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Short biography of Andersen for children: the most important thing

One of the most famous writers of fairy tales is Andersen. A short biography for schoolchildren of this author should include the main stages of his life, the main milestones of creativity, and most importantly, the characteristics of literary activity. In this regard, it is also necessary to mention his main works, and also to show that he wrote not only fairy tales, but tried himself in different genres, while simultaneously doing theater and creating travel notes. This person was very versatile and versatile person, while the general public knows him, as a rule, only as the author of fairy tales. However, a brief biography of Andersen should include a reference to other areas of his interests and occupations.


He was born in 1805 on the island of Funen. He came from a poor family: his father was a carpenter and a shoemaker, and his mother a washerwoman. The future writer even then had problems with obtaining an education: he was afraid of corporal punishment, and so his mother gave him to a Jewish school where they were banned. Nevertheless, he learned to read and write only to ten years and until the end of his life he wrote with errors.

In school lessons, it is very important to emphasize how difficult Anderson's work life school has been. The biography for children should be briefly described taking into account several facts of this kind, namely, that he was an apprentice at two factories, and these harsh working days left a strong imprint on his worldview.


Great influence on him had a father and grandfather. He himself wrote in his autobiography that he had an interest in theater and writing as a child when he heard stories from his grandfather and, together with his father, arranged improvised home plays. In addition, the grandfather remembered the boy by cutting out amusing toys from wood, and the future storyteller himself made clothes and costumes, arranging real scenes at home. He was greatly influenced by the visit of the Copenhagen troupe, where he once played one small role. So he realized that he wanted to be a writer and an artist. A brief biography of Andersen is also interesting because he himself at a very young age decided that he wants to be famous and, having saved up some money, went to Copenhagen.

Study and theatrical experience

In the capital, he tried to become an actor, but he never managed to master this art. But here he received a good education. At the request of influential acquaintances, he studied in two cities of the country, learned several languages and passed the examinations for the degree of a candidate. Seeing in the young man a great desire to become an actor, the director of the theaters gave him small roles, but very soon he was told that he could never professionally play on stage. However, by that time his talent as a writer, playwright and writer had already manifested itself.

The first works

A very brief biography of Andersen should include his most famous works (besides his tales, which everyone probably knows, even those who did not read them). Indicative is the fact that his first literary experience was not tales, but plays written in the genre of tragedies. Here he was waiting for success: they were published, and the writer received his first fee. Inspired by success, he continued to write in the genres of large prose, miniature novels, plays, travel essays and notes. A brief biography of Andersen, the most important content of which, perhaps, is, of course, the stage associated with the writing of fairy tales, must take into account other aspects of the author's activity.

Travel and dating

Despite the tightness in the means, the writer still had the opportunity to travel around Europe. Having received small monetary rewards for his literary works, he visited various countries of Europe, where he started a lot of interesting acquaintances. So, he met with famous French writers V. Hugo and A. Dumas. In Germany, he was introduced to the German poet Heine. The interesting facts of his life include the fact that he had an autograph of Pushkin. These trips were of great importance for the further development of his creativity, because thanks to them he mastered a new genre of travel notes.

The flowering of creativity

A brief biography of Andersen, which is studied by school-age children, should include first and foremost the life stage of the writer who is associated with writing fairy tales that have gained popularity not only in his homeland but throughout the world. The beginning of their creation dates back to the second half of 1830, when the author began to publish his first collections. They immediately gained fame, although many criticized the author for being illiterate, too free in this genre. Nevertheless, it was this genre that glorified the writer. A special feature of his tales is a combination of reality and fantasy, humor, satire and elements of drama. Indicative is the fact that the writer himself did not think that he wrote for children, and insisted even that around his sculptural image there was not a single figure of the child. The secret of success of popularity of fairy tales of the author consists that he created a new kind of compositions where inanimate objects, and also plants, birds and animals became full characters.

Mature stage of creativity

A brief biography of Andersen should also denote his other achievements in the field of fiction. So, he wrote in the genre of large prose (the novel "Improvisator" brought him European fame). He wrote miniature novels. The completion of his long and fruitful creative path was the writing of his autobiography entitled "The Tale of My Life". It is interesting in that it reveals the character of this uneasy person. The fact is that the writer was a closed and very receptive person. He was not married and had no children. The impressions of his youth, his difficult childhood, left an indelible imprint on him: he remained an extremely sensitive person for life. The author died in Copenhagen in 1875.

The significance of his work is difficult to overestimate. It's hard to find another such popular writer for schoolchildren, like Andersen. Biography for children is briefly one of the important topics in school activities: after all, he became, perhaps, the most famous storyteller around the world. Interest in his work is preserved in our days. Thus, in 2012, on the island of Fun, a manuscript of a previously unknown fairy tale by the writer Wax Candle was found.

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