Food and drinkSoups

Such delicious mushroom soup!

Mushroom soup is the first dish with a delicate and delicate aroma and taste. Mushrooms are a product with truly excellent food characteristics. They perfectly replace vegetarians meat, and most importantly, that the fungi have all the useful properties even after heat treatment. There are a lot of species of mushrooms - chanterelles, white, mushrooms, honey agarics, boletus, and many others. They grow everywhere - in forests, floodplains, meadows, pastures, and also grow them on a production scale.

Mushrooms are also unique in that they can be consumed in any, even in raw form. Experienced mushroom pickers know how to sort and properly store a certain kind of mushrooms. And experienced housewives know how to cook a certain kind of mushrooms correctly. The first, second dishes, roast, julienne, pickles - that's just not prepared from mushrooms!

The first dishes are prepared from fresh and dried mushrooms. The latter must be soaked before they are thrown into the soup. The most suitable for soups are: white mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, birch bark and boletus. Mushroom soup from dry mushrooms has an incredible spicy aroma and rich taste. Soup of fresh or frozen mushrooms is light, low-calorie and fresh in spring.

Mushroom soup is an affordable dish that can be cooked both from forest mushrooms and from cultivated mushrooms, veshenok, spruce. With fresh vegetables, cream and greens - it's just a masterpiece on the table!

Mushroom soup with white mushrooms.

- fresh white mushrooms (can be dried) - half a kilogram;

- onion - one middle head;

- carrots - one piece (small);

- potatoes - half a kilogram;

- garlic - a pair of denticles;

- black pepper, salt - to taste;

- a little sour cream;

Fresh fennel.

Prepare the mushrooms. We will thoroughly wash and dry them. Dried mushrooms must be soaked in warm water for an hour. We cut the mushrooms into large cubes and fill it with cold water. Put the pan on the fire, you can add a couple of laurel leaves to the fragrance. When the soup boils, you need to remove the foam and salt. Let's make roast from onions and carrots. We peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes, add it to the broth after it has left about an hour. When the potatoes are almost soft, add the roast. At the end, for five minutes before we need to remove the pan from the fire, add the greens and finely chopped garlic. Serve the soup hot with sour cream.

Mushroom soup with champignons.

- fresh mushrooms (can be frozen) - half a kilogram;

- potatoes - half a kilogram;

- carrots - one piece;

- onion - one piece;

- laurel, spices - to taste.

Champignons cut into plates. Chop the onion finely, and grate the carrot. Boil the water, throw in the pot mushrooms, spices and salt. Champignons should be left for about half an hour. Then add the potatoes. In ten minutes, carrots and onions. At the very end, add a laurel and finely chopped fresh herbs.

Mushroom soup with cheese.

- any mushrooms - three hundred grams;

- potatoes - three to four tubers;

- chicken fillet - two hundred grams;

- processed cheese (any in a plastic trough) - two hundred grams;

- onion - one head;

- Butter - 50 grams;

- sweet pepper and salt - to taste.

We cook the broth from the chicken fillet . Cook long time is not necessary, the fillet is cooked very quickly, about 15 minutes will be enough. Finely chopped onion to fry until transparent in butter, add mushrooms cut into small pieces. Evaporate all liquid, gently mushrooms with onion. Remove chicken from broth and cut into slices. Let's drop the potato cut into cubes into the boiling broth. In about ten minutes we'll add fried mushrooms and chicken fillets. When everything is boiling, let's leave the cheese and mix it well. The cheese will completely dissolve in the broth, giving the soup a creamy taste and aroma. Add salt and add the fragrant black pepper. When serving, you can add fresh greens directly to the plate.

Bon Appetit!

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