
How to get rid of nits

Today many people do not know how to get rid of pediculosis. In the modern world, this disease does not belong to the diseases of poor families. So it was several decades ago. However, today the lice do not choose their owners by the state of the wallet. In many cases, it is enough to drive public transport once, sit on the seat where the pediculosis patient previously was, and parasites settle on the head.

It should be noted that over the years these insects mutate and leave a very picky offspring who prefer well-groomed heads. They have already become accustomed to modern shampoos and other care products. Despite the fact that lice do not have the ability to jump or fly, they quickly migrate to the hairline of the new host and put nits there.

The female can lay up to ten eggs every day, which become full-fledged insects in ten days. Given this, it is necessary to take preventive measures and even to know superficially how to get rid of lice and nits.

Ripened insects, as a rule, live on the occipital region of the head, behind the ears. There they hide from the bright light and suck the blood of their master. The greatest problem is caused by their larvae. Nits of lice are so small that it is almost impossible to detect them. Eggs are attached to the hair with strong glue. To separate nits from hair is very problematic.

Today, three types of these insects are distinguished: clothing, head and pubic. It should be noted that there is no one way how to get rid of nits of all types. In such cases, for a particular type of parasite, it is necessary to find the optimal yield.

When identifying eggs, you should purchase a special comb (comb with often located teeth). Since getting rid of nits is difficult enough, especially with long hair, you should apply air conditioning on them and scrub the larvae over the bathroom or on a pre-prepared newspaper with intense movements. It is recommended to handle with locks. For convenience, it is necessary to stab all the hair on the vertex and begin with the occipital region.

It is easier for a boy to cut his hair than to force him to sit with a crest over a bath or newspaper.

You can also get rid of pubic parasites with a razor.

When you find a parasite-type clothing type, things need to be boiled, since you can get rid of nits only in this way. When boiling, add 3% soda ash. If for any reason you can not boil it, you can put things in dry cleaners or burn them.

Among the recipes of folk medicine also there are ways how to get rid of nits.

Since ancient times, dust soap has been used for these purposes.

You can also repaint your hair. As is known, hair dye contains hydrogen peroxide, which is capable of destroying parasites due to its specific chemical composition.

A vinegar is a very effective agent that dissolves glue and reduces the activity of insects. Two of its tablespoons are bred in a glass of water. The solution should be moistened with a head. Cranberry juice is also a good remedy. In the process of rubbing it into the scalp, the nits themselves begin to get unstuck from the hair. This procedure should be carried out throughout the week.

It should be noted that the pharmacological industry does not stand still. Today in pharmacies you can find all kinds of sprays, ointments, emulsions, lotions, gels, shampoos, which are designed to eliminate unpleasant parasites. However, in most cases they help to get rid of mature insects, leaving the larvae on their hair. This is due to a fairly strong shell of eggs. In such cases it is better to use proven effective means.

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