
Rozcol Oun

Політична ситуація після Любої Світовой війни була повністю зміненна як і в самїй Україні so і за її межами. Із усіх політичнихних партій zmogla zbereggti svoe neokhitne stanovische Lishu OUN. Керівники, перебувавші в еміграції, були фізично not in zmozі tense to conduct yaku-nebu polіticchnu dіyalnіst, і здійснювали управління лише в зв'язкових. Rukh Skoropatsky in Nemechinny pochinav vtrachati its posіїії. Natomist, u tsey hour, diyalnist OUN established skriz yak virishalna force. Alya to the great pity on the heels of success, dovgo vtrimatis nevdalos. The other Great congress of the OUN, having met with Rome in 27 serfs 1939, vibrated with the head of A. Melnik's organisation and gave the title of "leader" to yom, having voided the previous "before God, national and its sovereign sums." Tsja mira duzhe nepospodivano has called up to protolyzhnogo naslidku. Stepan Bandera, yak on shchavia bouv zvilneny z uvazyanennya pislya collapse of Poland in 1939, at the same time his own messengers, organizovav at leaf fall 1940 r. Rovolytsyny prov, by the method of a boule of a bumble-bump to himself a slumberer Є. Konovalets. Із уст прихильників Бандери, мoм було почути такі речі, що chi is not a nigglovnoy reason for the foreclosure of the OUN, buv especial character of Andriya Melnik, yogo dictatorship and that nesdatnіsti іti on kompromіs i buli cause such a deplorable result. Alya can not fail to sign, but S. Bandera in the nature of the character has not yet been admitted to A. Melnick, deprive їхні look at the buli nachud riznim. Miller yaro vimagav, Bandera ungainly dismissed his OUN (P), and Bandera in his own worm, punishing Miller Zrobiti directly protnyzhnee - osnati OUN (R). Kozhna із сторін reported zuschnyh zusil in order to isolate her ideology in the real world and create the cult of her "own" leader. Axis yak rozpovіdaє about the preparation of Krakivskogo zboru yogo participant Mykola Klimishin: "All the drafts of the commercials converged in the same hands S. Banderi, a certain vyaviv at that hour naynaglyadnishe, whih vin tart sho vos zin zhobiti." I marveled at the ease of hunting, I wondered how many times I went to see what happened to them, writing down to scrolls and skilks, spreading witches at the spravi, virishno zmiynichi projects, over some comic books, they spent the day on discus. Before the day, i Hoch narodi tapered to pizna vnochny ranks began nano, vin brought the draft rozv'yazki problems, widely that is distributed proizvodstvovy ... On the quiet, I ukripivsya in viri, sho vin іdiniy mozhe at that time, and take the OUN in the hand and in the story "In the fourth quarter of 1941, the fraction of C. Banderi held the blessed Other Nadzvichayny congress near Krakow, which by rolling out the Congress of Rome was illegitimate, with S. Bandera being the head of the OUN.Bolshist kraiovikh members recognized S. Banderi as an adult, and became a non-rotten woman. Dvі novostrienі fractions, for іomenії svoїh lіderіv, became a vedom yak OUN (B) - "banderіvtsі" , to the warehouse of which there were mainly juveniles, that OUN (M) - "melnikivtsi" , oraginas of some of them were stored in the maps of integrating nationalities. Впродовж війни ОУН (Б) прийняла назву Революційна ОУН (Р). All this was insanely zashkodilo the right of the integral nationalism. Stan vorozhnecich mizh zimi dyuma fractions nabuv takoї gostroti, sho stubs nerіdno fought alone proto odnoї z not minshuyu zhorostokistyu, anіzh zі svoimi vrugami. Tomu ukrainian national integrations became dovolly glibocom rozmezhovaniemi in the future great viprobuvan wines. Prior to that, the borotka was baked by them, and the schoolchildren of the Rukhov of the Ukrainian Integral Nationalities were sent to pay the yogi's authority. Speaking about the problems of development and ideology of the OUN, pay attention to the fact that the organisa- tion of Nicol was duly compromised. The OUN formally began to save money in the winter of 1929, collecting letters for small Ukrainian nationalities and organizations for the destruction of lands in the lands, but were pestered by the warehouse of Poland. Mayge Odrazu після стреннення ОУН ропопочалися серйозні суречки між вишим керівництвом, in whom the representatives of the emigration were domiciled. ОУН в Західній Україні упродовж десятиліття діяла автономна від Wire structure. Namagannya ostannnogo kontrolivati kerivniki in the "edge" peretovyuvalysya vhorynu vnutrishnu borotbu, yaka zreshshoy, після загибелі лідера ОУН Є. Konovaltsya zakinchalas in 1939 - 1941 rr. So zvanym "rozokom OUN" - the actual formalities of the real camp of documents. In the fundamentals of this policy, no bunk of gnutnovyh ideologichnyh rozbizhnosty - seryoznyh zmistovnyh vidminosti Mizh programs of two OUN - "gubernivskoi" and "melnikivskoi" did not ask.

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