HealthDiseases and Conditions

Sand in the kidneys (causes and treatment)

Sand in the kidneys is considered one of the most reliable signs of urolithiasis or uric acid diathesis. This disease has many causes, and the consequences are as follows: inflammation of the urinary tract and the formation of stones. Do not despair if you have found sand in the kidneys. With him you can and must fight, and this struggle is by no means unsuccessful. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence, to find out how this disease is treated (by traditional and folk methods), and how the sand leaves the kidneys.

Sand is often formed against a backdrop of metabolic disorders, manifested by the appearance of urine acid diathesis. Many experts are inclined to believe that this disease can be hereditary. When calcium metabolism is disturbed and large doses of various calcium preparations are taken, sand in the kidneys often also appears. Another cause of its appearance may be parathyroid gland disease. When you abuse alcoholic beverages, meat products and gout, substances that turn into a salt of uric acid are formed, from which sand can also form. To its formation can lead even a prolonged use of water with a high concentration of minerals and salts. Another factor that may result in his education is chronic and prolonged kidney disease. They lead to changes in the composition of urine and its prolonged stay in the urinary tract. During this process, directly in them a precipitate forms in the urine, often turning into sand. During disturbances in the outflow of urine caused by a disease such as prostate adenoma, sediments accumulating in the urine can also turn into sand in the kidneys. Often it is accompanied by the formation of grains of sand in the gallbladder, which clearly indicates a violation in the metabolism.

Sand in the kidneys is manifested by such signs:

- most often detected in people 20-50 years old;

- irritation of the mucous membranes of the renal pelvis, accompanied by infections and inflammations (pyelonephritis);

- aching pain in the lower back, weakness, fever, swelling under the eyes;

- during the analysis of urine, crystalluria and signs of inflammation are revealed.

It should be known that often (especially at the initial stage of the disease), sand in the kidneys may not manifest itself for a long time at all. Therefore, many patients do not even know about this disease. Initially, the disease can be detected during the analysis of urine by the presence of crystalluria (increased release of stone-forming substances).

During the release of sand from the kidneys, urinary tract trauma occurs, accompanied by sharp pain and spasms. So there are kidney colic. With renal colic, patients often feel pain in the perineum and lower back. Patients often suffer from a violation of urination accompanied by acute pain. Often the appearance in the urine of blood and crystals.

Diagnosis of sand consists of a general analysis of urine and ultrasound of the kidneys. It is not uncommon for sand to form in the kidneys after previous treatment. This situation will require regular course treatment to prevent relapse, as well as prevent the occurrence of stones.

With this disease, the attending physician will prescribe medications for you, aimed at dissolving the sand and eliminating urinary tract infections, but there are still proven folk recipes for its removal. Drink 2-3 cups of tea daily from corn stigmas and sticks, barosms and couch grass. Excellent tea helps with berries and rose hips. It is necessary to drink up to 6 glasses of liquid a day.

If you have found sand in the kidneys, the diet will help get rid of them. Limit the consumption of salty, spicy and fatty foods. If you have determined the cause of the occurrence of sand (its composition), you must adhere to a certain diet. Sand and kidney stones are divided into: urates, oxalates, phosphates. So, in the presence of urates, you need to eat such foods: vegetarian soups, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, berries, fruit, bread, juices. Limit consumption of meat, meat by-products, fish, mushrooms and legumes.

In the presence of oxalates, limit the consumption of such products: beets, cucumbers, celery, grapefruits, rhubarb, parsley, spinach, strawberries, nuts, chocolate, tea, sweet drinks (cola, sitro). Eat food rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6.

In the presence of phosphates, exclude from the diet such products: vegetables, potatoes, fruits, berries, milk, lactic acid products, eggs, greens. Recommended limited consumption of meat broth, fried foods, spices, smoked products, coffee, tea, tea.

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