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How to do "ollie": description, trick technique, history and recommendations

Young people who go in for sports and spend long time on the street with their friends are often interested in the question of how to do "ollie" on a skateboard. In fact, there is nothing difficult to perform this trick, but sometimes it seems impossible for beginners. The article will help to learn more about what an "olly" is, and also teach him how to do it in just five steps.

What is an "ollie"

Before you do "Ollie" on a skateboard, you need to understand that this jump on the board represents itself. "Ollie" is called one of the main tricks performed on skateboard. It certainly is the most popular, unlike complex movements, because always attracts the attention of passers-by.

"Ollie" - this is the basis of all the tricks. Only after its mastering can begin to study the technique of performing more complex jumps, turns and so on.

Beginners, who have never yet become skate, should not immediately try to perform the trick. To begin with, it is necessary to get used to maintaining balance, to gain muscle memory and to learn how to confidently turn and properly brake. When this level is reached, you can proceed to the step-by-step training of the jump provided below.

How to do "Ollie": step one

The first thing to do is to take the right position. The hind leg should be positioned so that its toe is at the end of the board. In this case, the legs should be slightly bent at the knees, and the body is slightly tilted forward, but the back should be kept straight. All the questions about how to learn how to make an "ollie" from a different starting position can be rejected right away, because this is the position that is classic when performing the jump.

The trick can be performed from a place or in motion. As a rule, during the ride make it easier. But if there is a desire to fulfill the "Ollie" from the spot, then first it is recommended to practice on a soft basis, otherwise the first injury will not give you the opportunity to skate in the near future.

Amateurs do tricks from the spot often have problems with the "ollie" in motion. The main reason for this is a loss of balance when landing, when it is carried out at high speed. During a jump on the spot, such problems do not arise, so professionals recommend practicing the "ollie" alternately: first on the spot, then on the move. Due to this, it is possible to avoid the formation of incorrect skills, which will not be easy to get rid of later.

Second phase

At the first stage, it is not entirely clear how to learn how to do an "ollie" on a skateboard. After all, this trick, although it is basic, but still it is impossible to master it in just one step.

If you are ready to jump, you should bend your legs even more. There is one important nuance: the more legs are bent, the longer the skater will go. Then it is necessary to make a click - a sharp blow, which is carried out by the foot of the jogging leg at the end of the board. It is this moment that is the key, because as you click, you want to make a jump, which is the trick.

The trick is to calculate the time correctly. After the click was made, the skater begins to push off the ground / asphalt with his skateboard, while making a jump on one leg. Its height depends directly on the strength and sharpness of the click.

From the first time, it's far from every person is able to perform these actions correctly, but how to do "ollie" without failures and mistakes?

Having practiced the click and the original jump several times, one should not rejoice and stop at what has been achieved. This step is not the last, so you can safely proceed to the next stage of training.

Step Three

When the tail of the skateboard comes off the ground, and its bow is slightly raised, it is necessary to start sharply "pulling" its vehicle. A draft is called the movement of a foot that is curved inward, which leads the leg up and down the board. Thanks to this, the skate rises, hanging in the air.

From the first time it is difficult to understand, although in fact this principle does not present any complexity. At beginners in the first times it turns out to make a trick only half, or it is impossible to fulfill it generally because of frequent falls. To worry in this case it is not necessary, as skill is honed for several repetitions of the same movement, not excluding unsuccessful attempts.

If desired, it is easy to train separately the hood, without performing a jump. But in any case, you should immediately tune in to what will have to spend some time to master the technique.

How to do the trick "ollie": the fourth step

During the jump itself, it is necessary to bend your knees as much as possible. It's best to even try to get your knees in the chest. All this is necessary in order to make the jump as high as possible. Shoulders at this moment should be together with the hull on the same plane with the board, simultaneously parallel to the ground. That is, the shoulder line should be clearly horizontal, but not at an angle to the ground. Thanks to the right position, it will be possible to keep the balance when the time comes to land.

At a time when the jump is already on the decline, it is necessary to place the legs so that they are clearly above the wheels. After landing your own mass on the center or edge of the board, it instantly can be broken. This trick, unlike more professional, is not worth the loss of skateboard, so it's best not to risk it, because the new board will cost a considerable amount.

The final stage of training

When landing, you should bend your legs again to avoid injury, thereby weakening the impact of the skate on the ground. When the skateboard wheels have touched the ground, you do not need to jump off it at once, you just need to go further.

Having mastered all the steps, there will no longer be a question of how to do the "ollie". Now it is already clear that nothing complicated in the performance of this jump is there, and absolutely anyone can do it.

There is no specific time for mastering the trick. For many years of practice, individuals came across who ideally could perform a jump in just one day of training, and there were others who could not do it even during a week of diligent training.

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