HealthDiseases and Conditions

Retracted nipples

Female nipples, namely their appearance is rather important not only from an aesthetic point of view. Undoubtedly, a lot of attention is paid to the kind of nipples and a halo. But it should be noted that they have a functional purpose.

Retracted nipples often become for women a certain obstacle in the way of breastfeeding. Mainly because the child himself is quite difficult to take a normal nipple into his mouth, much less retracted.

A similar problem can be solved with the help of the breast protector, but it does not guarantee to many women breastfeeding without difficulties. In addition, such nipples cause and a number of other problems, such as maceration and the accumulation of various small particles directly in the confluence of the nipple.

When the female breast is functionally complete, the nipples are well expressed and have a different color, which depends on the genetic characteristics of the human body. The drawn nipples are called so because they are drawn into the halo (nipple), while normally they should rise above it.

Today, this pathology is easily corrected and treated.

Its causes may be hereditary factors, and the suppressed functioning or underdevelopment of the endocrine glands and genital organs, as well as incomplete development of the lactiferous ducts inside the gland. In addition, there are external reasons for this manifestation: wearing an uncomfortable and tight bra for a long time.

As a rule, from 15 to 25 milk ducts coming from the mammary glands are brought to the nipple . Between them (ducts) there are some connective tissue strands that extend into the deeper layers of the gland. When these strands are very short, then the nipple is pulled inwards.

According to statistics, 50% of women with this pathology have functional disorders directly in the mammary glands. And in the case when such disorders are poorly expressed, the nipples become normal after breastfeeding, as it promotes the stretching of certain connective bundles.

The drawn nipples are of two kinds: hiding and densely inverted. The first with breastfeeding or sexual stimulation tend to stretch, and the second for the halo level do not protrude.

The concealed nipples mainly provide psychological and aesthetic discomfort, but tightly inverted are fraught with functional disorders. These include the same inability to breastfeed, inflammation and irritation of the nipple.

This problem is subject to adjustment with the help of non-surgical hardware methods. To do this, a special vacuum nozzle is applied to the pre-oiled mammary gland for sealing with Vaselin, which the patient should wear during the day.

She is removed in the evening to check the nipples for cracks and irritations. Such a course under the supervision of a mammologist lasts several weeks. After this time, the connective tissue bundles are stretched, which helps to pull the nipple forward.

It should be noted that the retraction of the nipple is not always treated by this method. In certain cases, it is not effective (densely inverted nipples), but it is often used as a pre-operative treatment. After all, such nipples can be pulled out only by resorting to radical surgery.

If a woman suffers from this pathology, in any case, she must be examined for any hidden pathologies. Because they can cause this condition of the breast. For example, the first root of the entrainment of the nipples can be a tumor directly in the breast.

In the case when a woman decides to adjust the drawn nipples surgically, a thorough examination of her mammary glands is necessarily carried out and the intention of her to have children is determined or not. The method of treatment depends on this.

It is possible to preserve the functionality of all the milk ducts by means of microsurgical correction. Otherwise, cosmetic intervention is performed, when bundles of connective tissue are simply spreading, but breastfeeding becomes impossible.

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