EducationThe science

Interesting scientific facts

Most of us are far from science and do not know much about it, but will this prevent us from learning the scientific interesting facts about the world that surrounds us? A lot of interesting, funny and surprising is hidden from our eyes.

Proven scientific facts

  • Human activity adversely affects the planet. So, over the past two centuries, 2.1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide have been thrown into the atmosphere , and the acidity of the ocean has increased by almost a third.
  • Dark eyes are a dominant feature, so dark-eyed people in the world are much more. In a couple where parents have dark and light eyes with a greater probability of giving birth to children with dark ones.
  • In addition, the color of the eyes can change. Sometimes a child with light eyes with age, they become dark because of the accumulation of melanin. In the elderly, on the contrary, the eyes can turn pale.
  • People can even have red eyes, but only albinos. This is due to the lack of melanin in the iris.

Different scientific facts

  • Satellites are at a distance of 35 thousand km from the planet. It is from this distance that cable television signals arrive.
  • To determine an object a person needs one twentieth of a second.
  • The smell of sperm is caused by protein spermine. Its main function is the protection of spermatozoa.
  • Scientific and interesting facts concern our daily life. In sodas, which many like, there are artificial sweeteners that make you drink more and, accordingly, get fat.
  • Saccharin, an artificial sweetener, was invented by chance. During the tests to create a cure for ulcers, the scientist decided to taste the mixture and it turned out to be sweet.
  • Why do snowflakes fall slowly? Everything consists in the fact that they mostly consist of air, but only 5% of ice, which makes their flight graceful.
  • Did you hear that the first aircraft was created by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century? It was really a genius scientist and artist, but in this area he was much ahead of the ancient Greek philosopher Archit, who made this discovery in the 4th century BC. E.

Facts about people

  • There is a certain altitude above sea level, at which the pressure is so low that the human blood can boil. This point is called the Armstrong limit, and it is located at an altitude of 19200 meters.
  • According to the structure and content of minerals, human bones are similar to certain types of corals.
  • A person can transfer a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. This was proved by an experiment conducted in the USA in 1990.
  • Russian researchers have determined that people who overload themselves with thoughts are much more likely to suffer from alcoholism.
  • Some people can write equally well with both hands.
  • The heart of a man begins to beat already four weeks after conception.
  • Blood moves through the capillaries at a speed of 109 cm / h, and through the heart it passes already at a speed of 1.6 km / h.
  • The human taste receptors are replaced in 10 days, therefore for a short period of time the same products may seem different to us.

A little bit about the world around

  • Scientific facts are encountered to us each in a different form. For example, did you ever wonder why a rainbow appears in the sky? This phenomenon causes refraction of light in droplets of rain and fog. They react differently to light, so the rainbow is multicolored.
  • Scientific facts will help to solve even some everyday problems. For example, a simple knowledge of biology will help determine if the egg is fresh. The fact is that in a stale gas is formed and it keeps it on the surface in the water, and fresh in the water sinks.
  • The best sunlight reflects snow, it accounts for about 90% of reflected light, despite the fact that the land can reflect no more than 10-20%.
  • The purest alcohol is vodka, because it has the least admixture.

Space awaits us

  • The duration of the day on Mars is almost the same as on Earth, they last 39 minutes.
  • The fastest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. He needs only ten hours to fully rotate around the axis.
  • The galaxy in which we are, contains about 200-400 billion stars.
  • At a decent distance, a spacecraft can take a photo of a million square kilometers of our planet in just ten minutes. You can do the same with an airplane in four years.


  • Scientific facts sometimes can even make me smile. For example, the French scientist Jean-Antoine Nolle in his extravagant experiments once made two hundred monks jump up and down.
  • During the flight, the sensitivity of our receptors varies, so we feel the sweet and salty otherwise.
  • A German gynecologist in the 1940s opened the semi-mythical point G. However, she gained popularity only with the publication of a book on sexuality in 1980.
  • Whiskey is more useful than wine, because it contains elements that can prevent heart disease.
  • The ignorant Spanish conquistadors did not know much about precious metals, so in translation, platinum means "silver." It seemed to them too refractory and therefore its cost was two times lower than the cost of silver.
  • Have you ever wondered where the oil came from? In fact, oil was once alive, that is, it was formed from plankton, which once, tens of millions of years ago, floated in the sea.


The concept of a scientific fact is quite wide, so this category of knowledge can relate a lot of information from different fields of knowledge. In order to recognize the fact, it is necessary not only to prove it, but also to verify it. The problem with the scientific fact is that very often this evidence is neglected and presented in raw form, but science can always tell the truth from lies.

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