
How to cleanse the body of toxins

How to cleanse the body of toxins? The answer to this question is known to all supporters of a healthy lifestyle. If you still do not belong to those or just want to try to start watching your food and do sports, then this article is for you. She will talk not only about how to cleanse the body of toxins, but also what it is like, how they appear and what are the signs of their presence.

Thanks to the respiratory and digestive systems, a person can receive all the substances that he needs for normal functioning. All products of metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, proteins or vital functions of the body are deduced from it independently. It occurs through the skin, digestive, respiratory and genito-urinary systems. Slags are precisely the products of metabolism. They accumulate in the cells, then in the intercellular space, in the bone, connective and fatty tissues, muscles and organs.

Before you understand how to cleanse the body of toxins, you need to find out what their origin is. It can be external and internal. So from the outside into the body are toxic substances that are contained in food, air, water. They penetrate the body through the digestive and respiratory organs, mucous membranes, skin. Such substances include nitrites, preservatives, drugs, dyes, antibiotics, pesticides and the like. Products of cellular metabolism that accumulate in the body, negatively affect its life. This leads to the occurrence of certain diseases. Therefore, every person should understand that it is necessary to purify the body of toxins.

What are the signs of this condition? Frequent headache, fatigue, irritability, constant fatigue, allergic reactions, skin lesions, fever - all this indicates the presence of toxins in your body. And if you do not take their time in time, colitis, gastritis, angina pectoris, heart attacks, peptic ulcers, and even malignant tumors may occur.

Cleansing the body of slag at home - the procedure is long, but you will feel obvious relief.

1. Healthy fasting. This method is considered the simplest. But not everyone is able to apply it. It is necessary to completely stop eating for about five days. In the process of starvation, according to experts, there is a withdrawal from the intestine of all pathogenic microflora, as well as the burning of adipose tissue, which contains toxins.
2. How to cleanse the body of toxins? To sit on a mono-diet. In food you can eat only one product. It is believed that the slags of apples, oat flakes, buckwheat and rice, which were previously soaked in a special way, are well removed.
3. Purification of the intestine can be carried out at home, using enema or laxatives, and in a medical institution, after the procedure of hydrocolonotherapy.
4. Vegetable oil is often used to purify the liver . Before the procedure, you need a few days to observe the fruit and vegetable diet. The liver is warmed up with a heating pad, after which it is necessary to drink 200 milliliters of vegetable oil (lean and warmed) for two meals. To cleanse this organ, hepatoprotectors can be used.
5. If you do not know how to cleanse the body of toxins, then try a watermelon diet. So you put your kidneys in order. For a week eat only rye bread and watermelons.
6. Traditional medicine recommends the use of infusions of herbs, teas, juices.

Cleansing the body will be useful and effective only if carried out by all rules. And the optimal method should help to choose a specialist. There are also contraindications to this procedure, namely, diseases of various body systems (cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine), lactation, pregnancy, as well as violations of excretory functions.

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