
The smell of sperm. How it should be

Smells play a huge role in our lives. This is important not only in everyday, but also in sexual intercourse. Pheromones, which produces the human body, are of great importance when choosing a partner. In all people, the perception of odors occurs in different ways. Women are more scrupulous in these matters. Therefore, often the smell of sperm is of great importance.

It is not about cases of uncleanliness. People differ not only in perception of odors, but also in their isolation. The smell of sperm is specific, and can vary in different men's categories. It is also referred to as sexual smells.

It depends on various factors. In men of different nationalities, the smell of sperm can differ. People of the eastern type are stronger. He also changes with the age of the man. In the younger generation, it has light shades of freshness. With age, the smell of sperm increases and becomes more abrupt.

If we talk about what smells like sperm, then there is a smell of chestnut in the flowering period. Surprisingly, its shades can vary in the same way as the aroma of chestnut.

If a man has experienced a mental agitation, then this can lead to a change in the smell of his secretions. Sperm in this case has a pungent flavor. After exercise, it becomes more pleasant. If there were sexual contacts in large numbers in a short time, then a more unpleasant and unpleasant smell of sperm appears.

We can say that this factor is individual and depends also on habits and food intake.

Harmful addictions greatly affect the smell and taste of sperm. Therefore, you should reduce the use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages, if you want to get more pleasure and deliver it to your partner.

Particular attention should be given to nutrition. Many products affect the quality of sperm, as well as its flavor and aroma. Dairy products give it a not very pleasant musty smell. Fish and especially asparagus make it simply unbearable.

In contrast to the above products, there are others, the use of which makes the sperm more pleasant to perceive the taste and smell. These include some fruits that have a sour taste. The most favorable in this sense is pineapple.

The smell of sperm greatly affects the perception of the partner. Sometimes it can be disgusting or, conversely, a desire to attract to a man.

A woman's perception may be related to the feelings she feels for a given man. So, the smell of the sperm of a loved one can lead to arousal and even bring pleasure, and the smell of the unloved can lead to a feeling of disgust.

Sperm that enters the vagina has other qualities. Mixed with the discharge of a woman, she acquires an exciting fragrance.

Speaking about the smell of sperm and its belonging to pheromones, it is necessary to note the following peculiarity of the relationship between a man and a woman. Since ancient times, people have chosen partners for natural flavors that come from a pure body. These are pheromones that affect sexual perception. This factor is of great importance for the compatibility of two people. The partners selected by such a model are optimal. In this case, you can hope for full compatibility.

Recently, people use a lot of perfumes (perfumes, colognes, deodorants, shower gels). They to some extent do not let them listen to their own feelings from the perception of the chosen person. Some experts in this area believe that this caused a large number of divorces. If you are uncomfortable with the natural smells of the partner and his smell of sperm, then maybe it does not suit you in a sexual way.

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