HealthDiseases and Conditions

HPV 16, 18 species leads to cervical oncology

Today, HPV is the most common virus. Now experts know more than 100 of its types. If earlier it was thought that this virus is relatively safe, now scientists have no doubt that it is capable of provoking malignant formations.

However, different types of it cause oncology with different probability. Moreover, the most common and dangerous of the high-carcinogenic species - HPV 16, 18, also cancer with high probability provoke 82, 73, 68, 59, 58, 56, 52, 51, 45, 39, 35, 33, 31 types.

The most unpleasant consequence of the presence of this virus is the malignant process on the cervix. In women with HPV 16, 18 species the probability of its occurrence is 300 times higher than in women without it. However, it should be understood that there are other provocative factors. Therefore, the presence of cancer is not necessarily his presence.

The human papilloma virus 16, 18 species does not always lead to oncology. However, women with him are at risk, they should be examined regularly by a gynecologist. The fact is that a lot of time passes from the moment of infection to the onset of cancer. In addition, today at an early stage oncology of the cervix is effectively treated.

For men, these types of viruses are also unsafe. They can provoke cancer of the glans penis.

The role of HPV in oncological diseases of the rectum, vagina, vulva, and larynx has also been proven.

However, the greatest danger these types of virus represent in terms of the occurrence of cervical cancer. This disease occupies a leading place in women's oncology.

The path of transmission of HPV 16.18 is mainly sexual, although other variants are also possible. This infection is one of the common STDs today. And it should be borne in mind that condoms practically do not protect against infection.

The danger lies also in the fact that the disease can not exist for a very long time. A person infects his partners without knowing about him. Self-healing is also possible during the year. And reinfection by the same type is unlikely.

By the way, the virus type 16 papilloma is more common, it is found in 70% of cases and causes squamous cell carcinoma. To the development of adenocarcenoma has the greatest potential 18 species of the virus, it is detected in 20% of patients with HPV of stimulation. In general, these two species are the most dangerous and require more aggressive treatment tactics. Often a person has several types of virus.

Today, HPV is diagnosed by PCR. This method helps not only to identify the virus, but also to find out what specific types are present in the material. It is usually taken from the cervical canal in women and from the urethra in men. However, they have it more difficult to detect.

Also, women for the early detection of cervical cancer should regularly undergo a cytological examination. In this case, a swab from the cervical canal is examined under a microscope and the structure of the cells is studied. The cytogram can be of 5 types:

  • I - without features;
  • II - inflammation;
  • III - dysplasia;
  • IV - suspected cancer;
  • V is cancer.

All but the first cases require additional research and treatment. Mandatory colposcopy. In this case, the cervix is treated with various solutions and is examined in a microscope. To confirm its pathology, histological examination is also used.

Based on the results of PCR on HPV of stimulation, smear on cytology, colposcopy and biopsy, treatment is prescribed. Its effectiveness is controlled by the same research.

So, HPV 16, 18 species can lead to oncology of the cervix. A patient with them does not necessarily fall ill with cancer, but the probability of this is 300 times higher than that of a woman without them. Now there are effective therapies with timely detection. The diagnosis of HPV and its genotyping is carried out using PCR. Also for the detection of abnormalities of the cervix, colposcopy, a smear for cytology and a biopsy are used.

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