
Removal of the glands: timely solution of the problem

Today, removal of glands is a common operation in medicine. There is a logical question, why do they cause so much inconvenience to their owners?

For a start, you need to decide what is the tonsils, or rather, properly speak the palatine tonsils. This is a kind of concentration of lymphoid tissue in the mucous layer on the border of the oral, nasal cavity and pharynx, on each side of the base of the tongue. In turn, the lymphoid tissue positions itself as a component of the body's immune system, which is represented by a porous connective tissue, penetrated by immune cells. It becomes clear that the main function of the palatine tonsils is to prevent the entry of pathogenic microbes into the body, and since most of the infection comes along with the inhaled air, tonsils work almost around the clock. If we are talking about the adult body, then the protective function is evenly distributed among several links of immunity, whereas in children the main load goes to the tonsils. But when is it necessary to directly remove the glands?

Large glands can have both an innate and acquired character. In the latter case, they are the result of tumors of various nature, traumatic damage (thermal or chemical burns), acute (angina) and chronic (tonsillitis) inflammatory diseases, and as a result of proliferation of lymphoid tissue (hyperplasia), leading to a sharp enlargement of the palatine tonsils. Since the glands in the body perform a protective function, any of their lesions entails a general deterioration in the patient's health. Often, the tonsils are affected by bacterial infections, for example, tonsillitis, which in most clinical cases is aggravated in children from three to six years. The alarming symptoms of such an infection are very similar to those of angina and influenza. And therefore sometimes there are some difficulties in the diagnosis.

However, after the disease, the tonsils should return to their usual state, but sometimes this does not happen? Why? Here the main pathogenic factor is the lack of timely medication, which can lead to painful abscesses around the tonsils.

If earlier the main way to get rid of the pathologies of the respiratory tract and throat was to remove the glands, but now most patients are spared from such a surgical intervention, because now other methods of productive treatment of palatine tonsils are known. But in some clinical cases it is still necessary to resort to such an operation.

Many parents are very concerned about the question of how to remove tonsils. So, removal of glands is an elementary operation performed under general anesthesia, but often a preference is given to local anesthesia, which is considered less dangerous. The essence of the operation is to remove painful tonsils. A similar procedure is performed in a hospital without a long hospitalization of a young patient. The risk is minimal.

Special vigilance should be shown in the rehabilitation period, because the child's throat will be ill for several days, so it is advisable to eat soft food, and ice cream and soups can significantly alleviate the pain. To the habitual life-image the child can return within a week after leaving the hospital.

However, it must be clearly understood that the absence of glands does not mean the absence of infections, since the chances of getting pharyngitis and bronchitis in a chronic form increase significantly. Therefore, only the doctor must decide whether removal of the glands is necessary. After all, such an operation is carried out exclusively for medical reasons.

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