
Splinting tooth

One of the most important tasks of every dentist is to convey to his patients the idea of the need for regular examination, as well as the prevention and timely treatment of various diseases of the tissue complex that surround the tooth and keep it in the alveolus. It is the diseases of periodontal disease that are most frequent among adults, and they manifest themselves in different forms.

According to most experts, the treatment of tissues surrounding the tooth should be approached seriously, using a whole complex of actions, consisting primarily of the oral cavity in proper form. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, surgical, therapeutic or orthopedic procedures are performed as needed.

One of the most frequently used and effective methods of treatment is the cable-locking of the tooth. As a rule, this operation is aimed at eliminating the mobility of the affected tooth or teeth. In general, tooth splinting, as one of the methods of treating periodontal diseases, perfectly copes with its tasks, that much reduces the likelihood that a sick tooth will fall out or that it needs to be removed.

If the patient has a chronic periodontal inflammation or there is a possibility of such complication after any previous procedures, the splinting of the tooth becomes a necessity. First, the tire is able to significantly reduce the denting of teeth due to the rigidity of its design. It prevents the increase in the mobility of the teeth and, consequently, their loss. Secondly, by means of splinting, it is possible to redistribute the load exerted on the teeth during the chewing process. As a result, the loose teeth will have a much lower load, which, in turn, contributes to their better healing. Here it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of unloading the shaken depends on the number of healthy teeth involved.

Shinning of mobile teeth is most effective when the whole dentition participates in the process, regardless of how many mobile and healthy elements there are in it. When the tire is mounted this way, it takes the form of an arch, which has a much better effect on the diseased teeth. Splinting the tooth with a linear design, that is, when only a few healthy teeth are involved, is slightly worse. To increase efficiency, for example, splinting molars, the process is performed symmetrically on both sides, and a so-called bridge is installed between the plates. However, as a rule, doctors-specialists try to consider each specific case separately, taking into account the patient's health characteristics and the peculiarities of his illness.

There are cases when the patient is placed on a fixed tire. Before making this decision, the treating dentist should study all the nuances well, for example, such as the patient's oral cavity, the presence or absence of plaque or stone, soreness of the gums, mobility of the teeth and other characteristics. Absolute indications for the installation of a fixed tire is a pronounced looseness of teeth. Sometimes, before the splinting, the patient is advised to undergo preliminary treatment of the inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Very strongly affects the selection and installation of a specific tire configuration, the severity of the alveolar process atrophy, the location of the loosened teeth and the degree of their mobility. Depending on the results of the examination, the doctor uses removable and non-removable dentures, as well as in some cases their combinations. Splinting the tooth greatly facilitates recovery after different types of oral sanitisation.

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