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Spondylitis - what is it? Types, symptoms, spondylitis treatment

Disease spondylitis is extremely rare. According to statistics, pathology is observed in 0.3-0.8% of people. Therefore, many do not even know if they hear a diagnosis of "spondylitis," what it is. In medical practice, this term refers to inflammatory diseases of the spine. The disease develops against the backdrop of neglected bacterial infections. Timely appeal for the help of doctors allows you to avoid the development of such an unpleasant disease. This is what explains good statistics.

Characteristics of the disease

Spondylitis - what is it? This pathology combines a whole group of inflammatory ailments of the spine, proceeding in a chronic form. It is characterized by the defeat of several pillars of the pillar.

The pathology may be based on:

  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • typhoid fever;
  • Purulent infection.

You can not exclude other causes of the disease. But most often there is tuberculous spondylitis.

Inflammation occurring in the body leads to the destruction of the vertebrae, the density of bone tissue decreases. As a result, deformation of the whole column develops.

Pathology refers to rare diseases that can occur in people of different ages. The initial degree has a rather blurred symptomatology, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. But with the defeat of several pillars of the pill, the ailment acquires a recognizable character.

It should be clearly understood, spondylitis - what is it. This pathology, which manifests itself by intense pain, a feeling of stiffness, increased temperature, a sense of weakness and the appearance of a rather specific posture. It is very dangerous, if pathologies do not attach due importance. Its progression leads to the formation of a hump or angular curvature of the spine in the thoracic region.

Causes of ailment

Disease spondylitis always occurs as a result of the infectious process occurring in the body.

Doctors identify the following causes of the disease:

  1. Specific. The disease provokes a certain bacterium, leading to changes in the vertebrae: tuberculosis, brucellosis, gonorrhea, syphilitic, actinomycotic.
  2. Nonspecific. Microorganisms cause a typical course of the disease according to the principle of purulent inflammation. The disease can be provoked by: intestinal bacteria, hemophilic rod, staphylococci. A distinctive feature of pathology is the formation of an invertebral abscess.
  3. Rheumatoid. This pathology is caused by pathologies, provoked by hemolytic group A streptococcus : angina, pyoderma, carditis.

Predisposing factors of the appearance of the disease are:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Long-term use of cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids;
  • Trauma of the spine;
  • A chronic focus of a specific infection (gonorrhea, pulmonary tuberculosis).

Classification of the disease

There are many varieties of spondylitis, if considered from the point of view of the cause.

The most common are 3 types:

  • Tubercular;
  • aseptic;
  • Ankylosing.

In addition, pathology can affect any areas. Therefore allocate:

  • Spondylitis of the lumbar spine;
  • Thoracic;
  • Cervical.

Main symptoms

People who are faced with a pathology such as spondylitis, what it is, understand perfectly. The illness manifests itself as an extremely unpleasant symptomatology and significantly affects the quality of life.

The disease is characterized by the following clinic:

  • Painful discomfort in the back, hip region, legs, chest;
  • Inflammatory process in the spinal column;
  • Burning or tingling in the thighs, legs, back;
  • Stiffness of the spine;
  • Constant need to "go to the toilet";
  • Decreased mobility;
  • Pain syndrome during movement;
  • Shortening of the spine;
  • The occurrence of problems with sleep;
  • Manifestation of the curvature of the spine.

Spondylitis of the lumbar spine is manifested by a rather characteristic neurological disorder:

  1. There may be partial or complete paralysis of the lower extremities.
  2. In the case of a pronounced process, urinary incontinence and incontinence occur.
  3. Pain in the leg area is sometimes given to the perineum.
  4. Discomfort is piercing, periodically observed "lumbago".
  5. Symptoms that indicate an organism's intoxication are characteristic: low temperature, dizziness, weakness.

Ankylosing spondylitis

This pathology has another name - Bekhterev's disease. At the heart of the development of the disease is immune damage to the ligaments. Ankylosing spondylitis often results in immobility of the body. Often such a pathology is observed in men who have passed the 20-year boundary.

Ankylosing spinal cord spondylitis gradually limits the motor function. With this disease, it is as if splicing the vertebrae. As a result, they form one bone.

