Food and drinkChocolate

Sweet history of chocolate

Today we sometimes call chocolate the food of the gods. But in fact, over the long four millennia of its existence, much has changed. Initially, it was not a solid product, but a drink. He was not sweet, but spicy, bitter. And served it not hot, but cold. What is the history of chocolate? How long had he appeared?

Ancient Indian tribes: the cult of chocolate

Even before our era lived in the territory of modern Mexico, the Olmec tribes knew what chocolate is. He was honored as a drink of the gods. Anthropologists found confirmation that cocoa beans were grown as a useful crop as early as 1900 BC. They were fried and crushed, and then mixed with chili and various spices and a fragrant drink was prepared.

The ancient Olmec, Maya and Aztecs found that chocolate is not only pleasant to taste, it also improves mood, and, most importantly, has the properties of an aphrodisiac. Therefore, he was endowed with mystical properties. In some ways, this product has even become an object of worship, because the ancient American tribes honored the god Cacao. A spicy drink in those days was not available to everyone, without exception, to man: it was used in special ritual ceremonies, and only priests and grandees could taste it.

In the XV century, cocoa beans became a kind of currency. They were used by the Aztec and Maya tribes to trade among themselves. For example, for 100 units you could buy a live chicken.

According to some sources, in the 16th century, the Emperor Aztec Montezuma drank three liters of chocolate a day to increase his libido.

1500s: appearance of chocolate in Europe

Thanks to the Spanish conquistador Ernan Cortes, cocoa beans were brought to Europe. The legendary conqueror was looking for gold and silver in the expanses of Mexico, and found a different wealth, which his compatriots appreciated.

In Spain, the recipe for the preparation of the drink has changed. Chili pepper from the ingredients was removed, replaced it with honey and vanilla. It was the Spaniards who began to warm up the drink. And although the chocolate was different, sweet, it still remained the first attribute of luxury and wealth.

Conquest of the world

For several decades hot chocolate remained exclusively a Spanish drink. However, gradually the glory of it spread. In 1615 the daughter of the Spanish King Philip III married Louis XIII. So her favorite drink came to France, where she gained popularity and gained the adoration of the local nobility.

In Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland were opened special institutions, in which guests were served chocolate. The demand for raw materials grew, so the production of beans was established in Central America. After a wave of disease swept through this area, slaves specially brought for Africa from Africa were working on the cocoa plantations.

The appearance of solid chocolate

Chocolate remained the favorite beverage of aristocrats until 1828. Then the chemist from Holland, Konrad van Guten, invented a special press with which the roasted beans could be grinded into powder. At the same time, fat cocoa butter was separated. With its help it was possible to achieve hardening of chocolate.

This opened a new era in the history of a product loved by many. Thanks to a new way of processing, the cost of production was reduced, and this allowed the use of chocolate in cooking. Gradually it became a mass product, available not only to rich people.

In 1847, the British company JS Fry & Sons released the first solid chocolate bar. It consisted of cocoa powder, butter and sugar. Rudolf Lindt in 1879 improved production. He invented a special machine for conching, which allowed to give the sweet mass a homogeneous velvety texture.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the well-known trade marks "Mars", "Cadbury" and "Hershey" appeared. They have established the production of chocolate products, which are beloved by many people. And these companies exist today, supporting the best traditions.

Did you know that every year in the world is spent $ 75 million on chocolate?

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