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Lemon diet (5 kg for 2 days): recipe, menu, reviews

There is no limit to perfection! And this is all about us, about women. The age-old problem of excess weight haunts almost all the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, and the only solution is active sports and healthy eating. But to give up buns and sweets under the force of only a few, and it is especially important to remove a couple of wrinkles at the waist to the nearest weekend. In this situation, you can sacrifice sweets and resort to express diets, designed for a couple of days. This is a truly magical means, such a "wand-zashchalochka." And today we will get acquainted with one of the options - lemon diet.

What is the use of this representative of the citrus family

Lemon is extremely useful for both the figure and the entire human body. The fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin C - an excellent assistant in the fight against excess fat deposits.

Lemon juice because of the acid it contains can significantly slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats that come with food. It strengthens the intestinal peristalsis, and also accelerates the process of fat splitting. And that is very important in the process of losing weight - it helps to remove accumulated slags and toxins from the body.

Lemon quite often becomes the basis of fast diets, allowing to get rid of several unnecessary kilograms for a couple of days. The body undergoes severe stress during this period, the main problem after such weight loss is to keep the result. But today not about this.

There are several variations of this lemon diet.

Extreme lemon diet "5 kg for 2 days"

Reviews about it are different, and according to the statements of those who tried it, there are results. Just remember that this version of the lemon diet is designed for people with great willpower and absolute health.

For the next two days you will need a complete refusal to eat. The only thing that is allowed to eat is a special drink. For its preparation squeeze out the juice of seven lemons, add to it a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of hot red pepper. Then the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and diluted with one and a half liters of boiled water. Everything, an invigorating drink for the day is ready!

Such a lemon diet "5 kg for 2 days" reviews are different, because the body of each person is individual and reacts in its own way. But remember that such a diet can be kept for no more than two days, if you do not want to eat dietary meals throughout the rest of your life.

Honey and lemon diet

In this form, the lemon diet "5 kg for 2 days", the menu of which is slightly softer than the previous version, is also calculated strictly for two days. It will suit those who are confused or frightened by the combination of lemon and hot pepper. Lemon diet "5 kg for 2 days" the recipe has the following:

  • Juice of 15 lemons;
  • 3 liters of boiled water;
  • 70 grams of honey.

Mix all the ingredients and get a honey-lemon drink. To be more precise, the lemon diet in this case is a classical unloading cycle. In these two days, the body is cleansed of previously accumulated toxins and toxins, saturated in parallel with vitamins and minerals, which are contained in lemon juice and honey. In addition, the combination of honey and lemon helps reduce cholesterol.

Lemon and kefir diet

Another lemon miracle diet "5 kg for 2 days." It also lasts no more than two days, is low-calorie and very effective. The diet menu is extremely simple: half a liter of kefir combined with half a lemon for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Lemon can be consumed in the usual form, but it is allowed to replace it with squeezed juice. In this case, you can either mix it with kefir, or drink separately. In addition, up to 2 liters of clean water is allowed to drink during the day. If the feeling of hunger becomes completely intolerable, then in the evening you can eat an apple or an orange.

Diet on lemons: benefit

These yellow fruits are capable, in addition to achieving the desired weight, to bring a lot of benefits.

The intake of lemon juice will be an excellent prevention of such a complex disease as diabetes. Citrus has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It restores the disturbed metabolic process, and also helps to strengthen the walls of the vessels. Fruit not only helps to get rid of hated kilograms, but also heals the body, relieving it of accumulated slags and toxins.

Lemons are also able to significantly reduce the feeling of hunger. Observing a lemon diet, you can not worry about excess calories.

The popularity of this variant of weight loss is also explained by the availability of the diet, since the price for the main ingredient - lemons - is affordable for many. And, of course, high results.

Contraindications to the lemon diet

But this variant of weight loss is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • If you have high acidity or have gastrointestinal diseases;
  • You suffer from allergies to citrus fruits;
  • You have a diagnosis of "nephrolithiasis."

Classical lemon diet

But the lemon can become a basis not only for express slimming, but also for an ordinary two-week diet. By the way, it will be to the taste of those who are unable to give up good food. You lose extra pounds, but do not limit yourself too much in eating. This lemon diet is a recipe for losing weight for lazy people and is based on the introduction to the daily menu of lemons.

The essence of the diet is simple: in the mornings, according to a certain scheme, you need to drink lemon juice diluted in water. Also, lemon must be added to all dishes that are present in the daily menu.

Permitted Products

Of course, in the first place on the list is a lemon. You can use not only juice, for example, grated zest can be added to salads or soups.

Necessarily the presence of fruits and vegetables, which are allowed to be consumed up to five times.

Next come the nuts. The protein, present in the pulp, neutralizes the fruit sugar.

Belk will provide you with meat and fish. Just do not forget during the preparation or before serving, which is preferable, sprinkle them with lemon juice.

The lemon diet, when compared with others, does not require the rejection of products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, oily fish or nuts can also be present in your daily menu.

Prohibited products

I am glad that the observance of such a diet does not impose strict bans on the daily diet. But still there are products that reduce its effect. It is canned vegetables and fruits, semi-finished products, fatty meat and pâtés, potatoes, bread, ground rice and sweets. If you exclude them completely lacking willpower, then you need to reduce their presence in the menu to a minimum.

The only mandatory requirement is to limit the consumption of sugar. Remember that you need to take into account and sugar, which is contained in products such as white bread, potatoes and white rice. For the period of the diet, alcohol and smoking should be completely ruled out.

Lemon diet "5 kg for 2 days": menu

It is calculated for two weeks. As it was said a little earlier, in the mornings it is necessary to drink a certain amount of water with lemon juice. Let's talk about this scheme now.

Remember that the volume of juice changes daily, but the amount of water is always the same. On the first day, squeezes one lemon and plant the juice in a glass of water. On the second day, you need to dilute the juice of two lemons in two glasses of water and then on ascending. On the seventh day of the diet, you need to squeeze out the juice of three fruits and dilute it with three liters of water, to which you need to add a spoonful of honey. Water needs to be drunk during the day, starting next morning, the amount of lemons decreases. On the 14th day of the diet, you need to repeat the menu for 7 days.

Juice is always drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach. After that another hour you can not eat anything.

Useful advice and feedback

Eating at the diet on lemons should be divided into several receptions. On average, you need to eat every four hours.

During the diet, you can afford a few sweets, for example, during the week you can eat a bar of chocolate.

In addition to the diluted juice, during the day you need to drink three more liters of clean water. So you activate the withdrawal of toxins.

Lemon juice is a rather aggressive product, and in order not to harm the tooth enamel, it is best to drink the drink through a straw. If this is not possible, then rinse your mouth with a soda solution.

After the diet is complete, do not give up lemon. Let it remain in your menu. This will help to keep the results.

Reviews about the lemon diet are generally positive. And if you do not abuse the express variations, then lose unnecessary kilograms and keep a healthy stomach is quite real.

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