
How to remove fluid from the body without harm to health

Often excess water in the body is not good, but rather, on the contrary - the problem. It spoils the appearance, is the cause of swelling, bags under the eyes and helps to retain excess weight.

One of the easiest ways to remove fluid is to use diuretics. It can be and medicines-diuretics, dispensed without a prescription, and special herbal diuretics, as well as special fees made independently. Here are a few such recipes for removing fluid from the body:

Recipe No. 1: 10 g of dry leaves of grass, the bear's eye is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. And then it all insists half an hour and drinks fresh in the course of the day (the liquid should be divided into 5-6 receptions).

Recipe number 2: 2 teaspoons finely chopped birch leaves pour a cup of boiling water and insist half an hour. Infusion should be filtered very carefully through clean gauze, and then add a little baking soda. Drink infusion should be every 4 hours for 1 teaspoon.

The use of these drugs should not be misused, since along with excess fluid, the elements needed by the body, including iron, will also go away. Before they are taken, consult a doctor. It is best to use kalisreserve herbal preparations.

How to remove fluid from the body with natural remedies? You can drink natural birch sap, a good diuretic is green tea, mate and cumin. Help to remove from the body of water products containing potassium - it's bananas, persimmons, dried apricots, pumpkin, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini. You can also take a decoction of flax seeds or sage. Drink also natural diuretic drinks - for example, water with lemon and cranberries - this is the perfect answer to the question of how to remove liquid from the body. You can sit on a special diet that reduces the amount of excess fluid. These can be watermelon unloading days, kefir days, etc. At the end of such a diet should be limited caloric intake, so as not to gain excess fluid again.

You can also remove the liquid from the body with herbs and vegetables: fresh sorrel, beet, horseradish, young nettle, celery. As soon as possible, these foods should be included in your diet. But alcohol is better to refuse on the contrary, as it is able to retain moisture in the body (especially beer).

Another answer to the question of how to remove fluid from the body is baths, saunas and all kinds of paired. Also, fine coniferous baths or baths with sea salt are excreted superfluous. In passing, these useful and pleasant procedures relieve the body of toxins.

If you want to remove excess fluid from the body, you must also limit the use of tea, coffee and salt. All these products retain moisture and promote edema. Especially harmful in this regard is salt, which, in addition to water retention, neutralizes potassium, which is useful for the heart. Remove from the diet salted fish and semi-finished products, fast food, chips, industrial smoked products and canned food. Instead of salt, add oil and spices. Sugar should also be limited - it increases the level of insulin, which prevents getting rid of excess salt and water, which it accumulates. Drink a day at least 9 glasses of clean water - in this case the body will not save it "in reserve" in the form of edema.

How to remove fluid from the body with physical activity? During exercise and physical exertion, we lose a lot of water, harmful substances with sweat and more frequent urination. It is also necessary to take nutritional supplements with calcium. This is especially important for women. You can also take special preparations with calcium in addition to taking diuretics, but they can often contain impurities of unnecessary elements, so you should ask your doctor to prescribe the right drug for you.

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