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Oleg Cherney: biography and creativity of the writer

Oleg Cherney is a Russian writer and journalist deeply interested in the cultures of the countries of Asia and the Far East. All the works of the writer are written about a world in which man is a multi-faceted creature whose nature develops daily.

Biography of Oleg Cherne

Little is known about the writer's life. More information can be found about the start time of his activities.

For many years, Cherney Oleg Mikhailovich traveled. Visiting more than 150 countries, visiting all the continents, the writer studied the ancient cultures and traditions of foreign ethnoses, which are the history of human development, for more than thirty years.

The writer had many pseudonyms. Among them - Jie-kun, Ben Chelero, Shaaban.

But Oleg started his activity, not just traveling the world. In order to come to this success and find himself in this life path, Oleg was a disciple of many teachers who are considered world gurus in yoga, on issues of their religions, and the like. Having gained knowledge and experience, Oleg began an independent deep study of the exciting question. Having reached certain heights, Oleg not only showed himself, but also self-realized, which caused respect from the people around him.

Oleg Cherney's books are very popular among those who are interested in the cultures of other countries, where the life of a person capable of thinking and reasoning has arisen.

Activity writer

The main life activity for Oleg Cherney was the development of specialized programs, thanks to which people study the ancient culture at a deeper level.

Conducting frequent lectures and seminars in various cities, Oleg helps organize expeditions to hard-to-reach places for those people who are interested in the issue of the emergence and development of ancient cultures.

Oleg Cherne created a separate program for the safe development of the female body. Attaching great importance to this issue, Oleg constantly advises women. He is the creator of a whole complex of nutrition and protection of the female body as a whole.

Center for World Cultures

In 1987, Oleg Chernet opened the Center for World Cultures, better known as INBI World. In this center, such areas of cultures as Asian, South American Afro-Egyptian cultures and Sufi cultures were studied. Asian included such areas as Taoism and Qigong. South American - the culture of ancient Indians. Afro-Egyptian studied the development of the feminine. And the Sufi cultures studied certain directions of the ancient Islam religion.

Further development

Having built such a center first in Moscow, Oleg Cherne did not stop at this stage. He continued the development of his center in other countries, soon his offspring had success in South America, some countries of Western Europe and 15 cities of Russia.

Also one of the developed directions of Oleg's activity was television. Talk show Oleg Cherne "Guru", which takes place on the Ukrainian television channel "Dnepr", won interest and became popular with the audience. In this show Oleg tells about the ancient culture, conducts conversations with spectators and historians who come to the program. The show is not so much entertaining in its genre, as developing and documentary. This television program is one of the projects of the Center for World Cultures.

Reviews about the activity of Cerne

The activities of Oleg Cherney, whose reviews are generally positive, are still assessed ambiguously. Many people speak of Cherney extremely positively, calling him the first Russian to become a "guru of yoga." But there are those who say that the introduction of a person into such a trance state already makes you think. They suspect that Oleg's entire activity is the creation of a large-scale sect that "drags everyone out, without giving the opportunity and the desire to exit."

Perhaps, this phenomenon is caused by the fact that the popularity that Oleg's company has gained is too great. However, to say that, having created such a huge network, Cherney has not achieved results and does not deserve respect, at least silly. Moreover, many visitors to the center claim that they have benefited from the lessons.

Literary Activity

Oleg is the author of many books. If you divide all his works on the main topic, you can see that most of his books, Oleg devoted to studying such a direction of religion as Taoism. More than twenty works have been written about Taoism. The various issues that are considered by Taoism have finally been studied. The most important is the fact why for many years this religion, which answered all the questions about the chemical reactions of the human body, about immortality and eternal life, was left out. But Oleg Cherne managed to find out the necessary information and as easy as possible to expound it for the readers.

But in addition to books on Taoism, there are several works that are considered and other factors affecting human life. Such factors are sexual life, alcohol consumption, bad habits, the state of the immune and nervous systems. All this, of course, affects the life values of a person. One of these books was the writer's work on the meaning of wine, not only in modern life, but also in antiquity. In different cultures, wine was perceived in different ways, but the common thing is that it was important for all cultures.

Taoism in creativity

Many books on Taoism are intended for the reader with experience in this field. Many of the books in this series are not just reference books, they help in studying the issue for those who are really serious about Taoism. Since religion itself presupposes not only a certain world view, but also norms of behavior, books describe in detail the sequence of forms of energy movement along the body during trance.

Oleg Cherne's book "Perfect"

It is important to note that the author himself says that this work is a work of many years.

Studying women's psychology for more than twenty years, Oleg was able to identify some of the patterns that are inherent in the female sex.

This book is a guidebook for women in life. Find yourself, follow your dream, understand your destiny in this world - all this can be gleaned from this work. The book is not just a "collection of advice" or something like that. It contains elements of history, which began in ancient times.

The book consists of quotes, poems, utterances and other materials that will help a woman find herself.

A book that tells the story of a woman who has gone through many difficulties, but finally finds peace.

The author himself says that many women and girls experience in their lives many pleasant and unpleasant moments. However, behind the wall that they built around themselves, none of the surrounding people notices the pain and longing that the girl who has lost herself feels. The writer himself says that many people do not even see this wall, thinking that such a phenomenon happened simply because closedness is a character trait of a woman. And in the end, the weak creature copes and experiences its problems alone.

Oleg Cherne's book is able to show the true spiritual power of a woman, what she is capable of, is only to believe in herself.

This book will be interesting not only for girls, but for many men. For the male half of readers it will be interesting to know what the real value of women's nature is, how to treat a weak sex.

It is important to note that this book is not a collection of tips and explanations in the field of psychology, which today is full of Internet. This book is a story that can open your eyes to many and many things that both men in women and women in themselves must notice.

The book will help representatives of the weaker sex to acquire a vital meaning, an incentive for which you need to wake up in the morning. And to wake up not just because it's necessary, but because I want to live another day. The book teaches you how to love yourself and respect, choose the really important things in life, make the right decisions that will decide the future of every woman.

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