
How to get rid of lice: myth and reality

There is a misconception in society that lice can only appear in people who do not observe personal hygiene or live in mud. But this is not true, because these pests live in places where people and human blood are. Therefore, if there is a source of infection in the team, the option that lice will appear for everyone is very large. And parasites choose, as a rule, the cleanest head, because eating them on fat-free hair will be much easier.

Before deciding how to get rid of lice, you need to establish the source of their appearance and appearance. So, they come in three types: clothes, head and pubic. Note that head lice do not fly, do not crawl and do not jump. Therefore, you can get infected only after using someone else's comb, towel or any other personal care item. Very often parasites are transmitted when children and adults touch their heads, hang clothes next to them or use only soft toys. Therefore, such infection often occurs in kindergartens and schools, where there is a large concentration of children.

When deciding how to get rid of lice for good, personal hygiene can not be taken into account. The child, unfortunately, does not always behave prudently and allows himself to take someone else's toys (which often happens in the kindergarten) or just hugging peers. It is necessary to explain to the child that this should not be done, although, for the sake of justice, we note that such persuasions rarely have a result. But preventive work should be conducted.

If the baby still gets infected, you need to exclude him from the team until he is fully recovered. Remember that in solving the problem of how to get rid of lice, simply washing your head or washing clothes is unlikely to be a salvation. Previously, it was believed that the most effective way to eliminate parasites - shaving hair. But now this technique is justified for fighting with pubic lice, because the elimination of vegetation in this area does not bring much discomfort. After the hair is removed, the skin needs to be treated with a special white mercurial ointment.

In how to get rid of lice, which are called underwear, helps the treatment of clothing by steam or its boiling. Then things need to be ventilated so that within a week they are exposed to direct sunlight. Before washing, the laundry can be treated with an insecticide. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to iron all things, paying special attention to the places of folds and stitches.

To solve the problem of how to get rid of lice on your head, you need to exert much more effort. Fortunately, folk and traditional medicine provides us with a variety of means and methods of treatment, so you can choose the most suitable and convenient in this particular case. Remember that when choosing any medicine, it is necessary to get the doctor's approval. This is especially important when it comes to children and pregnant women. Among the traditional medicine popular is the cranberry juice, dust and tar soap. As for kerosene and vinegar, their use must be very cautious. You need to remember that you can dry your hair and get a small scalp burn.

Remember that the problem with how to get rid of lice, may not occur at all, if you regularly observe the rules of personal hygiene, constantly change bed and underwear. Do not forget to remind the children that you can not use other people's personal items (this concerns the comb, towels and other things). Tell them that it is forbidden to wear other people's hats and clothes.

In order to scare off parasites and not become infected with pediculosis in a public place, you need to apply a drop of tea tree oil and lavender on the back of the head and behind the ears. This smell repels lice.

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