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Is there a universal cure for insomnia?

Do you have an early awakening in the morning? Is it very hard for you to fall asleep? Do you often wake up at night and again can not sleep for a long time ? In this case, you can make yourself a diagnosis - insomnia, as it is not sad to say.

If you are tormented for a long period of time - you need to determine why this is happening. Basically, these are two reasons.

1. A serious illness, and maybe not one, in which, insomnia accompanies the main ailment. Do not invent anything, only to the doctor.

2. Physical and mental fatigue, and, possibly, little physical activity, as well as stress. In this case, you can get rid of this problem without resorting to expensive sleeping pills.

You can choose a medicine for insomnia yourself by resorting to the methods of traditional medicine. The simplest means is a hot foot bath before going to bed. This will relieve fatigue and calm the nervous system. And if at the same time, you still rub the whiskey with lavender oil, then the dream will come. Put a linen bag with cones of hops near the pillow - the result will not take long.

The medicine for insomnia can be not only a folk remedy in the form of medicinal herbs, but also variants of alternative medicine. Yoga, with various sleds, helps you get stronger sleep and sleep longer. With different poses, straining and relaxing different muscle groups, and also with proper breathing, we control our nervous system, help it to reach the norm, respectively, and fall asleep normally. While the dream will be adjusted, it is necessary to be engaged in yoga not sporadically, and purposefully within a month.

The cure for insomnia is also a normal way of life. Alcohol abuse leads to persistent insomnia. Yes, a drunk person, falls asleep quickly, but also quickly wakes up, because, "the sleep of an alcoholic is strong, but not long". Overeating at night, too, leads to inferior sleep, because of the increased work of the stomach. And for smoking in general a separate conversation. Loose cerebral vessels suffer from a lack of oxygen, the brain by all means struggles with this, and instead of resting, he spends all his reserves for the restoration of oxygen in the blood.

The cure for insomnia with stress is primarily the elimination of the effects of stress. If the person can not cope, then it is necessary to turn to the help of a psychotherapist, who will get the problem out of the soul and help find the reasons, and teach how to get rid of it. Relaxing massage, warm baths, aromatherapy, self-contemplation are just some ways of getting out of stress, and restoring sleep.

Drugs for insomnia, which are available today in the arsenal of medicine are quite diverse. This and barbiturates, tranquilizers, and hypnotics. By their action they are different, and each of them specifically acts on the body. But, like barbiturates, and tranquilizers cause side effects, and that the most sad, addictive to them. A person becomes addicted to these medicines. Perhaps he will sleep, only the question arises: "What will happen if there is not this drug before going to bed?" Nothing good. Irritability, fatigue, devastation, aggressiveness and - depression, hello! Only for very serious medical indicators, they can be appointed for admission.

How to overcome insomnia? The question may seem rhetorical, because each person struggles with this problem alone, hoping, of course, that he will succeed. But if you really get tired of insomnia, first of all, you need to go to the doctor to get qualified help. Until the end to understand the reasons, listen to intelligent advice and make a decision. A way to defeat insomnia, you can find: whether it's folk methods of treatment, alternative medicine, including urine therapy or drug treatment. The main thing is not to "get hung up", and everything will turn out.

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