
How many bars are in the cube: we are counting on the materials for building a house

The tree is the most comfortable material that is given to man by nature itself for the construction of housing. A house made of wood is a guarantee of a healthy life, which is confirmed even by scientists who have proved that wood has a special positive energy that allows a person to be cheerful, fully resting for the minimum number of hours allocated for sleep.

What should we build a house from?

The decision to build a wooden house is easy. A more difficult task is to determine the material that will be most acceptable in terms of the "price / quality" ratio. Experts recommend to stop the choice of glued beams, because the use of this material makes it possible to translate into interesting design solutions and really calculate how many bars in the cube construction materials.

Also, the glued bar is devoid of the disadvantages peculiar to a profiled or rounded bar. Glued beam after laying in the crowns shrinks throughout the year less than 1%, which guarantees the quality of construction. The downside is a relatively high cost (glued beams are more expensive than one-third as much), because the price of the box depends on how many cubes of timber per house it will take. Another advantage of building a house from a bar is the speed of its erection. On the finished foundation the house can be brought under the roof in three weeks.

How much will the wooden component cost

Before building a house, it is worth comparing desires with opportunities. There are two options: to buy a ready-made house from a bar or, having ordered an individual project, to build it yourself. In any case, it is useful to imagine the consumption of sawn timber. To calculate how many bars in a cube, you can use construction tables that give the calculation of pieces per one cubic meter for a different section and length of the beam.

If you entrust the business to a construction firm, they give you a ready answer more often, which you can check yourself if you want. However, depending on whether this frame or house is fully equipped, it depends on how many pieces of timber in a cube are needed for construction. The average cost of a log house starts from 120 thousand rubles, and the price of a house in full set-up starts from 250 thousand rubles.

Example for calculation

On how many floors will be in the house, what layout it will have, what will be its living and useful area, the final volume of building materials depends. Calculate the necessary amount of wood will help specialists of construction firms or online calculators on the Internet. However, to estimate how much building material is required for your construction, you can, simply by using the formula:

P of the house × h of the walls × V of the bar (1),

Where P is the perimeter of the house, h is the height of the walls and V is the volume of one bar.

So, to understand how many bars in a cube, you need to calculate the volume of each bar individually, and then how many pieces fit in the cube.

Let's try to make an approximate calculation for a house 8m x 8m, if the bar has a length of 6 meters and a section of 200mm x 200mm. The volume of one such bar will be (200x200x6) 0.24 m 3 . The answer to the question: "How many bars are in the cube?" - "4 pieces". Now we assume by formula (1) - 32 x 3x 0.24 - we get that 1.22 m 3 of bar is needed for laying one crown. The height of the wall is 3 meters, so you need 15 crowns. In total, only 45 cubic meters of timber will be needed for the frame (if we take the average price of 30 thousand rubles for a cube of glued timber, we get an amount of 135 thousand rubles).

However, the beam is needed not only for erecting a log frame, but also for the installation of beams, lags, rafters, partitions, while the necessary dimensions of the bar change . Our advice is to buy the bar with a reserve, because in the course of construction, new ideas can always arise.

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