are weak, distant and not hurrying into this world, as if standing outside the door. In girls, on the contrary - they are persistent, chaotic, excited and distinctly audible. In addition, if there are no more than 140 beats per minute, then you are waiting for a boy, if more - then there will be a young lady. If the heart is tapped on the left side, then it belongs to the guy, if the right one is the girl. Determination of the sex of the child at the heartbeat can be done at home, if you buy a stethoscope. In any case, it does not bring harm, but you can listen from the very beginning, how your second heart beats. And the nature of the blows depends heavily on many factors: the time of day, the condition of the woman, the position of the fetus ,

Determining the sex of the baby by urine

If the first method is medicine, then the second method is chemistry. Here it is required to take pasteurized milk of short-term storage, connect it with the urine of a pregnant woman (more than 10 weeks) in equal parts and boil. If the milk curdles, wait for the daughter, if not - son. The reaction is due to the restructuring of the body and the presence in it of certain hormones characteristic of the bearing of a boy or girl. Whichever experiments you perform, a reliable determination of the sex of the child is recognized only with the help of SPL. Some parents refuse him, fearing the consequences of the device's emissions. But we must understand that it also reveals serious anomalies of fetal development, and in the early stages. And on this depends the health of the mother and baby.

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