
Non-breaking space and some other symbols

Quite often, by posting text on the site, the author is faced with certain problems. This is the overall design of the text, its form - paragraphs, font, color, formatting and special signs, such as non-breaking space, number, trademark and many others.

Usually, such problems arise with texts of scientific or advertising subjects because of the use of specific symbols. And if in text documents these characters can easily be inserted using an insert or a special shortcut, then with the html document everything is not so simple.

So, how to insert special characters in the html document. A non-breaking gap can be put in two ways - using a mnemonic notation or using a special code. The same applies to other special signs, such as ampersand, quotes, paragraph, number, signs more and less and many others.

Mnemonic designations, as well as a numeric code, must begin with an ampersand (&) character and end with a semicolon. For example: non-breaking space - & nbsp ;.

Codes and mnemonic symbols can be found in special tables. In addition to the "non-breaking space" sign, various diacritical marks, accent, special symbols used in linguistics, chemistry, physics and many other sciences, trademarks, smileys and so on are also included in the table.

What is better to use, inserting an indissoluble blank in the document? There is no universal solution. On the one hand, not all special characters are code-named, on the other - not always the browsers display the mnemonic code correctly.

It should also be noted that the digital code can not always be displayed correctly in the document. The reason is that it only determines the place of the character in the symbol table. Do not forget that in the table there may be new signs, the numbering can change. Therefore, it is preferable to use mnemonic notation, inserting special symbols into the document.

But in which cases is it preferable to use an indissoluble gap? The HTML document does not always display the same - the width of the line may vary depending on the browser and computer screen. Therefore, an indissoluble space should be placed between the initials and surnames used in the text, the number and the next digit, before the dash, and generally in cases where a line break is undesirable. The use of an indissoluble gap is also governed by typographical rules.

Using mnemonic symbols, it is worth remembering a few basic rules. First, all characters should be written only with a small letter. Large letters in the markup are not allowed - they simply will not be displayed. Secondly, there should not be any spaces between the signs. Mnemonic signs, as well as codes, are written together.

If the characters are incorrectly displayed, you should check the spelling. Quite often such problems arise if the markup was written in a hurry and errors and misprints were made in the notation.

Remember, mindfulness is the key to the successful completion of your text, especially in the html format.

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