
Antibiotics in dentistry

Every day dentists prescribe from two to ten antibiotics, in particular, to those patients who suffer from swelling or pain in the teeth. Specialists strongly recommend the use of antibiotics in dentistry, but is it correct? Along with this, the results of a number of clinical studies suggest that the use of such drugs is undesirable. Let's try to figure out who is right and who is not. What are antibiotics: benefit or harm?

It has long been no secret that the unreasonable use of antibiotics conceals such dangers as lowering the level of antimicrobial resistance, the appearance of hypersensitivity teeth and others. This has been said for several decades, and despite such a long discussion of the problem, it still attracts public attention.

Today, various publications of specialists are available, describing the consequences of situations when antibiotics in dentistry were misused. In such materials, calls were made for their correct application, both in dentistry and in medicine. Nevertheless, it seems that some dentists are avoiding these disputes, and they continue to use antibiotics as before.

The main goal of a modern dentist is to prevent undesirable consequences of dental interventions. He is sure that most of the problems that arise in the mouth of a person are a consequence of infection, which in turn stimulates the use of antibiotics.

Of course, the statement that doctors prescribe antibiotics arbitrarily is wrong. Even medical literature indicates that it is absolutely necessary to prescribe antibiotics. In principle, the patient himself is not against these drugs, because after receiving them he feels much better.

In general, antibiotics in dentistry are prescribed for various periodontal diseases, endodontic interventions, and also for maxillofacial surgery. The most popular means is penicillin and its analogue amoxicillin. Every professional doctor is well aware of the dosage of penicillin, its toxicity and price. Nevertheless, the increase in the frequency of use of other drugs is due to the belief that modern expensive medicines are more effective and effective. This opinion is based on the available marketing data, as some antibiotics used in dentistry, as a result of clinical studies have proved ineffective or even harmful.

The most common disease that requires antibiotic treatment is endodontal disease.

Endodontic diseases affect the apical periodontium and tooth pulp. The pulp is involved in the formation of other tooth tissues, after which it becomes a vestigial organ, very sensitive to caries and injuries to injuries and sealing. Such damage can lead to severe pain and inflammation. It is in such cases, most often used antibiotics in dentistry. If you do not take antibiotic treatment in time, an abscess, an inflammation of the bone tissue in the apex of the tooth root and other unpleasant phenomena can develop.

In any case, using antibiotics, you should remember some very important rules:

- the antibiotic must necessarily penetrate into the focus of infection;
- the concentration of the drug should be consistent with the therapeutic one;

- it is necessary to minimize the side effects of bacteria and the body;

- it is important to take into account the positive correlation of risk and benefit.

Some doctors use anesthetics in dentistry together with antibiotics, others do without the latter, others treat patients without anesthetic.

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