HealthHealthy Eating

Lemon - calorie, useful properties, use, contraindications

Lemon is a very useful product. Walking in the store past the counter with this fruit, you always want to buy a few things to your home. But it's much better when a lemon is not brought from distant countries, but grows at home. Many people buy it in a pot already formed by a plant, but it is a very unpretentious fruit, so you can grow a lemon from a bone. It is well established and does not require special care. Fruit the indoor lemon will be no worse than the one that grows in more acceptable conditions. Although there is a slight difference: the "home" lemon is thinner than the skin, less pitted inside, and even this fruit has a more rich taste.

Beneficial features

It increases the defenses of the body with colds, normalizes the functioning of the liver, fights well with radionuclides - all these medicinal abilities are famous for lemon. Its caloric content is very low - 40 kcal per 100 grams of product. It contains easily digestible glucose and fructose, many fruit acids and a large number of pectins, essential oils, bioflavonoids and terperin, which strengthen the walls of the capillaries. Thanks to this fruit, the absorption of iron and calcium in the body increases. It is very good to add lemon in green tea. Caloric content of this drink is only 28 kcal, but the benefits are huge, because this fruit almost does not lose useful properties when heated.


For a healthy person, lemon is a storehouse of useful substances, but with diseases of the intestine, stomach, bladder, liver and pancreas, use this fruit very carefully, and in some cases should be excluded from the diet.

Lemon in Cooking

This fruit is very popular when preparing different dishes. It is often served to desserts, with it baked fish. Even the peel does not stand aside - it is an indispensable component of so many drinks. Lemon, the caloric content of which is not high, is perfect for people who adhere to a diet. Tea with a piece of this fruit will not only cheer, but will also add a lot of useful substances to the body.

Application in cosmetology

Lemon is very often mentioned in folk beauty recipes. It has many cosmetic properties: it whitens the skin, narrows the pores, tightens wrinkles. Here are a few recipes in which this plant is mentioned:

  • Toning infusion. You will need one tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of boiling water and half a lemon juice. The remedy must be infused. Wipe them face before bed. This infusion is suitable for all skin types.
  • A small spoonful of lemon juice, two teaspoons of cream and a teaspoon of honey, mix and apply a mask on your face. Soak for thirty minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. This remedy is good for skin irritations.


It is always convenient to have in the refrigerator a few pieces of fruit such as lemon. Its caloric content is low, and the utility on the farm is very large. It will be a pleasant addition to tea, dessert and even suitable as an ingredient for a cosmetic. A good landlady will always find an application for this product. Use his natural wealth for the benefit of his beauty and for the benefit of the body.

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