HealthDiseases and Conditions

Ringworm in the child

Ringworm in a child, or trichophytosis, is a fungal infectious disease. It affects both hair, skin, and nails (less often). It is accepted to distinguish between superficial and infiltrative-suppuration forms of the disease.

Ringworm in the child: etiology and pathogenesis

Anthropophilic fungi cause the development of superficial trichophytosis, and zoophilic fungi are infiltrative-suppurative. The first form is infected by direct physical contact with an already ill person or through the items that he used (clothes, hats, combs). Particularly unstable to the fungus are children. Infiltrative-suppuration trichophytosis is infected from sick animals or through the objects infected by them.

Ringworm in the child: symptoms

Each of these forms of the disease is characterized by its characteristic features only. So, if the superficial ringworm affects only the scalp, the foci slightly flaky and slightly inflamed. Their dimensions do not exceed 2 cm in diameter. The shape of the foci can be either circular or irregular. Hair on these sites do not grow, they break off even under the skin. Itching is weak or nonexistent. If the disease is not treated, it can last for years. In boys, it goes by itself to the period of maturity, and in girls it often takes a chronic form. If superficial trichophytosis affects smooth areas of the skin, the foci are not localized in the hair region, as in the first case, but in open spaces. They have a clear round or oval shape, are hyperemic and slightly elevated. Often on the reddened area there are crusts and small bubbles. In the center, the pockets are flaky and pale. Infiltrative-suppuration trichophytosis proceeds more rapidly. There is a deprivation in the child on the face, on the head. There are formed large painful foci, which have clear outlines. They consist of follicular abscesses. The foci are covered with purulent juicy crusts.

The lymph nodes are enlarged and become painful. If you try to squeeze out foci, liquid pus will flow from them. They themselves resemble bee honeycombs. Healing, the foci leaves scars.

How to treat lichen in children?

The drugs prescribed by a dermatologist or mycologist depend on the form of the disease. If the treatment of superficially cutting ringweed is sufficient for the use of antifungal ointments, then in more severe cases this measure will be small. With suppurative trichophytosis, especially when the scalp is affected, oral medications are also used. In this case, the prescribed dosage should be strictly observed, as their teratogenic effect negatively affects the functioning of the liver. Side effects and a lot of contraindications have selenium sulfide, so it is also used only in extreme cases and with extreme caution.

Ringworm in a child: prevention

It goes without saying that one should avoid all contact with already ill people and animals. Observance of personal hygiene is one of the main ways to prevent the appearance of lichen. Socks and shoes should always be dry and clean. When visiting the public baths, pool, beach, you need to have your own rubber shoes. To stop the spread of any form of the disease, it is necessary to establish its source as soon as possible. Especially it concerns the adults surrounding the child.

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