The pathology develops gradually, for a long time. Initially, the lumbar region is affected, then the ailment covers the thigh and groin. The ossification of the spine slowly rises. It is unpleasant enough when it reaches the breast area. In fact, along with limited mobility, difficulty in breathing is observed. As a result, the patient develops chronic lung pathologies.

Symptoms of the disease are greatly enhanced with an active load or prolonged rest. Unpleasant discomfort is eliminated with anti-inflammatory drugs and special gymnastics.

Tuberculous spondylitis

The illness is called Pott's disease. Most often, pathology occurs in children and adolescents. The causative agent of the disease is quite resistant to the action of acids and many antibiotics.

Tuberculosis spondylitis mainly develops in the thoracic area, as the ailment is caused by microorganisms localized in the lungs, sometimes in the lymph nodes. Bacteria, penetrating the vertebrae, provoke the formation of tubercle structures, which degenerate into foci of necrosis. The necrosis of tissues covers the nearby links of the column.

Pathology can begin to progress several years after infection. To start the mechanism of development of an illness can excessive loading, a trauma, weakening of immunity.

Symptoms of tuberculous spondylitis are:

  1. In the area of inflammation localization, edema and cold abscesses are observed.
  2. Significantly limited motor function.
  3. The child quickly gets tired, sleeps badly, is restless.
  4. Children have a cautious gait. They try to stick out the stomach and straighten the back, intuitively reducing the strain on the spine.
  5. There are complaints of pain in the abdomen.

Progression of the disease leads to the formation of a hump, the emergence of neurological disorders, sometimes paralysis.

The patient is prescribed antibacterial medications, general restorative therapy. In some cases, surgical operations are recommended.

Aseptic spondylitis

Such an ailment is known in medicine as Kymmel-Werney disease. At the root of the disease is a vertebra injury. Aseptic spondylitis is quite unpleasant and cunning. After the injury, an illusion is created that the disease has been defeated, since no symptomatology is observed in the patient. This can last several years. Unfortunately, during this period the affected area manages to become covered with necrotic foci.

Most pathology is diagnosed in middle-aged and young men. Kymmel-Vernei disease is in most cases localized in the thoracic region, but sometimes manifests itself in the lumbar region.

There is an extremely unpleasant picture if an intra-vertebral artery was damaged during an injury. In this case, there is a profuse hemorrhage, provoking vasomotor disorders. Necrosis processes begin to develop, dissolution of bones occurs.

However, the affected vertebra continues to carry the load and perform all functions. This situation leads to deformation. And even a minor injury is enough to cause the patient to have a compression fracture of the spine.


Stop the development of pathology can only complex measures.

If spinal fusion is diagnosed, the treatment includes:

  • Administration of medication;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Therapeutic gymnastics.

Therapy is completely dependent on the source that triggered the disease. Therefore, medicinal preparations are selected individually.

Most often the patient is prescribed:

  1. NSAIDs. These can be medicines: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide.
  2. Preparations that eliminate inflammation and do not have a steroid effect: Indomethacin, Orthofen. Such medications reduce the pain syndrome, bring down the temperature, eliminate inflammation.
  3. Corticosteroids. Medicines aimed at removing puffiness and restoring disturbed metabolic processes. They provide recovery of the spine. Often recommended drug "Prednisolone".
  4. Antibiotics. Their use allows you to fight infections. The following medicines are prescribed: "Cefixime", "Norfloxacin", "Ceftriaxone", "Ofloxacin", "Levofloxacin".
  5. Solutions that ensure the removal of toxins from the body. Recommend: Ringer's or sodium chloride solution.

Additional therapies

After elimination of the pain syndrome, spondylitis treatment consists of the following measures:

  1. Physiotherapy. Daily exercise allows you to strengthen muscle tissue.
  2. Thermotherapy. The affected area is warmed. As a result, pain is reduced as much as possible.
  3. Healing baths. Such activities are aimed at relaxing muscle tissue and eliminating discomfort.
  4. Phonophoresis. The procedure relieves swelling.
  5. Massage. It normalizes blood circulation and stimulates metabolism. Helps restore the correct position of the vertebrae.

Surgical treatment is rarely used. Its necessity arises only when drug therapy has been unsuccessful. That is why it is very important in such a pathology as spondylitis, to seek medical help in a timely manner.

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