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Running for beginners: program, schedule, scheme

Our life is a constant movement. We are all in a hurry, running, trying to catch everything. In this pursuit of careers and money, sometimes there is simply neither the time nor the desire to take care of one's own health. Also begins after 30: there aches a bit, here lomit, pressure reads off, the excess weight disturbs. But there is another scenario: the body can remain young for a long time, and the body - be strong and enduring. And running is an excellent assistant.

8 reasons to start classes today

  • Running for beginners is available at any time of the year. However, it does not require special sports equipment.
  • As a result of the exercises, endorphins are produced, more commonly known as "hormones of happiness".
  • Running classes contribute to burning unnecessary calories, strengthen health.
  • Such exercises temper the will, help to set goals and solve problems.
  • Time lessons - a good opportunity to stay alone with yourself, self-cultivation.
  • Running has a positive effect on sex life.
  • During sports exercises do not need to be in a stuffy room. Instead, you can enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of nature.
  • It has long been proven that a well-chosen running program for beginners can not only help to cope better with stressful situations, but even prolong life.

Influence on the body

Running exercises have the most positive effect: the formation of healthy blood begins, the pituitary gland starts to actively work, the cells are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. The fluid in the body (blood, lymph) actively circulates. Due to the synthesis of new cells, the body is renewed, carbon dioxide is produced, which is necessary for biochemical processes, proper breathing is established, and efficiency is increased.

Rules for beginners

To achieve a better result (and also not to hurt yourself) it is worth sticking to certain provisions.

  1. Proper running for beginners requires first to do a warm-up, for example, alternating fast walking with a slow one.
  2. Increase the speed can only be if 15 minutes of sports activities are given without much effort.
  3. During training, the trunk should be kept straight, the arms should be slightly bent and relaxed.
  4. You need to breathe through your nose, as this helps to control the running.
  5. For sports, in principle, the heart is needed, healthy lungs and joints. In case of deterioration of well-being after training, be sure to show your doctor. Do not engage in viral diseases (flu, ARI, tonsillitis, etc.).
  6. For runs, choose stadiums, park paths, avoid ups and downs.
  7. The most important rule is to drop anxieties and insecurities, think about activities in a positive way.

Running program for beginners for the first time

The first days will be adaptive. Beginners, as a rule, are not physically prepared for the long, and even more so the fast pace of the race. That's when you feel that you are no longer suffocating, then you can independently increase the time of classes and exclude walking. And for those who are interested in running for beginners, the recommendations are to do it 3-4 times a week and be sure to take breaks in one day.

Running program for beginners for 10 weeks
A week Alternating types of exercises Lesson duration in minutes
Running in minutes Walking in minutes
1 1 2 21
2 2 2 20
3 3 2 20
4 5 2 21
5 6th 1 20
6th 8 1 18
7th 10 1 23
8 12 1 21
9 15 1 21
10 20 - 20

Start running - start to lose weight

Such sports activities directly affect the appearance. Spring, summer or autumn - the best time to start running, that is, start to lose weight. Wishing to lose weight is best to choose the evening time, when fats are burnt well. During classes it is necessary to use interval running (fast - slow). To increase the effect, you need to try to switch to a healthy diet. Refuse whenever possible from sweet and flour, use a minimum of alcohol, and in the menu include more vegetables and fruits. With the right approach, running for beginners for weight loss will help get rid of extra pounds and be in great shape.

Choosing the time for classes

This issue is still controversial. Someone can not get up early, so he prefers the evening time, while others help to get up just running in the morning.

For beginners, there are several recommendations.

First, you need to navigate through time. The best period for jogging is 6-7 in the morning. The next peak is at 11-12 o'clock in the afternoon. In the evening, the appropriate time is from 4 to 6.

Secondly, listen to the body. Better yet, adjust to your daily routine. "Owls" prefer late jogging due to the fact that in the morning their body has not yet woken up, and "skylarks" simply can not do it in the evening, as there is no strength left for it.

How not to quit what has been started

The decision was made, the program was studied, a run scheme for beginners was drawn up, and a sports uniform was purchased. The morning (evening) of the first day of a new life comes, but ... I do not want to leave the house so much (I have not woken up yet, I'm tired at work, I feel bad, I have no time now). This indicates that you did not motivate yourself enough. Set an achievable goal and specific objectives. Why should you run? What result do you want to achieve? And reconcile yourself to the fact that for the first time you will have to struggle with your own "I", force you to leave the house with a force of will. But it happens that several trainings are going according to plan, and then it's more difficult to force yourself to continue running. For beginners it is natural, the body is not used to such loads. So help yourself. Find a company of like-minded people to run around together, communicate on Internet forums and share your small achievements. During classes, enjoy your favorite music, and then praise yourself. Start to keep a sports diary, write down all impressions and conclusions. After the first three to four weeks, the body adapts to the load and a feeling of euphoria appears during and after running. It's bound to be, believe in yourself.

We compose a running schedule for beginners

Those who decided to seriously tackle their health or figure will help to create their own schedule, which will display weekly results. It can look like this.

Approximate running schedule

Days of the week

Week number
1 2 3 4 5 6th 7th
Monday 2 3
Tuesday Recreation Recreation
Wednesday 2 3
Thursday Recreation Recreation
Friday 2 3
Saturday Recreation Recreation
Sunday 2 3
The result 6 km 9 km

And further by analogy. But if it is decided to monitor the results, then it should be done systematically.

Harm or benefit?

On the Internet, there are many articles claiming that running hurts your health. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

  • Running exercises adversely affect the knees and joints. This is only partly true. Yes, with such exercises the joints are subjected to a heavy load. But there is no concrete evidence that allows us to talk about the destructive effect of the run. On the contrary, as studies show, athletes are less likely to have joint disease. To the note: running for beginners requires quality sports shoes and the correct technique of training. This will protect the joints from damage.

  • Morning jogging is harmful, because it puts the body in a state of stress. For some, it can be so. This applies to people who go to bed late, suffer from early ups and work better in the second half of the day. For most of them, indispensable attributes of the morning are coffee and a cigarette. Apparently, in their opinion, it hurts less than running. But after all, no one forbids to engage in the evenings and generally adjust to the characteristics of his body.
  • Running causes back pain. Unpleasant sensations appear when the body position is incorrect, with excessive loads. Even an incorrect hand operation or knee flexion can result in torn ligaments and pumped muscles. If you do not feel comfortable while studying, but there is no contraindication, then you can conduct several lessons under the guidance of a professional instructor.
  • Running negatively affects the shape of the female breast. For many women, this is a stop signal. No one wants to have stretch marks and watch the sagging of the skin. The problem is solved using sports lingerie, which reliably fixes the chest, but does not create a feeling of compression.
  • While jogging, there is a risk of getting bruises and strains. Injuries can lie in wait anywhere: on the steps of the stadium, in the stairwell, on slippery ice. This is a matter of caution, and sometimes of chance. To avoid such incidents during the running session will help a well thought out route. It is better to choose places that are suitable for training.

Whatever they say about running, but it's a sport, and he, as you know, has the most positive effect on our health, mood and lifestyle. And this is certainly a great alternative to lying on the couch, eating fast food and a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, everyone decides for himself. But in one you can be sure for sure - choosing a sport, we choose life.

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