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Press of dumbbells on an incline bench: technique of execution

Many professionals refer to dumbbell presses on an incline bench to the most effective basic exercises. It carefully examines the pectoral muscles, and also uses several joints at once. This exercise is a closed chain of the same movements for several dozen repetitions. As a weighting dumbbells are used. This exercise is suitable for people who have already done sports before, or do it professionally.

Difference from bench press

In contrast to the bar press, doing a dumbbell press allows you to increase the amplitude of the movements, which will be more useful for the muscles. In addition, in this exercise, stabilizing muscles are well used, since it is necessary to control the position of both hands with dumbbells. Although it seems that the press of dumbbells and barbells have a lot of similarities, they all quite differently affect the muscles. As it turned out, the breast area works more efficiently by dumbbell presses on an inclined bench.

Hands bend at the elbow joint area, dumbbells reach the chest line, delaying for a while, and then return to the starting position, the arms fully straighten.

Working muscles

In the course of the press, the scapula is used, namely the anterior cog, the small muscle of the chest. Also, the shoulder joint, which includes the biceps, and the trunk (abdomen, buttocks, rhomboid muscles, trapezius and the widest back muscle), also works.

If you feel that the exercise is done too easily, and you do not make the proper effort to carry it out, then you can complicate it. For example, you can try to perform not on an inclined, but on a horizontal bench.

Preparing a place for the exercise

  1. We have dumbbells next to the bench.
  2. Take dumbbells in the starting position for the deadlift, and then straighten up.
  3. Next, we fix the dumbbells in the front part of the thighs and carefully sit on the bench. After that, the dumbbells will be located in the hip area.
  4. Take the initial position by a sharp jerk, taking a breath. During the beginning, as soon as you perform the first repetition, you may have difficulty, so it is possible that you may need someone's help. Often you need another person who will insure you when you are doing dumbbell press.


  1. First of all, you need to install an inclined bench. The press of dumbbells is lying at an angle of 15-35 degrees (30 degrees). This is the position most optimal for the muscles of the chest. In addition, in this position they will be maximally involved, since the work of deltas and triceps is reduced to a minimum.
  2. The advantage of dumbbells is that unlike the bar press there is no neck that interferes with the movements. This provides an increase in amplitude, which is very useful for muscles.
  3. To begin the exercise, you must take the original position on the bench fixed at the desired angle: lie down, straighten the spine, place your legs on the bench or floor for stability, and press your back to the surface of the bench. During the press, it is important to monitor the position of the hands: they must move strictly parallel to each other.
  4. If you previously performed this exercise with a barbell, then with dumbbells you will have a new feeling: when the hands reach the lowest point, then you will certainly feel how the muscles of the chest stretch. Also, stabilizing muscles will be connected here, the work of which has not been done before because of the fretboard.
  5. It's also important not to rush during this exercise. When the arms are at the lowest point, hold for a couple of seconds, letting the muscles of the chest stretch as far as possible.
  6. To distribute the load evenly throughout the chest, keep your elbows unfolded and directed towards the ears.

Recommendations and advice

  • Please note that benches in the gym are often not installed at the angle you need, so make sure that the equipment is installed correctly before you start.
  • Do not rush to increase the load. First, learn how to properly perform a dumbbell press on an incline bench, because only correct execution is a guarantee of success.
  • Make sure that all the load is only on the muscles. Do not perform the exercise due to oscillatory movements of the hands.
  • The chest should be straightened, and the shoulders divorced.
  • At the highest point, dumbbells should not touch each other. The distance should be kept approximately 15 cm. Do not straighten the hands to the end, so that the triceps does not take on unnecessary load from the muscles of the chest.
  • As with all strength exercises, exhale during the effort. That is, in this exercise during lifting dumbbell.
  • At all times, elbows should have a strictly vertical trajectory, which is at shoulder level. If you bring them closer to the sides of the body, then you are in danger of getting injured.
  • If you take too much weight, you will be more involved in the work of the delta, legs and trunk, which will reduce the work of the muscles of the chest, which is oriented to this exercise. Also, when you perform a dumbbell press, the weight should match the level of your preparation.
  • Shoulders and head should not break away from the bench. It is important to control that the extensor muscles are in constant tension. You should also maintain a natural curve of the spine.
  • It is best to do a dumbbell press on an incline bench at the beginning of a workout on the muscles of the chest, since it is basic. After it, it is best to perform only presses with a downward incline and wiring of dumbbells.
  • The optimal number of repetitions: 3-4 approaches 8-10 times.

Negative moment

In addition to such a huge number of advantages, yet this exercise has one, but a serious drawback. It consists in the fact that it is difficult to progress with the dumbbells. The fact that the gym is most often represented, such as dumbbells in 30, 35, 40 kg and so on. That is, there is a difference of 5 kg between them, which is a huge indicator. So, when you with the available weight will already be easy to carry out the work, and the time will come to take a heavier load, then these 5 kg at first will be quite difficult to master. But when working with the bar, this problem does not arise, because there are always small pancakes, which will help to easily progress the load. And this moment is important, because it is the progress that causes stress in the muscles, which helps them to grow.

Press dumbbells with one hand

This exercise is almost the same as pressing with both hands. Regardless of this, you need to monitor the accuracy of the technique. The downside is that the hands do not work at the same time, but in turn, which makes fatigue faster.

In principle, everything is done in the same way as when working with both hands. It is worth recalling just a couple of highlights:

  • Movement down the time lasts twice as long as up.
  • Do not immediately take too much weight to avoid injury.

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