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How to distinguish between methyl and ethyl alcohol? Formula of alcohol

Alcohol and alcohol are quite tightly integrated into our daily lives. This article will give the main recommendations on how to distinguish methyl from ethyl alcohol. Their characteristics and chemical formulas will also be indicated.

History of the discovery of alcohol

The formula of alcohol in one form or another was discovered almost simultaneously in many regions of the globe. In 1334, the French alchemist Arnaud de Wilgger initially obtained wine alcohol. In 1360 Italian and French monasteries produced such a substance called "water of life". Genoese merchants brought alcohol to Moscow in 1386 to demonstrate its qualities.


Now let's look at what ethyl and methyl alcohol is.

Methanol (it's methyl alcohol, it's wood alcohol, it's carbinol, it's methyl hydrate, it's also methyl hydroxide) - monoatomic simplest alcohol, poisonous, colorless liquid. With air forms (in volume concentrations from 6.98 to 35.5%) explosive mixtures (at a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius). The molecular formula of methyl alcohol is CH 4 O or CH 3 -OH.

Ethanol (or ethyl alcohol, or wine alcohol, or alcohol, in the common people just "alcohol", methylcarbinol) is a monohydric alcohol with the usual formula C 2 H 5 OH. Under standard conditions, it is a volatile, colorless, flammable, transparent liquid. It is a depressant - a psychoactive substance that depresses the central nervous system of a person, and an active component of alcoholic beverages.


From the position of definition and chemical formula, it is easy to determine how to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl alcohol. In practice, everything is not so simple.

If you turn to chemistry, you can get a lot of information about these substances: application, reception, properties, finding in nature, etc. But let's go back to everyday questions and consider in more detail how methanol differs from ethanol.

Methanol is similar in appearance to ethanol: colorless, with a characteristic, but weaker odor. This is the main properties of methyl alcohol. Simply, unfortunately, these two substances are very difficult to distinguish from each other. Only a professional chemist can visually distinguish one species from another. The color, smell, taste is so similar that often these substances are confused. The consequences of such confusion are fraught with: from blindness to death.


At home, you can conduct simple experiments to identify differences. Here are three important ways to distinguish methanol from ethanol. The same methods will be of a comparative nature.

1 way . Ignition of the test liquid. One of the simplest and most reliable ways: we set fire to our sample, follow the color of the flame. Ethanol burns in blue, and methanol is green. This is so simple and understandable, but remember that ignorance, unfortunately, does not relieve a person from the consequences.

We introduce a new concept in our article - technical alcohol. By the term "technical alcohol" we mean alcohols (methanol, denatured alcohol) and their mixtures, not suitable for human consumption, causing serious and irreparable damage to both health and life.

We also need to take into account the following point: using a thermometer in our simple experiment, we must fix the boiling point, since it is known from the chemistry sections that ethanol boils at a temperature of 78 ° C, and methanol boils at 64 °.

2 way . We use ordinary potatoes. A small potato slice should be thrown into the test liquid for several hours: if after a specified time the potatoes do not change color, then before you, ethanol is a substance suitable for consumption. If the potato slice has turned pink, the test liquid is methanol - the strongest poison for the human body.

3 way . Formaldehyde test. Here we need a copper wire, a small part of which must be glowed white and put in liquid. If you find ethanol in it, you can smell the stale apples, and where there is methanol, you will hear a sharp unpleasant smell - the smell of formaldehyde.

Remember that a small dose (enough and 50 ml) of methanol can lead to death. Be vigilant, do not buy alcohol at dubious points of sale, do not risk your life and health, and buy alcohol in specialized stores.

Symptoms of Methanol Poisoning

Symptomatic poisoning with methanol is very similar to alcohol poisoning, but on the general background of nausea, dizziness, intoxication, lethargy, vomiting, seizures, it is necessary to distinguish the loss of vision. Methanol enters the human body during breathing, through the skin and the digestive tract. There is severe pain in the legs, a sharp headache. It affects the nervous system, destroys blood vessels, leads to blindness. Quickly absorbed, slowly released, cumulates (accumulates). Oxidizing in the body, forms toxic compounds - formic acid and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is very toxic, since it is a first class substance of danger. It is officially recognized as endogenous. Accumulation of it in the body leads to the development of cancer. Formic acid causes damage to the eyes and respiratory tract. Severe poisoning with loss of vision can cause intake of only 5-10 ml of methyl alcohol. The lethal dose is in the range of 30 to 100 ml, but it depends on the individual characteristics of the particular organism. Death comes from stopping breathing. The diagnosis can be confirmed by finding a substance such as formic acid in the victim's urine.

First aid

Above it was clearly shown how to distinguish between methyl and ethyl alcohol. However, there are situations in life when you have to give the first medical aid to the victim. When poisoning with methanol, it is aimed at removing the poison from the body, delaying the oxidation of this substance. However, in the first place, the excretory system will suffer. When using technical alcohol inside, it is necessary to rinse the stomach within the first couple of hours. Usually, drink plenty of liquids, take alkaline solutions (sodium bicarbonate 10-15 grams). The antidote is ethyl alcohol, which reduces the process of oxidation of methyl alcohol and the formation of toxic products of transformation. Statistics on cases of methanol poisoning are depressing.

Ethanol. GOST

GOST is, first of all, a document regulating what qualities should be possessed by goods sold in the territory of a certain country. There are several GOSTs for ethanol that describe the purpose, conditions of storage, transportation and much more.

But such a complex issue as the use of alcoholic beverages, can give rise to hours of debate. And that's not the point, because each person should solve problems of this level for himself. But let's turn to the GOST of 1972: "Ethyl alcohol is a flammable, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Refers to potent drugs that cause first excitation, and then - paralysis of the nervous system. "

Now we read the GOST of 1982: "Ethyl alcohol is a flammable, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor related to potent drugs." And finally, in 2000: "Ethyl alcohol is a colorless, flammable liquid with a characteristic odor." These same regulatory documents regulate a substance such as ethyl alcohol technical.

Harm and benefit of alcohol

Let's not touch this huge iceberg called "to drink or not to drink." Let us recall the words of everyone's favorite Semen Semenovich Gorbunkov about the benefits of alcohol. Alcohol is able to slightly prevent the formation of blood clots, reduce the cholesterol in the blood, expand the blood vessels, which will lead to more intensive blood circulation. And the medicine, as is known, loves a clear dosage, so 50 ml treats and invigorates. But the benefit that alcohol brings is too small compared to its harm: alcohol makes changes in the genetic structure of a person, which can lead to deviations in the mental development of offspring, has a detrimental effect on the moral behavior of a person. In this case, it is worth remembering that it is alcohol that induces a person to commit rash, stupid and cruel acts. To prevent this from happening, one should strictly observe the norm. A complete refusal of a variety of alcoholic beverages will also be useful.

Remember that if you exceed the norm, alcohol will become a poison that will harm the organs and even entire systems of your body.

Actually on this and you can finish the argument about how to distinguish between methyl and ethyl alcohol.

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