
"Lutein": instructions for use, reviews

Lutein is a carotenoid that forms part of the retina of the human eye and actively participates in maintaining its normal functioning. In the body, it is not synthesized, and a person can only get it with food. This substance is part of several bioadditives and mineral complexes, which are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of various eye diseases. Many doctors and patients believe that the best vitamins for vision are those that contain lutein. Instructions for use recommend drinking them to adults and children to improve the condition of the retina.

Why the body needs lutein

This is one of the important carotenoids, which is part of the retina of the eye. Any bright light, and especially the radiation of a computer or television, is destructive to its central area. And if this part of the retina is not protected by lutein, over time this stress causes various pathologies in the work of the organ of vision. Therefore, it is believed that this substance is responsible for visual acuity. In the body, lutein comes only with food, but with its lack, visual acuity may decrease and other eye diseases develop. To maintain eye health, a person needs at least 5 mg of this substance. This amount is contained in 250 grams of spinach, in 500 g of Bulgarian pepper or in a kilogram of carrots. Naturally, no person eats these foods in such quantities. Therefore, he also needs additional vitamins containing lutein. Instructions for the use of these drugs recommend regular preventive courses. To produce vitamin complexes with lutein use a plant carotenoid, extracted from the petals of marigold or marigold.

What is the effect on the eyes

What happens when the body receives lutein? Instructions for use notes that all drugs with its content have such an effect:

  • Protect the retina from aggressive ultraviolet radiation;
  • Have antioxidant effect and reduce damage to the eye tissues by free radicals;
  • Improve visual acuity and prevent so-called night blindness ;
  • Help the eyes to carry oxygen deficiency;
  • Strengthen the blood vessels of the eye;
  • Reduce the negative effects of professional eye fatigue.

At what diseases is applied

In general, preparations with lutein are prescribed for prophylactic purposes, as a vitamin supplement. Especially in this respect is effective "Lutein Complex". The Instruction for Use recommends conducting preventive courses for people who work on the computer for a long time, while driving a car, with bright light-soffits, welding, and everyone whose eyes experience increased load. Doctors prescribe drugs with lutein and in the complex treatment of certain eye diseases:

  • "Night blindness" - when in the twilight visual acuity decreases;
  • With glaucomatous neuropathy;
  • To prevent loss of vision;
  • With strong eye strain;
  • Smoking people for the prevention of retinal dystrophy;
  • After operations on the retina to restore its functions;
  • With progressive myopia;
  • With congenital degeneration of the retina ;
  • For the prevention of age-related pathological processes in the eye tissues;
  • With cataract;
  • With diabetic retinopathy ;
  • For the prevention of age-related macular degeneration of the retina, which often leads to senile blindness.

In what formulations is contained

1. The most common biologically active additive is Lutein. Instructions for use notes that one capsule of the drug contains a daily dose of this substance - 5 mg. Therefore, only one capsule is sufficient to provide the eye tissues with this important carotenoid.

2. One of the most effective drugs is Lutein Forte. Instructions for use notes that, in addition to the increased dose of lutein and zeaxanthin, it contains the extract of ginkgo biloba, taurine, vitamins and trace elements, which improve visual functions. All components of the drug enhance the antioxidant effect of each other.

3. Good helps with eye fatigue and to prevent the decline in vision of the drug "Blueberry Forte with lutein." Instructions for use explain this by a successful selection of effective substances for the eyes. It consists of: lutein, bilberry extract, taurine, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc, copper, vitamins C, A and E.

4. A more modern preparation is Okuvite Lutein. Instructions for use recommend taking it to protect the eyes from age-related changes. But throughout the world, the drug has become popular because of its ability to improve the nutrition of the eye tissues and promote better functioning of this organ.

The properties of the other substances that make up the drugs with lutein

  • Ginkgo biloba extract has antioxidant and antihypoxic activity. It improves blood circulation and reduces the permeability of capillaries.
  • Taurine stimulates the metabolism and regeneration processes in the tissues of the eye.
  • Vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of substances important for the eye and improves color perception.
  • Vitamin E protects capillaries from brittleness and saturates the tissues of the eye with oxygen.
  • Vitamin C reduces intraocular pressure and helps prevent glaucoma.
  • Vital trace elements - copper, selenium, chromium, zinc - provide a normal metabolism in the retina and restore damaged cells.
  • Bilberry extract has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the vessels of the eye.

Lutein: instructions for use

The effect of these biologically active additives is manifested only after a course of treatment for at least a month. Usually appoint 1 capsule per day for 1-2 months. It is recommended to take the drug in the morning, while eating. In some cases, up to 3 capsules per day can be prescribed. It depends on the concentration of lutein, because in different preparations it is from 2 to 5 mg. Also, a doctor may prescribe an increased dose for a more successful treatment. The duration of therapy also depends on the condition of the patient's vision and the purpose of taking the drug. Usually, preventive courses are conducted no more often than 2 times a year, and treatment - according to the doctor. Ophthalmologists are often prescribed for various pathologies, "Lutein." Instructions for use notes that it is easily tolerated and improves overall health. The drug has almost no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, and does not have side effects.

"Lutein-complex" for children - instructions for use

This biologically active additive contains easily digestible forms of carotenoids. In addition to lutein, the composition of the drug includes vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the organ of vision. They help the child cope with large visual loads and prevent eye diseases.
Assign to children older than 7 years. They need to drink 2 tablets per day. And after 11 years, it is possible to take 3 tablets. Some drugs with lutein, for example, "Blueberry Forte", are prescribed to children from 4 years of age. How much can you drink "Lutein" for children? Instruction for use recommends that the course of treatment is no more than a month.

Feedback on application

These dietary supplements are not as popular as other vitamins. But this is because people simply do not know about their positive effect on vision. Those who tried to take Lutein for the prevention of myopia or eye fatigue, note its effectiveness. They say that they no longer feel dryness and burning after long work on the computer. Eyes ceased to hurt and blush in the evening, and visual acuity slightly increased. Yes, and this drug is in comparison with other vitamins for sight inexpensively. The average price of dietary supplements "Lutein Forte" in Russia is 350 rubles. But there are those who expected more from this medicine and did not receive the long-awaited disposal, for example, from myopia. Still, this is a complex of vitamins, it can not return 100% of sight.

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