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Painful contractions of the uterus after childbirth and discharge: timing

During pregnancy, a woman regularly thinks about childbirth. The future mother imagines this process and studies a lot of information on this topic. During this period, the pregnant woman most often does not bother with what will happen to the body after the appearance of the baby. And this is not entirely correct. This article will tell you about how the uterine contractions occur after delivery. You will find out how long the pain will last. It is also worth mentioning about the excretions in this period.

Painful contractions of the uterus after childbirth, or rejection of the afterbirth

When a fruit is extracted from the cavity of the genital organ, many women believe that the birth is complete. However, only the second period of this process can be considered complete. Literally in a few minutes the contractions of the uterus after the birth of the baby will begin. This is necessary for the rejection of a child's place, or the placenta. Also it is often called after. Women note that the intensity of pain, these battles are not so strong. And they are transferred quite easily.

After the birth of the afterburn, we can assume that the process is completely completed. The doctor conducts the necessary hygienic procedures and leaves the woman in childbirth to rest. However, in just a few hours, the contractions of the uterus after the birth will begin, which are often referred to as contract fights.

What are the implications for uterine contractions?

During pregnancy, there is a strong restructuring of the work of all organs and systems of women. The genital organ suffers particularly badly. It stretches and increases in volume. The machines become thinner and prepare for the appearance of the child.

After delivery, the reverse process of transformation must occur. Reduction of the uterus after childbirth in most cases occurs spontaneously. It is painful in the first week. During this period, a woman can note that she feels weak periodic bouts. What are the terms of contraction of the uterus after childbirth? The allocations are also discussed below.

The first 7 days after the appearance of the baby

The woman feels the contractions of the uterus after giving birth particularly strongly. In the first day the genital organ has a weight of about 1000 grams. At the same time, the pharynx is open for 8-10 centimeters. Painful sensations are especially strong during breastfeeding or stimulation of the nipples. Also in some cases, doctors prescribe injections with oxytocin. Especially often this drug is recommended for women with a multiple pregnancy or a large pregnancy and a large fruit. What can you say about the discharge in this period?

Postpartum bleeding begins immediately after the removal of the placenta. In the first week it is more abundant and has a bright red color. It is worth noting that conventional hygiene products can not always cope with such secretions. That's why women invented special postnatal pads.

The second week after the birth of the child

During this period, the contraction of the uterus after childbirth continues. However, women do not feel this process so much. At this time, the genital organ has a weight of about 500 grams and is already placed in a small pelvis. If a woman is still taking oxytocin, she can observe minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen right after that.

Reduction of the uterus after childbirth (in the second week) also provokes discharge. During this period they become less abundant and acquire a pale shade. The blood is no longer menstrual, it begins to thicken gradually.

The third and fourth week after childbirth

This term is characterized by the weight of the uterus in 300-400 grams. It still needs to shrink. However, the newly mum does not feel pain anymore. Sometimes she can notice that the lower abdomen is hardening and discharge is coming out. Most often this occurs during breastfeeding.

Allocations on this term are already quite light and more like orange-pink water. It should be noted that the lochia have a specific smell. However, it should not be sharp and unpleasant.

A month after delivery

During this period, the weight of the uterus is from 50 to 100 grams. The genital organ has almost come back to normal and decreased. However, the reduction continues. Most often it happens absolutely unnoticed for a woman.

The allocations in this period practically ended. However, in some women they can last up to 6-7 weeks after the birth of the child. This period depends on how the pregnancy went and whether there were complications.

Special cases and complications

It also happens that there is a bad contraction of the uterus after childbirth. Most often, it is caused by abnormal dimensions of the genital organ, caesarean section, lack of breastfeeding and so on. In this case, the woman notes very abundant discharge and daily increase in bleeding. Also, a newly mummy can detect the absence of lolly. This indicates a blockage of the cervical canal. Most often, this happens after the birth of a child through cesarean section.

If a complication such as placental abruption occurs during the birth process, the woman undergoes surgery. In particularly severe cases, it requires the complete removal of the genital organ. Also, the extirpation of the uterus is made in the case of ingrown child's place in its wall. In this case, the timing of postpartum excretions will be somewhat different. Abbreviations in this case do not occur at all, since the organ is removed. However, after the operation, there are suticases. They can last no more than one week, but with each day should decrease.

If there was a delay of the afterbirth in the uterine cavity, then most often a woman is prescribed scraping. It is produced under anesthetic after a few days after childbirth. After it, the intensity of excretions and the terms of contraction of the genital organ may be less. All due to the fact that most of the mucus and blood were separated with the help of medical instruments.

How does the uterus contract after the second birth?

Some women believe that the re-birth of a child increases the duration and contractility of the genital organ. However, doctors completely refute this statement.

The timing and intensity of contraction of the uterus directly depends on how the delivery was and the pregnancy was taking place. In this case, the previous number of births is absolutely irrelevant.

Is it possible to speed up the process?

So, you know how the uterus shrinks after delivery. The timing of this process is described above. To the genital organ rather returned to its original size and got rid of badass, you must follow certain rules.

  • More often put the baby to the chest. Regular sucking movements stimulate the nipples. This leads to the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the contractility and strength.
  • Use prescribed medications. If the doctor has prescribed certain drugs for you, then you should not neglect them. Most often recommend intramuscular or sublingual use of oxytocin. Correction is carried out in a period of three days to two weeks.
  • Avoid overheating. Do not swim in the hot tub and give up the sauna. All this can provoke an increase in bleeding and a weak contractile capacity of the uterus.
  • Observe hygiene. This will help avoid getting into the uterus pathogens that cause inflammation and inhibit contractions.
  • Lie on your stomach. Many physicians recommend this position to prevent inflexion of the isthmus of the genital organ, which can provoke the stopping of secretions and clogging of the cervical canal.
  • Wear a postpartum bandage. This device will help to restore the uterus faster due to its correct fixation.

So, you now know the timing of secretions and painful contractions of the genital organ after childbirth. If there is a strong deviation from the described phenomena, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor. This will help you avoid complications in the future. Be healthy!

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