EducationSecondary education and schools

Professionally important and personal qualities of the teacher. Modern education

What qualities of a teacher of our time are simply required to have with us? The question is very interesting and, importantly, relevant. A teacher is an ancient profession and in demand at all times. However, not every person can be a teacher. Why? That's about it and it's worth telling more.


So, before you talk about the qualities of a teacher, you need to define the term. The teacher, the teacher ... who is this? Traditionally - an educated specialist who conveys his knowledge and equips them with other people, most often children or adolescents. The process of transferring one's knowledge and skills is a professional activity for the teacher. The teacher can be either narrow-profile or broad-profile.

The teacher must have a proper education. A person can also become a teacher, even if he did not study in pedagogy. But for this, he must receive not only a bachelor's degree, but also finish his master's degree. The final stage of education is postgraduate study (not always necessary but desirable). This is the form of training, after which a person can be considered a specialist of higher qualification. Indeed, to be just a certified professional in your field (say, engineering), it's enough to finish the bachelor's degree. But if a person wants to teach, at least two more years will have to be disaccustomed.

The main duty of the teacher

Talking about the quality of the teacher, you can not fail to pay attention to what great he performs the duties. So, the first function (and one of the most important) is educational, or, as it is still called, socializing. That is, the teacher is obliged to teach children the norms of behavior, to acquaint them with the concepts of moral values and morality, to explain that it is very important to defend one's own position and opinion. But it is important to feel the line. A professional should tell, explain, lead into examples, talk with children - but in no case try to impose a certain setting. A modern teacher, a true teacher, can feel this fine line.


The second function is educational. It is informational and, in fact, teaching. Here everything is simple: the teacher should explain the material that is to be familiarized and studied by children in an accessible and understandable language. It is important to provide information so that each of the class or audience (at least the majority) understands and learns the topic.

And, of course, the third function is the development of special, cognitive interests. The modern teacher tries to do everything possible so that children not only study at school, but also develop in other directions. He opens up new ways for them, informs them that there is art, sports, music, literature - as it is informative, useful and can be useful in the future.


The qualities of a teacher are important, but it is also necessary for this specialist to have certain abilities. A person should be inclined to communicate with children and have a sincere desire to teach them something new and useful. Potential teachers should love their work and, preferably, the children themselves. Otherwise, it will not be a specialist, but a tyrant.

Very important are the teacher's organizational skills and knowledge. He should get to keep children busy, carry on with tasks. Didactic abilities are also important. The teacher must be able to select interesting material and present it properly, that is, convincingly, interestingly and understandably. Perceptual abilities are something you can not do without. A real expert will be able to choose an approach for each child, understand his inner world and psyche. Another ability is communicative. Here everything is clear: the teacher should be able to communicate, his monologue should be understandable and, in fact, such a person is obliged to understand others. And it concerns not only children, but also their parents, as well as the teaching staff. And the teacher should be able to influence the students emotionally-volitional way. We all know that children do not respond well, but a true teacher will be able to find the right approach.


What are the qualities of the teacher, in addition to the above? There are a lot of them. For example, the most important professional qualities are true diligence, responsibility, efficiency, ability to be persistent, set goals, clearly plan a lesson and, of course, a constant desire to increase your authority in the eyes of students. And this, by the way, is only a minimal list. There are also other qualities that the teacher needs. Only through them the teacher can be realized as a significant, weighty link in the production relations. And, by the way, knowing your subject is the most important thing. But this topic will be discussed below.

Personal qualities of the teacher

The teacher is first and foremost a person. Personality with a capital letter! And we all know how difficult it sometimes is for these people, because they work with children, who are mostly unorganized, noisy, often ill-bred and spoiled. In this case, the teacher has a hard time. But he must show the best personal qualities of the teacher. To be kind, humane, patient, decent, honest, fair, obligatory, generous, objective, selfless ... this is only a small list of all these qualities! The teacher should demonstrate respect for children and adults, be a highly moral person, preferably optimistic and (necessarily!) Emotionally balanced.

Another teacher must be humane, show interest in his students, treat them on an equal footing. The teacher is a creative person, inspiring, inspiring confidence. He is a living example for his pupils, whom they must imitate and absorb all the best of his qualities.

How to cope with hard work?

There are also professionally significant qualities of the teacher. These are the ones that help the teacher directly to cope with his uneasy responsibility and to remain a true teacher at all costs. Three important qualities: endurance, patience and self-control. Endure difficult situations, fail and correct them. And even if it seems that the students are about to lose their temper (the work is extremely nervous) - you need to try to calm down and keep your balance. An unreasonable cry, growing into hysteria, will add up the impression of an unbalanced personality. And how is this to teach children? Quite reasonable impression. But correctly chosen words, spoken already in silence and the appropriate tone, can give a result. After all, as mentioned above, the teacher will find a psychological-emotional way to influence children and bring the discipline in order.

Carrot and stick

So, continuing the subject of discipline, it is necessary to note that it is very important not only to praise the students for their achievements, but also to punish for misconduct. "The teacher is my first!" - each person after recalling these words there are associations: "The school is our second home, and the class teacher is our second mother." And indeed, the teacher must educate the students. Praise the word and evaluation, punish - by deed, but only useful. For example, you can give more homework than the rest, leave after lessons to do extra. In general, punishment should be useful and instructive. Children should be aware that they are responsible for their actions and words. But praise is also necessary. Pupils from early age must learn that good deeds are valued, and bad ones are punished.

About justice

I would like to say about this quality separately. "The teacher is my first!" - what memories emerge in our memory after the mention of this warm phrase? Surely the image of the woman who brought up us for several years, she taught to be people and was engaged in our education. And she was fair ...

This is a very important quality. Unfortunately, in our modern world justice rarely triumphs. And the most important task of any teacher is to make sure that there are more honest people in the world, fair, sincere. All these qualities are able to instill in the child a teacher with his words and, most importantly, with actions.

With students it's much easier - they are already well-formed personalities who have understood everything long ago (at least, they have their own idea of certain things). All that remains for the teacher is to try to correct their worldview, if this is necessary for their good. But the greater emphasis still goes to the quality of special education, professional.

But children like a sponge absorb everything that they see and hear. Therefore, it is necessary to make it so that it is something good and positive.

Teaching Techniques

This is another important topic that should be mentioned, talking about the professional and psychological qualities of the teacher. The teacher's task is not only to educate the personality in the students, but also to teach them a lesson. That is, to explain the material, to teach them to use the knowledge gained.

So, the teacher should know the teaching method - this is first. Secondly, he must have psychological training. He must also be erudite in every way a person. The corresponding horizon is also welcomed. Pedagogical skill, technique, tact and mastery of oratory are all qualities of a professional teacher.

Another person should be fascinated by his deed, the subject. He must love him. Then the teacher will tell the material professionally, but interestingly, from himself, without even looking at the notes. This is very valuable. In fact, the teacher makes an unprecedented information, simple and elementary, unprecedented by the students. This requires talent. It is for this reason that it is said that a teacher is not a profession. This is a calling.

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