
I wonder what Citramon helps with?

Modern pharmacies are so filled with various medications that sometimes it is very, very difficult to understand all of them. In this article I want to tell you about what helps Citramon: in what situations it is better to apply, and when this drug is better placed on the most distant shelf.


First of all, you need to understand the composition of this medication. So, what active substances work here, helping people cope with certain problems?

  1. Aspirin - has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect, is an analgesic. Important is the fact that aspirin prevents the formation of thrombi and improves blood circulation in the places of their possible appearance.
  2. Caffeine - in the first place it strengthens the effect of aspirin as an analgesic. In addition, this substance prevents the adhesion of platelets, as well as activates the mental and physical processes that occur in the body.
  3. Paracetamol - performs an important function: it prevents the appearance of prostaglandins - substances that participate in the formation of pain and inflammation).

From this we can make a small simple conclusion that this drug is intended to combat pain, i.e. Is an analgesic. As for the form of release, the drug "Citramon" is most often sold in tablets, but if necessary, you can find granules that need to be diluted in water, as well as capsules.


So, what does Citramon help from? First of all, this remedy is designed to combat headaches of varying degrees. Important is the fact that this drug can also help with migraines - severe paroxysmal headaches, which are associated with stagnation of blood in blood vessels, because it has the effect of improving its circulation. However, it should be said that in this case, this drug, most likely, will not be able to completely remove the pain, although it will significantly weaken it.


You can also use the medicine Citramon from toothache. After all, the pain in this case is often associated with an inflammatory process (the active substance will help aspirin). However, the use of this drug can be done only once, only as an analgesic. In this case, it does not have medical properties, and it is best to ask the dentist for help in order to get rid of the cause of pain.

"Women's days"

We understand further, from what helps Citramon. So, it is worth mentioning that this drug will also be needed for women who suffer from menstrual pain, which in medicine are called algodismenorei. This drug will either alleviate the pain completely, or significantly reduce it.

Muscle pain

Consider the following answer to the question of what helps Citramon. This drug can be used for muscle and joint pain. In such cases, this is an excellent wand-zashchalochka. However, it is worth saying that you should not take these tablets for a long time, this is a one-time assistant.


Since the active active substance is aspirin, it is possible to take Citrimon from the temperature. However, in this case, it is worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to give these pills to children. In this case, babies can experience Reye's syndrome, which will lead to severe damage to the liver and brain.


Some people are wondering whether it is possible to take such a drug as "Citramon", from a hangover. It is worth saying that it is better not to do this. After all, the active substance paracetamol is able to affect the damaged liver of alcoholics and drinkers, and aspirin increases the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the gastrointestinal tract. However, it is necessary to clarify that the headache and bad condition with a hangover, this drug will help, but at what cost? This is a good time to think about.

A variety of "Ultra"

Virtually every drug has its own variety. So, in the title you can find the words "Forte", "Express", "Ultra". What does this all mean? What is the difference between Citramon Ultra and Citramon? The composition here will be the same, but some substances (paracetamol, for example) in the first case more. In this version, the drug is a more potent analgesic than just Citramon. That's the whole difference.


It is worth saying a few words about who is strictly forbidden to take this medication. So, these are the following categories of people:

  1. Children under 15 years old.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Patients with ulcers or gastritis.
  4. People with a disease such as glaucoma.
  5. Sufferers of high blood pressure.
  6. People who have sleep disorders or who suffer from insomnia.
  7. Those who have allergic reactions to at least one of the components.
  8. Suffering hemophilia.
  9. Patients with vitamin K vitamin deficiency.

It is necessary to say about those people who need to take this medicine with great care. So, what diseases should alert the person who wants to take such a drug as Citramon?

  1. Problems with the liver (it is worth saying that paracetamol itself is hepatotoxic when taking large doses of medication, this can lead to poisoning and severe liver damage).
  2. Gout (acetylsalicylic acid prevents the excretion of uric acid from the body, which can provoke an attack not only in patients, but even in patients predisposed to this disease).
  3. Alcoholism (both with the intake of alcohol, and to eliminate a condition such as a hangover).

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