HealthWomen Health

What can a blood clot say with a menstrual period?

Why, why? .. It's quite an uneasy and exciting question for women. Many ladies are concerned that during these days, along with blood, they have dense formations, and consider this to be a sign of a severe urinary tract disease. Most of them puzzle about what to do with menstruation with clots. However, everything is not as scary as it seems. In fact, it is quite normal for the body of a woman in the reproductive period, especially with abundant secretions. The fact is that with a large number of discharging blood in our body, there is not enough time to produce an adequate amount of anticoagulants - the bodies responsible for clotting. Therefore, a blood clot forms during the menstrual period in the vagina .

Other reasons

In addition to the above factors, other causes of this phenomenon are possible. So, if there are still clots during the period, it can be caused by a number of diseases of the genitourinary tract, which only the specialist can determine. Possible reasons:

  1. Myoma of the uterus . These are small enough dense formations inside the muscles of the uterus, which lead to the fact that there is an abundant release of blood, and a blood clot forms during menstruation.
  2. Endometriosis . This is another disease in which such symptoms are observed. In this case, the tissues of the uterus grow strongly and go beyond the sex organ itself, so with monthly blood will be allocated in a larger amount, and the period of menstruation will last much longer than usual, which can cause the formation of thrombi.
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome - this disease is accompanied by an increase in the size of the corresponding genital organs and the presence in them of small, fluid-filled vesicles, as well as a decrease in intensity or total absence of ovulation. Due to all this, the woman has a violation of the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the abundance of secretions, which also forms a blood clot with menstruation.
  4. Miscarriage . There are cases when pregnancy does not manifest itself, and a woman does not even guess that a small life has arisen inside her. Therefore, very early in life for a number of different reasons, miscarriage can occur, which, as a rule, is accompanied by heavy bleeding.

It's time to see a doctor

If the blood clot is not accompanied by anything in the months, do not worry and take any measures. However, there are additional symptoms, the presence of which indicates some kind of malfunction in the reproductive system and is the reason for calling a doctor:

  1. Blood clots form during each menstrual cycle. Usually, our body regulates both the amount of secretions during critical days, and their density. If these systems are violated, then you need to undergo an examination with a specialist.
  2. An increase in the number of clots. Excessive secretion of anticoagulants also can not testify to anything good. Excessive manifestation of any processes in the body can also be the cause of the disease.
  3. Clots stand out with pain. This can be both a sign of the aforementioned diseases, and a number of others. In any case, unpleasant sensations should not be left without attention.
  4. Blood clots appear during pregnancy. In this case, immediately it is worth to see a doctor to avoid trouble both with your health and with the state of the future baby.

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