HealthHealthy Eating

How many people should eat calories per day? Daily Calorie Rate

Quite an up-to-date topic today - how many people should consume calories per day. In fact, everyone understands that the concept is rather ambiguous and depends on many factors, such as weight, height, age, degree of activity. For each person, this rate can be calculated.

The minimum daily requirement for calories

For an accurate calculation, there are several formulas. The first of these is for women:

  • Weight in kilograms should be multiplied by 10;
  • Increase in centimeters by 6.25;
  • Age multiplied by 5;
  • Then it follows to add the second to the first number, then subtract the third and minus 161.

For example, for a woman aged 25 years, weighing 70 kg and growing 170 cm, the calculations will look like this:

70 * 10 + 170 * 6.25-5 * 25-161 = 700 + 1062.5-125-161 = 1476.5.

This is the minimum of calories that a woman should consume per day. That is, this energy is spent on metabolic processes in the body, which means that the daily rate should not be lower than this figure for the healthy functioning of the body.

For men, calculations are made with the exception that in the end you do not need to subtract 161, but add 5. For example, for a man of 35 years old, weighing 110 kg and growing 180 cm, the calculations will look like this:

110 * 10 + 180 * 6.25-5 * 35 + 5 = 1100 + 1125-175 + 5 = 2055.

Accordingly, each of us can count at home how much energy is spent on the maintenance of his body, even if the person is at rest. These calculations give an answer to the question of how many people should consume calories per day. The daily rate is the metabolism, which is calculated according to the above formula, and the level of physical activity, and each has its own.

How much calories are needed per day depending on lifestyle

Now it is necessary to determine how much energy a person spends on metabolism and his physical activity. This will help approximately calculate how many people should consume calories per day to maintain their weight at the same level.

So, the previous calculations should be multiplied by the coefficient:

  • 1,2 - for a sedentary lifestyle;
  • 1,375 - for those whose activity is not active, but there is a sport up to 3 times a week;
  • 1,55 - with average activity, for example, sports 5 times a week and office work;
  • 1,725 - for athletes and those whose work is associated with physical stress;
  • 1.9 - with hard physical daily work.

Thus, the main exchange should be multiplied by the coefficient that most accurately characterizes the current lifestyle. The obtained amount of calories is needed to maintain weight.

Another way to calculate

There are several other methods to calculate how many people should consume calories per day to maintain weight. For example, on average, each person spends approximately 1 kcal per kilogram of his weight every hour. Accordingly, to calculate the daily minimum, the weight should be multiplied by 24.

For example, for a woman weighing 70 kg, you should consume about 1680 kcal. But here the degree of physical loads is not taken into account, therefore the first way is more precise and objective.

Maintaining a diary

But there is the surest way to determine how many people should consume calories per day individually. You can do this with the help of surveillance, that is, for several days you should keep a diary of nutrition.

For example, within 10 days you need to record all the consumed foods, their caloric content and volume. This is provided that the weight is in place. At the end of the scheduled time, it is necessary to calculate on average how many people should consume calories per day. The calculation according to this scheme can be considered as accurate as possible, because the organism is individual, and the metabolic rate of each is different.

How much calorie need to lose weight

Since the problem of excess weight today is acute, you should pay attention to this issue. Indeed, how many people should use calories a day to lose weight? If you know for sure your basic metabolism, that is, the amount of energy that comes to the present with food and helps maintain weight.

Nutritionists do not recommend reducing the sharply caloric content of a daily diet, with a maximum of 10%. If you do not adhere to this rule, you can cause serious damage to health, the state of health worsens. That is, the body goes into energy saving mode, the metabolism slows down, eventually it can lead to a set of mass.

The issue of losing weight should be approached sensibly. To make it easier for those who keep a food diary to determine how many people should consume calories per day. Here you can clearly see what can be easily excluded from the diet or replaced with lower calorie foods.

How to correctly distribute calories

First, you need to learn that the energy gives us three basic elements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Categorically one can not refuse from one of them, because each element plays its important role in the functioning of the human body, healthy weight loss without them is impossible.

For example, fats are not only a source of energy, but also necessary to transport nutrients to cells in the body. Protein is a building material, without it it is impossible to form muscle tissue and lose weight, respectively, too. Carbohydrates are processed into energy, which is necessary for normal working capacity of a person.

In the daily diet should be present proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the following percentage ratio of 20/50/30. But here it is important to know what kind of nutrients we need every day, because some products will have to be eliminated completely to reduce weight.

Useful and harmful calories

Most important is not only how many people should consume calories a day for weight loss, and where they come from. It's about "bad" and "good" calories. This of course, a figurative definition, in fact, you need to understand correctly which products contain energy that is consumed immediately, and which are stored in reserve.

For example, carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are sugar and all foods where it is contained, including fruits. They do not saturate, but are necessary for brain work, in reasonable quantities. That is, people engaged in intellectual activity, should use simple carbohydrates in kind - honey, fruit. Complex carbohydrates are vegetables and cereals, they satiate for a long time and bring maximum benefit, therefore it is recommended to eat them daily.

The same applies to fats, the most useful of them are vegetable, and animals do not have any good for the body. Therefore, the diet must contain vegetable oils, they are in nuts, seeds, avocados.

What calories should be consumed for health and a beautiful figure

Now the key point - how many people should consume calories a day for weight loss and where they should be scooped. After all, you can, for example, 1500 calories to eat with vegetables, fruits and cereals and at the same time feel great and reduce weight, or eat less fast food, baked goods and other harmful products while gaining weight and increasing the fatty layer.

The moral is that it is important not only to correctly calculate the caloric content of the diet, but also to remove from it unnecessary products that do not have any good. You can do this only if you clearly see everything that has been eaten recently. Many complain that they eat very little and do not lose weight. Refusal to eat is not a way out, there is so much to not have a constant feeling of hunger, but not overeat.

How to Lose Weight Without Victims

So, if you determine as precisely as possible how many people should consume calories per day, you can easily create a healthy diet program. It will not be difficult to find the calorie content of each product or you can see this information on the packaging. Do not sit on diets and limit yourself in nutrition, it is enough to switch to healthy and healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish, seafood.

Now we can conclude how many people should consume calories per day. The daily norm for each individual, it is enough to determine it independently, after which you can adjust your menu. And thus there is no necessity to address to the expert if, certainly, the reason of excess weight is connected with a wrong delivery. But sharply and much to reduce the calorie should not be, the process of losing weight is long and should not exceed 1.5 - 2 kg per week.

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