
How to distinguish between male quail and females: reliable methods

For a beginner farmer who recently equips a quail farm, it is very important to know how to distinguish a male quail from females. This directly depends not only on the egg-laying of chickens, but also on the vitality of the eggs: unfertilized ones are suitable only for table use. If you are going to breed, the choice of producers should be treated with special care.

Recruitment of quail family

For a fully functioning farm, the bird is selected from the calculation of one male for 3-5 "girls". Of course, the results give and a shift, cross fertilization. However, it is economically disadvantageous to feed extra quails. On the other hand, the lack of males will affect the idleness of the females, which means a decrease in the "harvest" of eggs. If you consider how much quail eggs and carcasses cost, you can greatly reduce the profitability of the farm.

To leave or buy the males according to strict calculation is also not worth it. You should have a kind of bench in case of sudden death of the manufacturer, his illness or low activity. In addition, the tendency to mating is lower in youth when the quail has not yet entered into force, and at an age when he begins to lose it.

Age of purchase

The main ways how to distinguish male quail from females, work with birds from three weeks of age, when chicks were poured from fluff to feather. Breeders with some experience cope with the task, having before themselves a 14-day brood. Farmers, whose experience counts for decades, can separate boys from girls when they were just a week old. However, at first it is better to focus on grown quails, there will be fewer mistakes.

By the way, some breeds acquire pronounced sex signs much later. If you intend to cultivate American white albino, you will have to buy manufacturers in a month and a half. Until that age, without skills, you can not figure out who in front of you is a cockerel or chicken.

Quail: a description of common signs

Let us dwell for the beginning on the characteristics characteristic of all breeds. The main ways to distinguish between male quail and females are:

  1. Coloring plumage. In cockerels, it is always more catchy.
  2. Weight of a bird. Hens from the age of three weeks, gain weight faster. And it is very noticeable, as the difference to six weeks sometimes reaches 15 percent.
  3. Palpation. A "boy" has a special gland between the cloaca and the tail. Even the inexperienced Sparrowbark quickly learns to define it by touch. If you press it, a foamy whitish secret will appear. Naturally, "girls" do not have such an organ.
  4. The color of the cloaca. Its males have a pronounced pink hue, the female is bluish.
  5. The pubic bone of the chickens is somewhat divorced.

There is also a way to distinguish between male quail and females by behavior, if there is time to observe the already brood brood. Cocks from time to time make loud sharp screams. Samochki never screams. However, for this definition, still need observation and experience.

Some individual pedigree differences

The sexual affiliation of some varieties of quail can be determined even soon after a two-week existence of their differences in color. When selecting the chicks of the quail "Japanese", "Pharaoh" and "Estonian" you need to pay attention to the "facade". In males, the anterior part of the head and the chest are even-brown, while the chickens on the breast are scattered with black small specks.

The golden manchurian male stands out well against the background of the "ladies" with the obligatory mask, which the chickens lack.

Per Diem: The People's Sign

The older the brood, the more it is requested by the breeder. This is natural, as investments in birds grow with every week spent on her feeding. Therefore, farmers are eager to buy livestock early. The daily chicks of the quail, for example, are not much more expensive than eggs. And let there be natural losses (no one is insured from the death of a young one), they will be much lower in financial terms. Remember how much the quail eggs cost: four rubles a maximum, and you are guaranteed that they are fertilized. A chick grown up to 21 days, will cost already 20-30 rubles.

The method how to distinguish the male quail from females, proposed by an experienced sparrow, is checked by him on personal experience and helps to accurately determine the sex in 96 percent of cases. We need to watch the daily chickens: the most vocal chickens grow into females. The method is not suitable for a more adult bird: in two weeks the behavior changes to an adult.

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