
Medication Minirin. Instructions

The drug "Minirin" refers to the drugs with vasopressin-like action. Active substance - desmopressin - a structural analogue of arginine-vasopressin, a human pituitary hormone . Medication "Mininin" (the instruction contains such information) increases permeability in the epithelium of distal sections of convoluted tubules, enhances the reabsorption of water. This provokes a decrease in the volume of excreted urine, an increase in its osmolality with a simultaneous decrease in osmolality in the plasma. As a result, the frequency of urination decreases. During the first 30-120 minutes after the intake, the concentration is raised to the maximum. The content of the drug in the body is directly proportional to the dosage. The ability of the drug to undergo GEB is not indicated. Excretion occurs through the kidneys.

Means of "Mininin". Instructions. Appointment

The drug is recommended for primary enuresis (night) in children from six years of age, diabetes insipidus. With symptomatic therapy, the remedy is used for nighttime polyuria.


No medication "Mininin" is prescribed (the instruction confirms this) for psychogenic or habitual polydipsia (with a volume of urine formation of 40 ml / kg / day), hypersensitivity, cardiac insufficiency and other conditions in which diuretic medicines may be required. To contraindications include age to 6 years, the syndrome of inadequate production of antidiuretic hormone. Caution in treatment should be shown to patients with renal insufficiency, disorders of water-electrolyte metabolism, fibrosis in the bladder. A dose adjustment is required if there is a potential increase in intracranial pressure, in the elderly. Despite the absence of a negative impact on the condition of the mother and fetus, during the bearing of the child, the "Minirin" medication is allowed for the appointment according to vital indications. When treating during these periods, a dose adjustment may be required, in connection with which the treatment should be controlled by the doctor.

Means of "Mininin". Instructions. Adverse Reactions

As a rule, undesirable consequences of treatment are noted in cases of uncontrolled fluid intake by the patient. In these cases, water retention in the body, hyponatremia is likely. These phenomena can be asymptomatic or manifest as dry mouth, nausea, weight gain, dizziness, peripheral swelling, headache. In some cases, convulsions are noted.

Medication Minirin. Instructions for use

The drug is prescribed sublingually (for resorption). The required dosage is selected individually. Means take after eating. In diabetes insipidus, the recommended initial dosage is 60 μg three times a day. In accordance with the effect, the amount of medicament can be adjusted. The optimal therapeutic dose per day is 120-720 mcg, prophylactic - 60-120 mcg / 3 r. / Day. In the primary enuresis, 120 μg are prescribed. The drug is given overnight. In the absence of the result of therapy, the dose may be doubled (up to 240 μg). During the therapy should be limited intake of fluids.

Means Mininin. Instructions. Price

The cost of the medication is from 1300 rubles.

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